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View Full Version : Chase and Founder are home

03-25-2004, 09:01 PM
Chase and Founder are two of my foster dogs. Chase has been with me almost a year and Founder for several months. They both spent at least a year in the shelter. Chase got depressed and stopped eating. Founder started to get growly with the staff and refuse to come inside. They are both long, lean, lanky, tall husky crosses. Both a little timid, loud and full of energy. They were best friends in the shelter and quickly bonded again here. Great sled dogs. Both do wonderful in wheel and Founder has leader potential. Being given a job to do has been great for both of them. IT's lead to major changes in their confidence levels. Neither of them really likes men, but they both love my husband if he's got harnesses in hand!

You can see them both at http://www.humanesocietyyukon.ca The site will be updated tonight.

The only calls I"ve ever had on either of them were from idiots!! Actually, the same idiot called about both of them. Buddy, I turned you down for one foster dog, why would I give you the other one!!???

I got some unexpected money today. I used it to pay their adoption fees.

Welcome to your forever home boys.

03-25-2004, 09:11 PM
Oh Glacier, that's wonderful!! What happy news! You are just an angel on earth for those dogs.

I'd love to see new pictures of them soon too! :)

03-26-2004, 02:52 AM
That is wonderful! Congratulations to you all!

03-26-2004, 05:26 AM
Oh Congratulations Glacier!!!!!!
Yet Another Happy Ending In The Great White North!!!!;) :) :D

Hows' Hobo???

I also went and read Boomers' Story....Tear Jerker W/ Happy ending!!!!!!

Yeah Glacier Mom!!!

03-26-2004, 06:00 AM
Oh, Glacier that is wonderful!! :D Congratulations all round! :) :)

03-26-2004, 06:52 AM
What happy news, especially for Chase and Founder!!!! :D

03-26-2004, 09:39 AM
Good for you and Chase and Founder!!!!!!

Congratulations to everyone!!!!

Kona & Oreo's mom
03-26-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
I got some unexpected money today. I used it to pay their adoption fees.

Welcome to your forever home boys.

Tears came to my eyes when I read these words. Blessings will rain down on you, Glacier, for all the good you have done for these dogs. :D

Congratulations, Chase and Founder!

03-26-2004, 10:54 AM
That is great news!!! Congrats!!

I just looked at the website and Chase and Founder are gorgeous!!!!

I looked around at the other dogs and I'm in love with Chili Dog - what a cutie!