View Full Version : merry is hurt BAD

03-25-2004, 04:18 PM
merry has a broken leg. He cant walk, he just hobbles. He is in a ten gallon tank right now by him self with w water bottle close by and toz of treats and warm clean towels.
Please prey for my boy.

03-25-2004, 04:34 PM
What is merry? What kind of animal?

03-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Oh dear. :( What happened?? Poor Merry. Hope he gets well soon.

03-25-2004, 05:24 PM
Aww, so sorry to hear that:( How did it happen?
Hope he gets better soon.

03-25-2004, 05:35 PM
Poor Merry. (He's one of your ratties, right?) Snuggles to him from me!

Desert Arabian
03-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Did he get in a fight with the new rat? Are you getting him medical treatment? How's he doing? What happened? :confused:

Poor Merry. Merry is a rat......

03-25-2004, 07:18 PM
What happened? Did he fight with your new rat? You should know that intros with older males can sometimes not go so well. Are you sure it is broken? He NEEDS to see a vet ASAP! Broken legs are not fun. He may need an amputation or to be casted.

03-25-2004, 07:32 PM
It wasn't from a fight with another rat; Merry loves the new ratty. Anyways his leg is not broken, because he is now moving it and his toes are moving. He took some tylenol and he'll be going to the vets on Monday. :) I'll let Jynnelle explain the rest if she wants.

03-25-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
It wasn't from a fight with another rat; Merry loves the new ratty. Anyways his leg is not broken, because he is now moving it and his toes are moving. He took some tylenol and he'll be going to the vets on Monday. :) I'll let Jynnelle explain the rest if she wants.

Well then the only thing that can be assumed is one of her dogs or cats. How do you know it's not broken if he hasn't been to a vet? If he's in pain and has an injury he needs to go to the vet TONIGHT, NOT Monday! Just because his toes are moving does not mean his leg is not broken.

Desert Arabian
03-25-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
It wasn't from a fight with another rat; Merry loves the new ratty.

Exactly how long has Nimbus been quarantined. Is she really asking for more medical problems or what!?!?!?! :rolleyes:

Just because the rat is not screaming in pain, not walking, with a dislocated leg hanging by tendons does not mean it is not broken. It's either broken or fractured.

He has to wait until MONDAY!? Poor, poor, poor, rat- God, how terrible. Hope you hang in there Merry.

03-25-2004, 07:38 PM
OH jynnelle! I'm praying for merry..

G.W.S merry! :)

03-25-2004, 07:38 PM
Hey now, back off and don't jump to conclusions everybody.

*gentle kisses for Merry*

03-25-2004, 07:39 PM
Well he's been walking on it, he can grab with his fist, etc. All of the vets in town are closed, and I already called the only emergency vet in town to see if they could give me some advice so I can tell Jynnelle, but they won't answer their phone. I suppose I could leave a message. It's a possibility that Jynnelle's mom can take Merry tomorrow, because Jynnelle won't be home until Sunday, but like I said, things can change and so I'll let Jynnelle explain further as I only talked to her a few hours ago.

03-25-2004, 07:41 PM
Well hopefully he can get into a vet soon. I hope he recovers.

03-25-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Exactly how long has Nimbus been quarantined. Is she really asking for more medical problems or what!?!?!?! :rolleyes:

No need to get snippy. He was quarantined for 11 days. It would have been for two weeks, but Jynnelle's mom didn't like the rat being in her brother's room.

03-25-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
No need to get snippy. He was quarantined for 11 days. It would have been for two weeks, but Jynnelle's mom didn't like the rat being in her brother's room. Um, if the rat was in the same house it was not a quarantine.

Desert Arabian
03-25-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
No need to get snippy. He was quarantined for 11 days. It would have been for two weeks, but Jynnelle's mom didn't like the rat being in her brother's room.

When the health/life of an animal is indanger I get very snippy and uptight, sorry, it's just a peeve of mine.

03-25-2004, 07:46 PM
If there is an ER clinic, can't Merry go to the vet tonight? That's what ER clinics are for. He really does need to see a vet, please. :( I imagine he is in pain, and may need a cast.

03-25-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Um, if the rat was in the same house it was not a quarantine.
I thought you could just keep the rat in a seperate room? :confused: Well I guess that me or none of my friends have ever had their rats in quarantine then because we'd have no one to give them to.

Or maybe it was 12 days....Either 11 or 12....that he wasn't with the other rats I mean. Even if it wasn't quarantine..whatever.

03-25-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
If there is an ER clinic, can't Merry go to the vet tonight?
I've never even heard of an ER clinic. :( The only vets in the phone book are regular vets, and there is one emergency vet who only takes care of small animals, but every time I call him/her I get a recording..I could leave a message, but I'm not the one with the rat lol. I'll call Jynnelle..

03-25-2004, 07:54 PM
I just called Jynnelle, she isn't home...The emergency vet in the phone book says that he/she is a mobile vet, does that mean he/she has an emergency clicnic too? I'm only assuming that he/she does because it says they do dental and surgery and I guess you can't do that unless you have a clinic lol.

03-25-2004, 08:07 PM
Sorry Jynelle, I hope Merry gets to feeling better soon, and its not as bad as you think.


03-25-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I've never even heard of an ER clinic. :( The only vets in the phone book are regular vets, and there is one emergency vet who only takes care of small animals, but every time I call him/her I get a recording..I could leave a message, but I'm not the one with the rat lol. I'll call Jynnelle..

An ER clinic is the same as an Emergency Vet/Clinic..

03-25-2004, 08:12 PM
Ok, then we do have one lol. The ad says : Mobile Veterinarian. Small animal medical care at your home. Dental and surgery. And it has the number, which looks like a cell number, so you think that they would answer it. I hope we can get a hold of them before we leave. It's nice to know that there is a small animal vet here.

03-25-2004, 09:30 PM
maybe because my mom doesnt get payed till monday, thats why i cant take him till then...

just send thoughts to him ok....
I dont have to explain my self.
Merry hurt his arm and now it is limp.....
I wish you ppl would be more supportive, I love my pets so much and it really hurts to see them in pain.
I am trying my best here, i shall ignore certin ppls remarks and just thank thoughs who send nice thoughts to Merry. :)

03-25-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Sorry Jynelle, I hope Merry gets to feeling better soon, and its not as bad as you think.

thanks :(.
I love my boy and i hope he recovers.

03-25-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Hope he gets well soon.


Poor Merry. (He's one of your ratties, right?) Snuggles to him from me!
Thanks Karen I will...

OH jynnelle! I'm praying for merry..
Thanks so much :(

*gentle kisses for Merry*
I will send thoughs kisses to merry for you Cath

I hope he recovers
Me to.. thanks

03-25-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
maybe because my mom doesnt get payed till monday, thats why i cant take him till then...

just send thoughts to him ok....
I dont have to explain my self.
Merry hurt his arm and now it is limp.....
I wish you ppl would be more supportive, I love my pets so much and it really hurts to see them in pain.
I am trying my best here, i shall ignore certin ppls remarks and just thank thoughs who send nice thoughts to Merry. :)

Look Jynelle, IF you would save some money or have an Emergency Vet fund you would be able to take him sooner. That is the responsibility that comes with owning a pet, or two or three. Call the vet and ask if they can arrange a payment plan for you, or if your mom can write a late dated check to be cashed when she has money. You should explain yourself, because the story is changing. First his leg was broken and now he's all better? If you hate seeing him in pain, it's a good idea to get him vet care. We are not ragging on you, just trying to explain how your rat might feel. If you got hurt I am sure you would go to the doctor right?

And of course we all wish Merry gets better, we just wish his mother was more responsible. You've told us all several times that you will not get another pet until you are out of your house or have a job etc. Couldn't you have waited to get another boy rat, or girl rat until you were sure that if one should have an injury you would be able to care for them?

03-25-2004, 09:40 PM
i didnt say it is better.

I said he is starting to use it and move his fingers.

I am very responsible.

and I am sorry I dont have money.
I never do, my mom is the one with the job. and I am looking for a job.

Dont just assume i dont try.

I have tryed to phone th vet and ask abotu a payment plan of a post dated check, but they dont accept either. I called three vets in my area.

03-25-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom

I am very responsible.

If you were responsible you WOULD NOT have gotten another animal you could not care for. Besides food, bedding and water there is also the responsibility of financial security and stability, and if you don't have that you should not be adding more pets to your household, period. To not get another pet would be the most responsible thing you could do IMO.

03-25-2004, 09:42 PM
Couldn't you have waited to get another boy rat, or girl rat until you were sure that if one should have an injury you would be able to care for them?

No i couldent have
Rosie and Lily were rescues and they were in way worse shape at their previous homes then they are now, they have a great diet and have a nice sized cage. They are spolied.

I got Nimbus because I know that one day one of my males will die and then the other will be friendless, and lonely. ...

Yet again going on to explain my self...

03-25-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
If you were responsible you WOULD NOT have gotten another animal you could not care for. Besides food, bedding and water there is also the responsibility of financial security and stability, and if you don't have that you should not be adding more pets to your household, period. To not get another pet would be the most responsible thing you could do IMO.

I dont agree...
But thats YOUR opinion. maybe others agree. but a lot of ppl know me in person and know that I am responsible.

03-25-2004, 09:47 PM
For goodness sake, what does it take to make you understand that you SHOULD NOT get another pet until you can care for them properly. Who cares if they have a nice cage, and food. They ALSO need vet care. You can't get a pet and let him suffer just because you were irresponsible and selfish enough to not wait until you were financially secure enough to take on that responsibility.

Rescues are a LOT of work. I know, as I take them in reguarly. There were other people who do rescue who could tell you the same. Why could you not have waited to get Nimbus AFTER you had a job?

03-25-2004, 09:48 PM
i dont know. I just didnt.
I cant take it back, I love them. i love them all. and I am not irresponsible. my mom pays for vet.

03-25-2004, 09:58 PM
Oh for Pete's sake people ... enough already.

I swear, Jynnelle or Jordan could make a post stating, "Today I jumped in front of a runaway train to save a baby, drug an elderly blind woman from a burning building and swam into a raging river to save a drowning kitten." ... and some of you would have something negative to say about it.

Give it a rest already.

First of all, these are KIDS. They don't have jobs, they are completely reliant on their parents for money, transportation, etc. Remember being a kid? It sucks. Kids don't have control of very many elements of their lives. Try to keep that in mind when you are condemming a CHILD for not hopping in the car and driving across town the the ER vet, and plopping down a credit card, ok?

Second, they WILL take the animal to the vet, as soon as possible. Life isn't always fair or great or peachy keen. It would be better if it could happen now, true ... but it doesn't seem like these girls have much control over the matter. What might be better than ragging on them for something they can't contol is perhaps a little compassion and empathy ... "Man, that stinks that your mom can't help you out now. I'm sorry this is happening to you. I know you must feel terrible about it."

What these kids need is some viable advice delivered in a kind manner ... not a bunch of criticism and negativity. How about some practical advice on home remedies, Luckies4me? As a rescue, you know as well as I do, that rescues survive for a large part by our practical knowledge of animal husbandy and in-a-pinch treatments. What rescue has not splinted a broken leg with toothpicks or popsicle sticks in a pinch? We all have. Why not offer them some advice to get them through this bad time ... instead of making them feel even worse than they already do over something they can't control.

The emergency medical fund was great advice ... offered in a nasty manner. Good advice is hard to swallow when it is presented bitterly. Instead of being nasty about it, how about making a new post talking NICELY about emergency medical funds ... how to set one up, ways to save a few dollars a week to put into it, etc.

Remember .... you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

03-25-2004, 10:03 PM
I partly agree with you Twister, to a degree. I would be more sympathetic but when one goes on and on and aquires more animals when they know they live with their parents and are dependent upon them for money, vet exams etc. it makes me angry. I have offered her advice about Emergency funds several times, as have other members here.

I waited until I was out of the house to aquire my pets because I knew I would not have had the money to take them to the vet, buy their food etc. and I did not want to rely on my mother to take care of it.

03-25-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I have offered her advice about Emergency funds several times, as have other members here.

umm when and in what post did you or other pt members offer advise to me about emergency vet funds? huh??? :confused:

03-25-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
umm when and in what post did you or other pt members offer advise to me about emergency vet funds? huh??? :confused:

I've talked about it many times. I am not sure in what posts but others here have told you to save money in case of Emergencies etc.

03-25-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I've talked about it many times. I am not sure in what posts but others here have told you to save money in case of Emergencies etc.

no you havent, and how am i going to save money when i dont have money to save.

03-25-2004, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I partly agree with you Twister, to a degree. I would be more sympathetic but when one goes on and on and aquires more animals when they know they live with their parents and are dependent upon them for money, vet exams etc. it makes me angry. I have offered her advice about Emergency funds several times, as have other members here.

I waited until I was out of the house to aquire my pets because I knew I would not have had the money to take them to the vet, buy their food etc. and I did not want to rely on my mother to take care of it.

I know. I know. I'm not saying this is a good situation she is in. However ... my point is ... she is already in it. She already HAS the animals. The deed is done, so to speak, and what she needs now is some practical help. Obviously, lectures aren't working, if you have been lecturing for some time and getting no where. Perhaps a softer approach would work better? There's more than one way to skin a cat, my granny used to say. HELP her - you have the experience and knowledge. Don't just tell her she is bad and irresponsible. TEACH her, don't just criticise her. That is part of an adult's responsibility toward children and teens. Take the high road.

03-25-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
no you havent, and how am i going to save money when i dont have money to save.

Again, if you don't have your own money and know you are relying on your parents to vet trips etc. you should wait until you are moved out and on your own to aquire any new pets. Now I will end this.

I sincerely hope Merry gets better and he gets into a vet soon for treatment, possible x- rays. He will be in my thoughts and I am praying for a speedy recovery. And Jynelle, I know you love your pets a lot. That is clearly evident in all your posts about them. ;) I just feel that perhaps you should give everything a little time, move out, get your own job etc. Your critters depend on your for their every need, and we know how your mother has acted in the past. Yes, living with parents sucks, I know. Please keep us updated and let us know how he is doing. If you need advice on how to ease pain I would suggest posting to the Rats Rule forum. :)

03-25-2004, 10:18 PM
I agree with you, Twister. I have seen a tremendous amount of growth in Jynelle, and I think she is doing the best she can.. I know at one time I too thought she wasn't as responsible as she could have been but it really seems like she has taken great strides to better herself and provide good care for her pets. I am very impressed with the improvements she has made and shared with us at PT.

Secondly, there are times when emergencies happen that are totally unforseen. When Bassett got sick, was I a terrible mom because I didn't have an extra $1000 set aside for all her immediate vet costs? No. Sometimes things happen that we can't predict. I remember, Cass, when your cat (I think it was Mystic) was injured and you couldn't take her immediatly to the vet, and you posted here about how she was trembling with pain but you had no money to help her. Does that make YOU a bad owner? Not necessarily. It just means that sometimes things happen that we have to deal with as best we can when the time comes.

Thirdly, I don't see how Jynelle's story has changed at all. She first posted that she thought Merry's leg was broken, but now it appears it might not be, only injured. She isn't changing her story, she's telling us what's happening based on what she is seeing at home. Give her a break.

Jynelle, I hope Merry feels better. I'm glad your mom will be able to help you pay for all this :)

03-25-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
I know. I know. I'm not saying this is a good situation she is in. However ... my point is ... she is already in it. She already HAS the animals. The deed is done, so to speak, and what she needs now is some practical help. Obviously, lectures aren't working, if you have been lecturing for some time and getting no where. Perhaps a softer approach would work better? There's more than one way to skin a cat, my granny used to say. HELP her - you have the experience and knowledge. Don't just tell her she is bad and irresponsible. TEACH her, don't just criticise her. That is part of an adult's responsibility toward children and teens. Take the high road.

I am not so upset about her in the situation she is in now, just that it could have been avoided had she waited to add new members to her household. Yes, I have been a little harsh, and I apologize Jynelle. One thing I am just trying to make her understand is to wait until she adds another animal to her home.

At this point all I can recommend is posting to the Rats Rule Forum. I do not recommend splinting at this time because it may cause more harm then good if there is a fracture or break. Unlike other animals rats tend to heal very fast, and a splinted leg not set in the right position can cause more harm than good. My only recommendation right now is to get him into the vet as soon as you can.

03-25-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

Secondly, there are times when emergencies happen that are totally unforseen. When Bassett got sick, was I a terrible mom because I didn't have an extra $1000 set aside for all her immediate vet costs? No. Sometimes things happen that we can't predict. I remember, Cass, when your cat (I think it was Mystic) was injured and you couldn't take her immediatly to the vet, and you posted here about how she was trembling with pain but you had no money to help her. Does that make YOU a bad owner? Not necessarily. It just means that sometimes things happen that we have to deal with as best we can when the time comes.

Yes there was a time Mystic (he's a boy BTW ;) ) was hurt but I took him to the vet the next morning, after the vet clinic saying there was nothing they could do besides give him pain meds. We did have the money, except my bf can sometimes be a hardass. The difference is that after that occurence I took it into my own hands to make an ER fund for "just in case" emergencies. I stopped breeding rats at that time as I was not financially stable. I quit taking in pets until I knew I could afford them, I had the time, etc.

I don't think anyone expects something so serious to happen that is costs thousands of dollars to fix. It's how you go about the situation that matters. We all know you love your cats with all your heart and would do anything for them. I learned from my mistake, now it's time for Jynelle to learn from hers.

03-25-2004, 10:26 PM
Sorry, but I don't think being a kid is an excuse. If we weren't able to support another animal financially, I'd never ask my parents, or even think of taking another animal in. That's responsibility, knowing you limitations.

And although I could say alot more, that's all I'll say for now.. because i'm afraid me being disgusted by this and voicing my opinion would just get a few of you down my back.

I hope this rat gets the treatment and care it needs.

03-25-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Secondly, there are times when emergencies happen that are totally unforseen. When Bassett got sick, was I a terrible mom because I didn't have an extra $1000 set aside for all her immediate vet costs? No. Sometimes things happen that we can't predict. I remember, Cass, when your cat (I think it was Mystic) was injured and you couldn't take her immediatly to the vet, and you posted here about how she was trembling with pain but you had no money to help her. Does that make YOU a bad owner? Not necessarily. It just means that sometimes things happen that we have to deal with as best we can when the time comes.

That is absolutely true. NONE of us ... with the exception of the millionaires and billionaires of the world ... can say that we KNOW we can take care of any medical emergency that arises with our pets. NONE of us can say that, even if we only have ONE pet. I personally know someone that spent over $20,000 on surgery and treatments for their dog. Seriously. They are extremely wealthy people. I am not. If my dog had developed the same problems that their dog had, I would have had to euthanize my dog. Does that make me irresponsible? No. It makes me middle-class.

NONE of us have room the criticize anyone else for not having the money for emergency vet care ... not unless we have thousands and thousands of dollars sitting in a special bank account of our own. We can make constructive suggestions, and offer friendly advice. But keep in mind .... those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

03-25-2004, 10:30 PM
I agree with Twisterdog and Nomilynn. I, very honestly, have seen a positive change in Jynelle over the past few months, and I am serious about that. I was amazed at how people just started making assumptions without knowing details. How can you make assumptions like that without knowing? Ok, we all know, that things like this have happened in the past, but get over the past and look at the present, and future. People change as they grow. There's no need to be so hurtful about it. I know, I KNOW, the rat should get to the vet asap, but please be nice about it.

Ps. Jynelle, I'm impressed with how you handled all this. You didn't get mad and start fighting at all like you used to. You do seemed to have matured a lot recently. :p

Good luck with Merry. I do hope she's alright and gets well soon. Keep us updated!

03-25-2004, 10:37 PM
Just a thought that popped into my mind...

A few vets agree to treat the animal in pain before payments are able to be given. Is there any possible way that you guys can call a local vet/emergency vet and see if this is possible?

BTW, any clue as to how Merry got hurt? :(

03-25-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Ok, we all know, that things like this have happened in the past, but get over the past and look at the present, and future. People change as they grow. There's no need to be so hurtful about it. I know, I KNOW, the rat should get to the vet asap, but please be nice about it.

This IS the present. I could care less what happened in the past. If she CANNOT even afford to take her pet in for an exam, she should wait until she can afford it. How hard is that to understand? I waited to aquire new pets until I had the funds to do so. I didn't go get another pet just because it was cute, or I wanted to rescue it etc. I don't see why you are missing the point here. :rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 10:40 PM
Again, if you don't have your own money and know you are relying on your parents to vet trips etc.
I would just like to point out that it isn't terrible to rely on your parents for money...It is unfortunate that Jynnelle's mom isn't going to be paid until next week. But we don't see things like that happen in these instances. Generally we thik that since they make the money, they'll have it all the time, and it's a common mistake that I know I make all the time. Jynnelle is very lucky to have a mom that cares about her pets enough to pay for them. It is just too bad that the timing was off. My mom would never pay for my rats. That's why I'm trying my best to find a job, and I know that Jynnelle is too.

03-25-2004, 10:41 PM
Look from now on I am staying out of this. If I don't have nothing nice to say I won't say it at all, and people know how I get sometimes so I think that best thing at this point for me would be to shut my trap.


03-25-2004, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
A few vets agree to treat the animal in pain before payments are able to be given. Is there any possible way that you guys can call a local vet/emergency vet and see if this is possible?

Jynnelle already said:

I have tryed to phone the vet and ask about a payment plan or a post dated check, but they dont accept either. I called three vets in my area.

03-25-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
This IS the present. I could care less what happened in the past. If she CANNOT even afford to take her pet in for an exam, she should wait until she can afford it. How hard is that to understand? I waited to aquire new pets until I had the funds to do so. I didn't go get another pet just because it was cute, or I wanted to rescue it etc. I don't see why you are missing the point here. :rolleyes:

Ok Cass, so you were more responsible than Jynelle. Point taken. Not be a little more tolerant. We all change and I personally think Jynnelle has grown a lot lately. She's headed in to young womanhood and is doing her best.

Say you're poor. Does that preclude you from having pets? I hope not. That's just not right. I guess poor people shouldn't have kids either? :confused:

We all want Merry to see the vet asap, but that's not going to happen. I would hate to be Jynnelle, there watching Merry in pain and having people on my case. I watched Aneko have a seizure last night and it was awful, I can imagine how she feels, only she doesn't have the option of going to the E/vet. :(

Sometimes it's nice to just have a kind word in a hard time.

Jynnelle, I hope Merry's ok. :( Please keep us updated.

03-25-2004, 11:01 PM
Cass just PM'd me and wants to stay out if the thread, but she does apoligoze for being harsh. And I think we all know she just wants what's best for Merry, just like we all do. :)

03-25-2004, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Say you're poor. Does that preclude you from having pets? I hope not. That's just not right. I guess poor people shouldn't have kids either? :confused:

I know this wasn't directed towards me, but there's nowhere where it states i'm not allowed to add my two cents. This by no means is meant to offend anyone, so please don't take it as if it is. :)

I honestly do not think "poor people" should have kids or pets. They are living creatures, both kids and pets, and need tons of care. Not having money is stopping you ( if you were poor) from giving the care that the animal or child needs. I'd be absolutely miserable if my family wasn't financially stable to care of animals or bring them into our family. BUT, i'd much rather not have that on my shoulders if I wasn't able to pay for vet bills or whatever needed, this meaning I wouldn't own an animal, or have a child, if I wasn't financially stable or able to have such responsibility.

03-25-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I honestly do not think "poor people" should have kids or pets. They are living creatures, both kids and pets, and need tons of care. Not having money is stopping you ( if you were poor) from giving the care that the animal or child needs. I'd be absolutely miserable if my family wasn't financially stable to care of animals or bring them into our family. BUT, i'd much rather not have that on my shoulders if I wasn't able to pay for vet bills or whatever needed, this meaning I wouldn't own an animal, or have a child, if I wasn't financially stable or able to have such responsibility.

Oh boy ... what a can of worms! ;)

I'll totally leave the "kid" issue alone ... that's for another thread for sure.

However .... regarding pets and "poor" people ....

First of all ... define "poor". How do you?

Is "poor" unable to provide food? Then yes, if that is the case, I'd say if you can't feed a pet, you shouldn't have one. Or is "poor" unable to afford Science Diet or Iams ... but your dog gets plenty of Alpo or Ol' Roy? In that case, I'd say that the "poor" person who can feed a dog Alpo for fifteen years is a fine pet owner indeed.

Same thing with medical care - Is "poor" unable to pay for vaccinations? If so, they that "poor" person probably shouldn't have a pet. But if "poor" is unable to put $5,000 aside for a possible medical emergency somewhere down the line ... then I'd say that person could certainly have a pet in good conscience.

I believe it also depends on where the pet came from ... it's prior circumstances. If a "poor" person rescues a starving, sick dog from a slow and painful death ... and nurses it back to health, feeds it Ol' Roy, and doesn't have the money for expensive medical emergencies in a bank account somewhere ..... yet the dog lives for ten happy years, loved by this "poor" person, instead of slowly starving to death at the end of chain ..... you still think this "poor" person shouldn't own a pet?

Everything is not black or white, Kay. Actually, NOTHING is black or white, everything is shades of gray. The people in my town that are called "poor" might be upper-middle-class in the rural South Eastern USA ... and they would certainly be filthy rich in many parts of Africa. The store-brand dog food that I would never feed to my dogs might keep a "poor" person's dog perfectly healthy for its' entire life ... and I know there are starving humans all over the world that don't eat anything nearly so grand as store-brand dog food their entire lives.

Judge not ....

03-25-2004, 11:30 PM
Wow, I'm not ever going to bother reading all of that, because not even the first few sentences are anything of what I met.

I'm talking about normal vet bills, food - the necessities. Not emergency, because obviously we all can't expect when accidents are going to happen

What do you mean, " A can of worms!" Explain?

<insert a different smiley here, since the poor pixel smiley is considered "oh so rude">

03-25-2004, 11:35 PM
I hope Merry gets well soon!

I can't believe how mean you all are being! :( I'm sure that Jynnelle doing everything she can do right now to help her rattie! Her beloved pet is injured and everyone is telling her that she is a bad pet owner. How would that make you feel? I hope you guys never turn on me like that. :(

And just because you don't have a lot of money doesn't mean you shouldn't own pets. It's wonderful if you have a lot of money, but not everyone does, so we all have to make do with what we have.

Once again, I hope that Merry gets well soon!!! :)

03-25-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Wow, I'm not ever going to bother reading all of that, because not even the first few sentences are anything of what I met.

I'm talking about normal vet bills, food - the necessities. Not emergency, because obviously we all can't expect when accidents are going to happen

What do you mean, " A can of worms!" Explain?

<insert a different smiley here, since the poor pixel smiley is considered "oh so rude">

Maybe you should read it. Just because it's not "what you meant" doesn't mean it might not be interesting or enlightening to read, eh? And if you did actually read it, you would see that I posed that exact question ... do you mean necessities or emergencies? What is actually much more rude than that stupid smiley is not reading a post, assuming to know what it says somehow, and then criticizing something you didn't even bother to read in the first place. Read it and comment. Or don't read it, and keep quiet. But don't refuse to read something, and then have a snotty comment abou it anyway.

Saying something is a "can of worms" means that there are likely to be many people with many different opinions about the topic. It means it is not going to be something that everyone will agree upon, and there is likely to be debate or argument about it. It's a very common phrase, nothing personal.

And, once again ... instead of hijacking Jynelle's thread with bickering ... shall we take this to PM's, please, Kay?

03-25-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Maybe you should read it. Just because it's not "what you meant" doesn't mean it might not be interesting or enlightening to read, eh? And if you did actually read it, you would see that I posed that exact question ... do you mean necessities or emergencies? What is actually much more rude than that stupid smiley is not reading a post, assuming to know what it says somehow, and then criticizing something you didn't even bother to read in the first place. Read it and comment. Or don't read it, and keep quiet. But don't refuse to read something, and then have a snotty comment about it anyway.

Saying something is a "can of worms" means that there are likely to be many people with many different opinions about the topic. It means it is not going to be something that everyone will agree upon, and there is likely to be debate or argument about it. It's a very common phrase, nothing personal.

That's a can of worms! :P And no, I don't feel like reading much right now as i'm trying to post photos from today. :)

As I stated before I typed, I was adding my two cents. And that's all it was, and probably all it's worth. Now, lets put this thread back on track.

03-26-2004, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr

on my shoulders if I wasn't able to pay for vet bills or whatever needed, this meaning I wouldn't own an animal, or have a child, if I wasn't financially stable or able to have such responsibility.
Jynnelle's family IS financially stable. Her mom just doesn't get paid until monday. It costs over $80 to get a check up and an X-ray, and I know that you can't very well expect everyone to have $80 in their back pocket.

Jynnelle is very lucky to have a mom that will pay for her and her rats. My mom can't stand my rats, and her resentment of them is automatically rubbed off on me. Just like my mom won't pay for my rats to go to the vet, she won't take me to the doctor. I have to get my grandma to take me to the doctor and my rats to the vet. Yes, we are considered "poor" and this is the reason we don't have Timber --- my aunt was moving out and that left us with less money, especially since my mom just lost two of her assets --- and that is one of the most difficult things to go through; to lose your best friend just like that. I'd hardly like Jynnelle to lose one of her pets because other people claim she can't afford it when I know her parents can, and they will take her rats to the vet as soon as they get paid. Sorry to start talking about myself when I'm really irrelevant in this situation. Just making a comparison.

I'm really glad that Merry is walking on his leg and grabbing things. It seems as if he's much better than before, and I can't wait to hear the report from the vet. :) I hope he gets well soon, and I'll be here to cheer him on. He's a sweet guy.

03-26-2004, 12:16 AM
Just for the record, I never claimed that Jynnelle or her parents weren't financially stable enough. I was answering/responding the the post Micki made.

03-26-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by micki76

We all want Merry to see the vet asap, but that's not going to happen.

he is going to the vet ASAP, which stands for As Soon AS Possible ;)

03-26-2004, 12:24 AM
Jynnelle, do you know how he got hurt? How does he look now?

03-26-2004, 12:48 AM
Get well soon Merry! :)

03-26-2004, 01:34 AM
HUSH everyone! Stop arguing! Merry is going to get the help he needs. The last thing a distressed owner who is doing the best she can for her baby needs is to be ragged on nonstop! I know how expensive it is to take a rat to the vet, andI know how it feels when they suck your bank account dry...time and time again.

I admit that I made do with an OTC mite treatment that didn't really work for about a week while I waited for my paycheck when Chloe got mites, so now everyone can take a turn on me.


Oh, and I'm starting another thread for GOOD thoughts for Merry.

03-26-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
he is going to the vet ASAP, which stands for As Soon AS Possible ;)

Sorry, I should have said right now. :)

03-26-2004, 10:06 AM
WolfChan, I apologized and one of the reasons I stayed out of this thread was so I could stop treating Jynelle bad.

I did want to come back to this thread to offer some advice. Jynelle, I do not know if you have this in Canada, but here in the US we have something that is called Care Credit. It's like a Credit card except it's for people with pets, so that if there is an emergency the owners always have a way to take their animals to the vet, and not have to pay right away. It works the same way a regular credit card does and you make monthly payments to pay off a bill. It's a GREAT card to have. The limit is in the thousands so even if an owner needs an expensive surgery the animal can always get it done. As long as you pay your card off every month it's fine.

Also, you may want to start looking for a job right now since I know you are old enough, just in case something else goes wrong. It helps a lot to have your own money and not be so dependent on your mother. Or how about getting a baby sitting job for extra money? Bathing dogs, walking dogs? Take about 10 to 50 dollars a month of every paycheck if you can and put that in an envelope that is reserved for trips to the vet only. It adds up quick, trust me. This way if one of your rats needs to see a vet you already have at least enough money to cover an exam, and more. You can also ask to volunteer your services at a vet clinic and get to know them better, so if something does happen they know you are trustworthy and are more likely to set up a payment plan with you, especially if you keep the same vet and have a rapport with them. It does help a lot. Hope all goes well with Merry. :)

03-26-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I did want to come back to this thread to offer some advice. Jynelle, I do not know if you have this in Canada, but here in the US we have something that is called Care Credit. It's like a Credit card except it's for people with pets, so that if there is an emergency the owners always have a way to take their animals to the vet, and not have to pay right away. It works the same way a regular credit card does and you make monthly payments to pay off a bill. It's a GREAT card to have. The limit is in the thousands so even if an owner needs an expensive surgery the animal can always get it done. As long as you pay your card off every month it's fine.

Also, you may want to start looking for a job right now since I know you are old enough, just in case something else goes wrong. It helps a lot to have your own money and not be so dependent on your mother. Or how about getting a baby sitting job for extra money? Bathing dogs, walking dogs? Take about 10 to 50 dollars a month of every paycheck if you can and put that in an envelope that is reserved for trips to the vet only. It adds up quick, trust me. This way if one of your rats needs to see a vet you already have at least enough money to cover an exam, and more. You can also ask to volunteer your services at a vet clinic and get to know them better, so if something does happen they know you are trustworthy and are more likely to set up a payment plan with you, especially if you keep the same vet and have a rapport with them. It does help a lot. Hope all goes well with Merry. :)

Wonderful advice, Cass! :)

We started a saving account when we fist got Chester and at first I just put in $5 a week. We were pretty poor, in our eyes, so I skipped lunches to save that $5. :) Then as we were able to, we put in more money each week. When Chester had to have his emergency room visit and surgery earlier this year, we were able to pay for it easily, and it all started out as $5 a week. His surgery was nearly $1000.00 and there is still money in there! We ONLY used it for this one surgery, it's strictly for emergencies ONLY.

Sure, it took 5 years to build it up, and it seemed impossible 5 years ago, but it sure made that difficult time a lot easier knowing I could pay for anything he needed. :)

03-26-2004, 11:25 AM
I hope merry is doing better! Good luck with him & kwwp us posted on the outcome.

I stayed out of this for a little while, there is so much I wanted to say but again this post has a lot of anger in it. So I will keep it minimal. Please forgive me if I offend everyone, this is my personal opinion take it how you want but leave it at that. I just had to say something, although this is not even the tip of the iceberg.

Granted she is a kid, but that does not deny her the rights to have pets, although I personally think that she should have a limit, there is no way I would of ever had that many pets at one time when I was relying on my parents to pay for it, just because of times like this! But she certainly has grown up a lot in the pst few months or so! I have seen a great improvement in her attitude & how she handles situations, although it looks as if this topic got the best of her. She is a good kid & tries hard just that maybe she got in a little over her head, hopefully she will learn from this. After all most learn the best from mistakes! Again, although you may not be rich you can still have animals just not so many of them & please do not add onto the family until you can afford all animals. I am not rich either, I can pay for good food, care treats etc.. but I can not afford a very major medical emergancy but luckily I have set aside some money for emergancy funds although not much, BUT BEFORE I brought in any additional animals I chacked with my vet to make sure payment plans would be available if an emergancy should come up. And they are.

Jobs are scarce now a days, the economy sucks but I do hope that you are trying to find a job!

And last but not least, please do not get upset at everyone for "wanting you to explain" as after all you are the first one that let us all know about your hurt rattie so you should be prepared to stand up for yourself & explain what happened. And it may actually help you out in a few ways, first of all it won't be built up inside you & depending on how the accident occured it may be very helpful in offering suggestions to help heal your rattie!

good luck with your rat!

Desert Arabian
03-26-2004, 11:28 AM
Jynelle, as a responsable pet owner, won't you tell us HOW Merry got injured? We are only asking because we care.

Cass, that's really good advice! I have never heard of Care Credit.

Hopefully little Merry Man will recover quickly!! Merry, my ratties are sending you good vibes, heal quickly!

03-26-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Jynelle, as a responsable pet owner, won't you tell us HOW Merry got injured? We are only asking because we care.

Cass, that's really good advice! I have never heard of Care Credit.

Hopefully little Merry Man will recover quickly!! Merry, my ratties are sending you good vibes, heal quickly!

oh yeah I forgot to ask cass, does that care credit have a web site or anything, I nor any of my friends, family, vet hosp & local shelters have never heard of such a thing!

03-26-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
oh yeah I forgot to ask cass, does that care credit have a web site or anything, I nor any of my friends, family, vet hosp & local shelters have never heard of such a thing!

I'm sure it probably does. I know not all vets except it or have the applications available in their offices, but you might be able to find something online. It's a GREAT thing, too bad I don't qualify! :p

03-26-2004, 11:56 AM
QUOTE]Jynelle, as a responsable pet owner, won't you tell us HOW Merry got injured? We are only asking because we care. [/QUOTE]

I choose not to say.

03-26-2004, 12:09 PM
Here is some info about Care Credit


03-26-2004, 01:16 PM
Maybe I shouldn't be posting this, but i'm curious as to how you have $150 to go to a meeting, yet no money to care for your pet which is more than likely in pain and in need?

03-26-2004, 01:34 PM
Kay Unfortunately people have different prioritys when it comes to money, and as Jynelle as no control over this, she really has no say on how the money is spent.

I am not going to make any further comments except I hope Merry gets the treatment that is required and SOON, and none of us are perfect or should be judging others too harshly, you never know when the tables can turn and you could be faced in a situation you are not happy with.

PS Jynelle can you tell us why you choose not to say how merry was hurt, was it an avoidable accident, you know accidents do happen, so don't feel too bad if that were the case, we are here to help not judge you ok.

03-26-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Maybe I shouldn't be posting this, but i'm curious as to how you have $150 to go to a meeting, yet no money to care for your pet which is more than likely in pain and in need?

I dotn have that much money any more, our gas got cut off and my mom needed it to pay the company. nosy.....

I hope I am wrong, but am only reading between the lines here and not intentionally stirring things up ok.

you are wrong.

03-26-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I dotn have that much money any more, our gas got cut off and my mom needed it to pay the company. nosy.....

Ok, okay.

You're not one to call someone nosey. I care that Merry gets the help he actually needs. Please don't be rude to me unless you want it right back.

03-26-2004, 01:51 PM
ummm.. ok??? Your the one who took info from my live journal and posted it here.. which it wasnt needed. now thats being nosey... and that post that stated i has 150 to goto Van was from like a week ago..

03-26-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
ummm.. ok??? Your the one who took info from my live journal and posted it here.. which it wasnt needed. now thats being nosey... and that post that stated i has 150 to goto Van was from like a week ago..

I was actually told about that, and checked to make sure it was factual. It was posted 3 days ago.

I guess I just don't quite understand your train of thought when it comes to your animals, and maybe I never will. I guess we can just leave it at that, as well?

03-26-2004, 02:07 PM
I am glad to be proved wrong Jynelle, I actually changed my post, as I thought it sounded like I was judging you, something I said we should not do, hoping to hear Merry has had treatment now, any good news to report?:)

03-26-2004, 02:07 PM
edited cause It was partially rude & childish but im just saying now that these types of posts suck & im outta this one

03-26-2004, 02:08 PM
Maybe I shouldn't be posting this, but i'm curious as to how you have $150 to go to a meeting, yet no money to care for your pet which is more than likely in pain and in need?
I've been to her house, she has no hot water.

Which reminds me; Jynnelle, my mom gave me an extra five bucks so we can split my money when we leave. It'll only be 15 bucks because my mom is giving your dad ten bucks for gas, but it's not that bad. That's almost eight bucks each. We can still afford some snacks. And I'm bringing snacks along anyways. Do you want me to bring some soup?

PS Jynelle can you tell us why you choose not to say how merry was hurt, was it an avoidable accident, you know accidents do happen, so don't feel too bad if that were the case, we are here to help not judge you ok.
It was avoidable, but it was an unfortunate accident. It was Jynnelle's mom's fault, and she's really sorry, and I don't want to anyone to blame her for anything because it was an accident, so we're not going to say anything else. Somehow somebody will find a way to how it all traces back to Jynnelle anyways.

03-26-2004, 02:14 PM
That was what I was trying to say, accidents do happen, even avoidable ones, no-one intentionally hurts their pet, I have had such an accident myself, and I have never really forgiven myself, but it was not meant, and everything turned out ok in the end, but still no-one least of all myself would want any harm to come to our beloved pets.

I certainly am not judging Jynelle or her mother, just hoping little merry can be treated and get better soon. Life is hard some times, and we are all dealt things that we don't like from time to time, we can only do the best we can do.


03-26-2004, 02:17 PM
lv4dogs, I believe it is particularly nosey (though my opinion is irrelevant), because these were not journal entries that everyone on the internet could read. These entries were LOCKED so that only people on Jynnelle's friend list could view them. Therefore, to view them and not be on her friends list, you either have to have a certain code, be a skilled hacker, or something else that is undoubtedly illegal. But, as I said, my opinion is irrelevant. This isn't about me or anyone else here, just Merry. It's unfortunate that we as flawed people have to see other sides to these situations and take blame to whatever we see that has no control in convincing us otherwise.

03-26-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by carole
That was what I was trying to say, accidents do happen, even avoidable ones, no-one intentionally hurts their pet, I have had such an accident myself, and I have never really forgiven myself, but it was not meant, and everything turned out ok in the end, but still no-one least of all myself would want any harm to come to our beloved pets.

I'm glad that you can admit that accidents can happen to you and everyone. :) I certainly have had my fair share of accidents, even avoidable ones. Life is hard sometimes! I'm glad that some are capable of working through it though. It's good that we all love our pets and try to help them, especially when we can blame ourselves for an accident. I know how bad it felt when Frisco got worms and I didn't have enough money to take him to the vet. I blamed myself so much. Jynnelle saved me though -- she lent me some ivermectin, and he got better! :D

03-26-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
lv4dogs, I believe it is particularly nosey (though my opinion is irrelevant), because these were not journal entries that everyone on the internet could read. These entries were LOCKED so that only people on Jynnelle's friend list could view them. Therefore, to view them and not be on her friends list, you either have to have a certain code, be a skilled hacker, or something else that is undoubtedly illegal. But, as I said, my opinion is irrelevant. This isn't about me or anyone else here, just Merry. It's unfortunate that we as flawed people have to see other sides to these situations and take blame to whatever we see that has no control in convincing us otherwise.

If you're talking about me knowing aobut the $150 thing -- it was a public entry. (And I'm not saying that you implied that or anything, just saying so everyone else doesn't think i'm a hacekr or something. :p )

03-26-2004, 04:26 PM
I think we all should just respect her decision not to elaborate on what happened, whether we know or not does not change anything, it happened unfortunately, accidents do from time to time, let us just hope Merry will be fine, thats what really matters here, and I am sure a lesson has been learn't anyhow, bet it won't happen again.

03-26-2004, 06:48 PM
What happened was NOT Jynelle's fault and it's entirely her business whether she tells anyone or not.

I dont' balme her for not telling. Like she said earlier, someone will find a way to make it her fault. :(

03-26-2004, 06:53 PM
At this point does it really matter what happened? Accidents do happen, I know, I've had plenty. Jynelle I want to apologize for being harsh. I do hope you look into care credit as it could really come in handy. :)

Once, Dylan got bit by a rat. He needed 16 stitches. He had to go to the ER and was bleeding horribly. We had to watch as they strapped him down so he couldn't move. It's the worse thing a parent could see. It was horrible! :( He cried even more from being restrained. All in all it could have been avoided, but it was an accident. It was a rescue rat I already knew had a bad temper, but unfortunately Dan forgot to shut the door and it only took a few seconds for this to occur. It was a HORRIBLE mistake, but a mistake none the less. I am sure Jynelle feels the same way and will get him the treatment he needs when the time comes. Us bitching about it is not going to make a difference when she takes him in.

Now lets just stop bickering and go read the other thread about happy thoughts for Merry. I stepped back before when I knew I was being harsh, and I know I would not want the same to happen to me if one of my pets were ill. Lets just move on and wish Merry well. :)

03-26-2004, 07:39 PM
Get well soon Merry:)

03-26-2004, 10:55 PM
Jynnelle said she chooses not to explain how the rat got hurt. She said it very plainly. It is not difficult to understand - she is choosing not to explain. That is her right and her choice.

Asking her a dozen more times is quite uncalled for.

Leave it alone. It's obviously none of our business if she doesn't choose to make it so.

I can certainly empathise with her not wanting to explain. Any thing she said would be held against her, and she'd have a dozen people jumping all over her again.

Let it go, people. Your behavior in this thread is becoming quite childish and obnoxious. Say something nice or close your mouths. It's called common courtesy.

03-27-2004, 09:49 PM
Twisterdog, I think you are being a tad harsh here, no-one was being childish or obnoxious in my opinion, although I did not agree with some of the comments myself, and I respect Jynelles wishes and also agree accidents do happen, most of the people who did voice a disagreeable opinion did it out of pure concern nothing else.JMHO.:)

03-28-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by carole
Twisterdog, I think you are being a tad harsh here, no-one was being childish or obnoxious in my opinion, although I did not agree with some of the comments myself, and I respect Jynelles wishes and also agree accidents do happen, most of the people who did voice a disagreeable opinion did it out of pure concern nothing else.JMHO.:)

Yes, I suppose you are right ... if one were to only look at this one thread out of context. I probably sound a bit harsh here because I am simply sick and tired of the the same little cliche ganging up on Jynelle and Jordan every time they post anything. It gets old fast, and it degrades this website for the rest of us.

And, probably having said much too much already, I will now bow out of this thread, before it becomes even uglier than it has already become.

03-28-2004, 09:10 PM
Honestly Twisterdog, I do not think this thread will turn ugly, it had its moments,but it all seems to have been cleared up , with apologies given and accepted (I think) sometimes when people are very concerned about the welfare of another's animal, their emotions run away with them , and maybe say too much, I know what you mean, I have seen threads before concerning Jynelle and her pets and they have turned particularly nasty, which is a shame, because deep down we all just really care about our pets.

I would have to agree education, help,and positive messages to Jynelle would be of far more benefit than berating her, especially for something she did not even do, however we are all human, and sometimes we just don't always say or do the right thing, we are all guilty of that somewhere in our lives I am sure.

Well enough said, let us just hope Merry is well on the road to recovery now, any news Jynelle?:)

05-11-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
It wasn't from a fight with another rat; Merry loves the new ratty. Anyways his leg is not broken, because he is now moving it and his toes are moving. He took some tylenol and he'll be going to the vets on Monday. :) I'll let Jynnelle explain the rest if she wants. I'm glad to read that Merry is feeling better, but Tylenol can kill cats and dogs. I don't know about giving it to rats, but I would never take that kind of risk without talking to a vet! Rats are great creatures. I had several during my lifetime, but none lately. Please talk to the vet about that Tylenol though O.K? Jan

guster girl
05-11-2004, 07:27 PM
Good lord, this thread was hard to read. Nasty. I just am curious how the rat is doing.....any more updates? I may have missed a newer thread about his progress, but, I'm curious, now, how Merry is doing....

Desert Arabian
05-11-2004, 07:36 PM
You won't get any updates for the meer fact that Jynelle is not around anymore.....:cool: You can try e-mailing her maybe!?

I hope Merry is still alive and well.

05-11-2004, 07:46 PM
Jynelle is having trouble logging in, I hope to get that solved soon, so she'll be back, folks.

guster girl
05-11-2004, 08:19 PM
Cool, I hope she gets logged in and can update us on Merry's leg!

05-11-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I'm glad to read that Merry is feeling better, but Tylenol can kill cats and dogs. I don't know about giving it to rats, but I would never take that kind of risk without talking to a vet! Rats are great creatures. I had several during my lifetime, but none lately. Please talk to the vet about that Tylenol though O.K? Jan

Tylenol is safe for rats. ;)

05-11-2004, 11:37 PM

QueenScoopalot: Cass keeps us all in check where the ratties are concerned, please leave the rat expert advice to her! :) Jynelle gets enough flak from some people here without other people coming in and saying "Well, that MIGHT be a bad thing to do!"

Hey, how is Merry-boy? :)

05-11-2004, 11:47 PM
I'm with you on that, WolfChan, I miss her too.


05-12-2004, 12:59 AM
This has been a hard thread for me to read, but I got through it....
My thoughts exactly! I was sort of once in Jynelle's shoes before, although I didn't have a whole lot of animals, Floyd, a wonderful parrot, came to me with mites. I simply came to Pet Talk with a request for advice while my husband was on the phone with a bird vet getting the advice we needed to get that problem resolved-I was too attacked by well-meaning PT peers, and was very hurt by that-so Jynelle I am so sorry Merry has been injured and also sorry that your peers were harsh, I hope both you and Merry are alright. I know you will nurse and take care of him the best you can; it is obvious that you love him and I know you will get him to the vet asap. I am proud of luckies4me for her conscience in apologizing to you, it takes a good person to know when they have said things harshly and take action to correct that, she also had some really good advice. When these threads become hurtful, I think maybe i wouldn't want to share any unfortunate situations if they were to happen as I would not want to endure such harshness. My point is, I hope we will all be kind when we try to give our very different opinions...I know that we are all good people, we have to be to open our hearts and our homes to animals and then love them so much that we join a forum where we can talk to others about them and learn from the wisdom of others here to better care for our fur and feathered friends. :)
My prayers will be with Merry tonight, and with Jynelle too!

05-12-2004, 01:27 AM
I don't think we should rely on any single person for advice. We each bring something different to the table. Some of us catch things that others don't. I think its always the best advice to call a vet instead of relying on online secondhand information. I don't see anything wrong at all with Queenscoopalot's post. She wasn't giving flack, but showing concern in my opinion.

It may look like a harsh thread, but there is a lot of history behind it. I can see the situation from both sides, but the people who seem to be harsh are really just concerned.

05-12-2004, 01:07 PM
I have had a lot of trouble logging in these past couple weeks, my computer said that I wasnt a registered member of PT, and I know for a fact that I am....

Now it is working... :confused:

Merry is fine he is walking on his leg and everything, he acts as if his leg was never injured.... :eek:

05-12-2004, 01:24 PM
Jynnelle, so good to hear from you!! I hope you are going to post some good stuff, I always enjoy your posts! Don't stay away so long, next time. How is Jordan, I hadn't heard from her either. You two needs to get back in the swing of things and start posting again.

I would really love to see some pictures of Tikeya! And the rest of your furry babies.

Have you grauated yet?


05-12-2004, 05:58 PM
:) Oh how good it is to hear that Merry is feeling better today! Good work Jynelle, I know you must have tended to him and helped him get better, and maybe he wasn't hurt as bad as you first thought...us mom's tend to go overboard with our worries for our babies, don't we?;) I do the same thing with my human babies and my animal babies, i take something small and worry until it is much worse sounding than it really is-that's just love!:) I suppose you will still get the little leg checked out Monday won't you, just to be on the safe side? Well, keep us posted on Merry, you and Merry were sure in my thoughts and prayers last night. You will continue to be in them too.

05-12-2004, 07:07 PM
*POUNCE* Yay! You're back!

Good to hear that he's doing well!!

05-12-2004, 07:12 PM
Merry is totally fine, no need to goto the vet anymore.

05-12-2004, 08:04 PM
Merry is totally fine now, no need to go to the vet now.
That is wonderful news , Jynelle! Tell Merry, that I am thrilled he is not in any pain and is able to walk around easily now!

05-12-2004, 08:33 PM
I am so happy Merry is better! Glad you are a good mommy. You must have been very frightened and worried! I am Sorry about being so late catching this!

I'm sorry that you had some hard things said to you. People gets excited when an animal gets hurt! I know they never meant anything harsh that was said.

Kindness would have been better to use at a time like this. Humans make mistakes and say harsh things. We all can't be as sweet as out pets.

Hugs to you and Merry.


05-12-2004, 08:38 PM
Jynelle, im glad your back! Does this mean you will be back for awhile? (HOPEFULLY!) I have missed ya around the board..

Glad to hear that merry is better, it's great news!

05-13-2004, 04:17 PM
Great news Jynelle, and hey Welcome back.:)

05-13-2004, 06:59 PM
I agree with you amoore!!! In hard times, we need encouragment and kind advice. And, you were absolutely right, we can never be as kind as our pets! I am proud though, that apologies were made, I know Jynelle was already really stressed , worrying about Merry or she would have never written to us at Pet Talk looking for kind advice...she got lots of good advice, and she done what was needed to be done for him and now he is better! Way to go Jynelle for being a good mommy.
How is he today Jynelle?

05-13-2004, 11:33 PM
he is fine.
this thread was made on March 25th he has had a long time to heal.

05-13-2004, 11:55 PM
March 25th? Wow! That was a while back, I think trayi52 said that it was a while back, but I thought it was recent because the thread said 5-12, I think, If I am remembering correctly. I don't really know how it got on there like it was recent...:confused:
Well, anyway, I am glad Merry is doing well, and sounds like he has had lots, and lots of time to heal, so give him a little tiny hug from me! ;)

guster girl
05-14-2004, 06:13 PM
You're probably reading the "last post" date. :)

05-14-2004, 08:57 PM
Yep, I guess that is why I thought it was recent.

How is everyone tonight?