View Full Version : Update on Gigi

03-25-2004, 04:08 PM
She was "normal" last nite and back to "stay-in-the-cage" not wanting to come out this morning. She did eat some of her breakfast and she still take treats. Just that she seems like she is super tired. So I let her stay in her crate and the more I thought about it at work the more I don't like the feeling, so I came home and take her to the vet to make sure she is fine and that it's ok for her to have her spaying tomorrow. The vet checked her and she is perfectly fine. So I am going to bring her in as planned and they will do some kind of blood work before the spaying and if there is anything wrong we will postpone it. So we came home, she went to the den the first thing :( I am like "oh no!". Then I made her come out and started playing with her with her new toy and she started to come alive! She was playing and eating and drinking. I let her run around the whole house (usually she can only run around the living room). And boy was she excited... she run in and out of my room and sniff everything in my room (that's one reason I don't want her in my room... there are way too much stuff in there.). She now looks like a perfectly healthy sausage and she even pooped in my room!!! :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :o Here are some pictures from today...

I love the movement in this picture. :D

Resting in her crate.

Just standing there

Gigi in her new bandana! Such a pretty girl. She hates it at first, but the treat did the trick.

More in the next post...

03-25-2004, 04:10 PM
Kill the duck!

Right now she is resting on my lap... she has been running, playing and exploring for like an hour now. I just hope she will be fine and they will not find anything bad tomorrow and that she is just tired and the spaying will go fine. Good thoughts for Gigi please!!!

03-25-2004, 04:22 PM
AW! Gigi is SOO cute! Im glad to hear she is coming around again! :D

03-25-2004, 04:28 PM
That's good news Jen. I'm sure you're feeling a bit better, having gotten a good report from the vet. Perhaps it is just a phase? Have you tried taking the crate away for a day to see how she responds without having it to run to? I have to admit, it's perplexing! She's always been such a happy little sausage:) Hopefully the pre-op blood work results will be within normal limits too so she'll get the all clear for her surgery. Try and hang in there Jen and try not to worry too much; not easy, I know:)

Hey little Gigi! So glad to hear you're back to your old self, cutie pie!:D Your Mommy's been so worried about you and we too! You look so beautiful in your new Spring bandana Gigi; pink is definitely your color!:) Hugs to you Gigi! Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your Mommy tomorrow sweetheart:)

Miss Meow
03-25-2004, 04:46 PM
She's looking gorgeous! I love the aero ears in the first picture - that's what Schnaggles does when he runs!

I hope the blood work is OK and she can have her operation tomorrow.

Maybe she is picking up on your stress about the surgery?

She looks so sweet wearing her new bandana :)

03-25-2004, 06:23 PM
Oh Jenfer, it is such a good thing you don't live close. I'm sure you would find me on your doorstep trying to entice that little cutie away. I just love dachshunds and she is such a sweetheart.

Isn't it terrible that we're all glad she pooped in your room? When mine are sick, I find that a sign that they are getting better.

Muffin will go through days where she just doesn't want to be bothered with anyone. She'll go lay on the couch all alone and if you pick her up to hold her, she jump down and go back to the couch. We'll hope what's happening is just a stage she's going through.

My prayers are that the bloodwork comes out fine!

03-25-2004, 07:06 PM
Those are great pics, glad to hear she is feeling pretty good! Rebel and Claire go to the vet tomorrow for checkups and Rebel gets some boosters.

03-25-2004, 07:41 PM
Good thoughts for sweet Gigi tomorrow. She'll be back to normal before you know it.

Glad to see she pooped, even if it was in your room :eek:!

Personally, I think she's just growing up. When Chester first started the "lazy" grown up stage, I though he was sick too. He was just growing up and calming down. :)

03-25-2004, 09:24 PM

I LOVE those ears!! :D Gigi, you are too cute!

I'm glad to hear things are getting back to normal. I hope your surgery goes well, you'll be in our thoughts, Gigi!

03-25-2004, 09:43 PM
OH Gigi! You are toooooooooo cute! That first one wiht your ears flopping all over is priceless!

Jen - give her some cuddles and kisses for me, okay?

03-25-2004, 10:04 PM
Thank you everyone for your good thoughts. Gigi is acting very normal since we have returned from the vet. To top off "gift of poo" she gave me earlier, she "watered" my carpet too. :eek: :rolleyes: :o :) :D Gigi wants to give everyone sloppy kisses for your kindness.

And her action picture is on my desktop right now. :D

03-25-2004, 11:10 PM
My GOSH, that's a cute dog! :eek:

Glad she's feeling better!

03-26-2004, 03:20 PM
How's Gigi doing? Did she have sirjury??? Check in when you can Jen.

03-26-2004, 04:32 PM
They did the sirjury. I called the vet around 1 (it's 2:36 now), she just woke up and everything is fine. And I got to pick her up around 5ish. I am sure I will post again when she is home. I miss my little girl already. :)

Miss Meow
03-27-2004, 01:11 AM
I'm glad she's OK :)

She will probably be listless and not eat or drink much when she gets home, but I know she has a wonderful nurse to bring her back to her normal self :)

03-27-2004, 04:20 AM
Hope you're doing well sweetie, and your mommy too:) Lots of get well hugs and kisses to you peanut. And no messing with your zipper now!;)

03-27-2004, 01:47 PM
yay! im so glad to hear shes back to normal and the spay went well! perhaps she was just bored that day. hugs to gigiiii

03-27-2004, 04:05 PM
Gigi says thank you! She is on my lap right now waiting impatiently for me to be done with it so we can go out. ;)