View Full Version : A few horse photos

03-25-2004, 04:01 PM
I meant to post these photos a while ago but forgot.
These photos were taken in December at a local horse farm.

Here's my daughter checking out the horses in the field.

The horses decided to come closer to check out my daughter.

This Morgan yearling colt was really friendly.

He let my husband pet him too.

I have a few more photos in the next post.

03-25-2004, 04:06 PM
Here he was stretching out hoping for a kiss.:p

Another cute photo of him.

I think this photo is funny.:)

This is the last one, his mane was all messy from the wind.

That's all the photos.
Hope you liked them. :)

Sweet Sixy
03-25-2004, 05:01 PM
Aww, they're so sweet.
I am attaching a funny photo of my horse Sweets from last spring. RIP baby girl.

03-25-2004, 06:35 PM
Awww those are all really cute pictures. i love the expression on your horse, sweet sixy

Desert Arabian
03-25-2004, 07:34 PM
CUUUUUUTE! That Morgan colt reminds me of Jack (the QH/Morgan) *heart gets heavy, eyes water*, I miss Jack so much. Can't wait to see him this summer, Spirit too! :p In a couple of the pictures the colt reminds me of an Arabian for a split second, kinda has the facial structure and smaller head-or maybe I'm seeing things since I'm tired, ha ha. :p

Your daughter is a cutie! She loves horses, I gotta love her! :D :D

03-25-2004, 10:48 PM
Gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

03-26-2004, 12:32 PM
Very cute photos!Real thanx for sharing them! I liked them very much! Morgan is such a sweetie!;)

03-26-2004, 03:27 PM
Thanks everyone.:)
Sweet Sixy, I love that photo, it's so funny.:D
It's nice to see a new horse lover here on Pet Talk.

YLL, that Morgan yearling still has a baby face so he does look a bit Arabian in some photos.
It is a Morgan breeding farm so I know that those 3 horses in the field were all Morgans.

YLL, I decided to start my daughter early to be a horse-lover like me.
My daughter has been riding almost two years now.
Hopefully she will get to ride in her first horse show this summer.

Desert Arabian
03-26-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
YLL, that Morgan yearling still has a baby face so he does look a bit Arabian in some photos.
It is a Morgan breeding farm so I know that those 3 horses in the field were all Morgans.

YLL, I decided to start my daughter early to be a horse-lover like me.
My daughter has been riding almost two years now.
Hopefully she will get to ride in her first horse show this summer.

Oh, lol, I wasn't doubting you about the horse being a Morgan. I was just saying that's kinda neat how it resembles an Arabian in a way.

That's awesome. I hope she does well in her show! Be sure to take tons of pictures, I wanna see them!! :D

03-26-2004, 03:57 PM
YLL, I just looked up the Morgan breed standard and it does mention large eyes and a slightly dished face which sounds a lot like an Arabian to me!
So I can see the resemblence too.

I can't wait for mud season to be over so my daughter and I can go riding.
I plan to have more horse photos later this spring and summer and fall!:)