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03-25-2004, 06:10 AM
YES, I had to break down and see a doctor yesterday. And not only did I see one doctor, but two doctors!:mad:

First the symptoms:

On Sunday I felt (for the lack of a better word) faint. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was intense. And the Wed. morning, I felt real hot and then that same faint feeling, only not as intense.

On to the 1st doctor:

I really do NOT like my "family" doctor. He was only choses because of the fact that he particip[ates in our health insurance plan.
He really did NOTHING. Weight, blood pressure, listened to heart/lungs. That's it! Said it is something we should "monitor". So I went to pay only to find out he does NOT take my husband's new medical plan. :mad: $75 for NOTHING!!!!:mad:

I cried all the way home.:(

A little research on the web found me a participating doctor 1 1/2 blocks from my house. I went down and they are a walk-in place and to my surprise they took me in rioght away. I ended up seeing my DAD'S doctor (what a coincidence).

So the 2nd doctor says:

It is more than likely a muscle spasm. Try some neck and shoulder exercises. But took blood for testing and sent me for x-rays (which I still need to go do). JUST to make certain there is not a worse problem.
Very nice staff, I am glad to be rid of my "X" doctor. I just wish it was not to the tune of $75.......that is A LOT!!!

While I was there I told him abou tmy arm and he confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome. :( Typing and mousing with this splint sucks! :mad:

You know, I recently dropped twice that amount on Lucas' two blood tests and did not bat an eyelash, but spend that on me (and for a worthless do-nothing visit) makes me :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-25-2004, 06:21 AM

I hope you are feeling 100% soon. (And I really hope that the splint doesn't prevent you from posting on Pet Talk).. Is the Carpal Tunnel only from the mouse and keyboad use, or is a result of repetitive movements you make when you are working?

I know what you mean about not minding spending the money on Lucas - I have fullk chechups and annual jabs booked for my two next week- it will cost almost a third of my housekeeping budget for the next two weeks:eek: But that's fine - I'll just cook cheaper meals!;)

03-25-2004, 06:34 AM
Jen I'm glad that you were seen by the doctor, even if it took two visits and two doctors to at least begin to LOOK for a diagnosis. At the very least you would think Doctor #1 would have taken blood! :mad: I too am wondering if the spasm might be caused by repetitive movements. I know after a few hours of grooming just my two I often feel "all kinked up." Hopefully the x-rays will confirm what Doctor #2 thinks is wrong and you can proceed toward a treatment and recovery. Remember you have lots of furry ones who need you (not to mention Charlie! ;) ).

03-25-2004, 09:00 AM
Oh, a trip to the white coats is NOT fun. I hope it is just muscular in nature, and some relaxation, warm baths and massage will help. But, faintness? That is scary, isn't it? Take extra good care of yourself.

As to Carpal Tunnel...hmmm...while it is a pain in the wrist, I had the sir jury, and would do it over in a second, if necessary. The relief was instantaous, though, it is causing problems now with my impending pregnant status.

good luck, Jen, and if you need me to come on up there and brush/groom all your herd, I will do it!

03-25-2004, 09:19 AM
Jen, I'm glad the new doctor is right down the street and accepts your medical insurance... I hope you feel better soon and that the tests come back with some information to help you.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2004, 10:41 AM
Oh my! How scary! I'm glad you got rid of the first doc though. And I don't think it's spending the money on yourself that bothers you, it's the giving to somebody who could care less and did nothing for you that bothers you. :mad:

I sure hope the doc is right, but I just wanted to make sure that he checked your heart good too. Faintness and light headedness is one of the symptoms of a heart attack. A lot of times women don't experience the same symptoms that men do (the severe chest pains) so the possibility of a heart attack is often overlooked or dismissed by doctors unfamiliar with heart attacks in women. Obviously I'm not saying that it's not a muscle spasm, I just want to make sure you/he are aware and don't automatically dismiss the heart attack thing. Heart attacks are the biggest killer of women - and we sure couldn't stand to loose you, Jen!

As for the carpal tunnel, my Aunt had the surgery years ago when it was first a new technique. Now that she is almost 70, the only repercussion she has is that her hands get cold fast - but so do mine and I've never had the surgery. I was going to a chiropractor a few years ago that said that 90% of the time carpal tunnel can be "cured" with a chiropractor instead of through surgery. He said "something" is not aligned right and if you re-align it the carpal tunnel will go away. I've never had occassion to test his theory, but it might be something to think about if you really don't want to have the surgery.

{{{Hugs}}} to you and I sure hope everything is ok. :)

03-25-2004, 12:35 PM
What a typical fur Meowmie!! Hates spending money on her own health but will shell out without a murmur for the fur-crew!!

Glad the second doctor was more sympathetic Jen., hopefully it's nothing serious. Fingers crossed here for you {{{{Hugs}}}}.


03-25-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I was going to a chiropractor a few years ago that said that 90% of the time carpal tunnel can be "cured" with a chiropractor instead of through surgery. He said "something" is not aligned right and if you re-align it the carpal tunnel will go away. I've never had occassion to test his theory, but it might be something to think about if you really don't want to have the surgery.

Here is some information about NUCCA chiropractic from advancedspinalcare.com:

The NUCCA Spinal Correction

The NUCCA Spinal Correction is a precisely calculated movement of the bone structure of the head and neck used to remove interference around the brain stem. The procedure is painless and completely safe. It's been said that NUCCA Doctors are performing brain surgery without a scalpel or knife. Indeed, the NUCCA spinal correction may very well be the safest, and most importantly, the most powerful tool in health care today.

The NUCCA Correction is applied to the topmost vertebra on the spinal cord which is also called the Atlas or C1 vertebra. The Atlas is concave on top to accept the convex base of the skull, and it is convex on the bottom to fit into the concave of the next vertebra. Central to the vertebra runs the spinal cord, carrying a host of body control messages from the brain. Between each pair of vertebrae are 31 pairs of nerves extending out to organs and muscles. Misaligned (or subluxated) vertebrae can impinge on the nerves and hamper body function.

The NUCCA Technique is distinct in that the adjustment is only performed on the Atlas vertebra, since the Atlas misalignment is the root cause of body imbalance. The correction usually makes no sound. Furthermore, the direction of the application of force to perform the adjustment is not based simply on the Chiropractor's judgement, but on the detailed X-ray analysis. From the X-rays, a three-dimentional force vector is calculated and applied to the Atlas to correct its position.

What's so important about the Brain Stem?

The brain stem is an extension of the brain which joins the brain to the spinal cord. It is located at the top of the neck. This area of the central nervous system controls all of the body's automatic functions, e.g. breathing, blood circulation, digestion, elimination, sexual activity, and posture (Body Balance). Hence, if the head and neck structures misalign around the brain stem , thus compressing it, the misalignment creates a global postural distortion we call Body Imbalance. This misalignment can negatively effect physical, emotional, and even mental performance. The patient suffering from any disease process due to body imbalance would never think that there is neurological interference at the brain stem level since there are no pain sensory fibers inside one's central nervous system to feel the brain stem pressure.

Again, Brain Stem compression (Body Imbalance) can restrict or distort the transmission of messages that govern the thousands of functions that keep our bodies operational. If the imbalance is not corrected, the long term effect is degeneration of that part of the body serviced by these restricted messages - causing mild to severe pain, lowered resistance to illness, organ dysfunction, loss of mobility in the limbs and ultimately disease.

All healing in the body is self-healing. Examples of self-healing are the repair of broken bones or cuts on the skin. No treatment of any kind can heal these tissues; only the healing forces within the body can heal damaged tissues. Other bodily tissues are no different in this respect.

Yet, self-healing requires a perfectly functioning nervous system free from stress and interference. One that can feed all bodily system with a normal electro-chemical flow thus promoting optimal health.

Please feel free to PM me, if you have any questions or concerns regarding chiropractic.


Miss Meow
03-25-2004, 03:00 PM
$75 for a doctor's visit? :eek: My god, I complain about paying half that for my 10 minutes to get no real outcome ...

I hope you feel better soon and there's an answer to your pains.

03-25-2004, 03:12 PM
Well I'm glad to hear it was nothing major. Sometimes it's worth the $$ to make sure your not really sick.

I hope you start feeling better soon Jen.

03-25-2004, 03:40 PM
Jen, here's hoping there is nothing seriously wrong and you are feeling better soon. Please keep us updated.


03-25-2004, 04:16 PM
Oh Jen, how scary AND frustrating. I'm so glad to hear that you finally were seen by a dr. that gave you a decent workup. When you had the hot spell and felt faint, were you experiencing pain in your neck and shoulder? Were you exerting yourself? Sometimes intense, sharp pain can initiate what's called a vagal response that might cause you to feel faint, break out in a sweat. If it happens again, in the absence of pain, or with exertion, I would definitely go for a thorough workup which would include more involved blood work (caridac enzymes) and an EKG. Are the xrays for your neckand shoulder? Carpal tunnel can be such a misery:( A non surgical approach would be a great first step; can't hurt! Please keep us updated! {{HUGS}}}

03-26-2004, 12:23 AM
Jen, I'm sorry that you had to spend $75 for practically nothing. I sure hope that you don't have anything serious. Please keep us updated when you can. Take care.

03-26-2004, 01:56 AM
Oh Jen, you poor thing. :( As if visiting the docs isn't bad enough........ Take care of yourself and keep us updated! Get better soon!

03-26-2004, 07:56 AM
Sorry to hear about your medical problems, and I hope all is resolved soon.

I have carpal tunnel too, and you really should not be typing right now :( When it flares, you need to stop doing whatever it is that caused it (and mouse work is usually the culprit). Also, please be aware that my orthopedist told me the splint should only be used at night, not during the day.

I am able to keep mine under control without having to resort to the surgery.

03-26-2004, 08:24 PM
Sure hope you feel better soon Jen, and nothing shows up in the blood tests, hopefully its just a virus that will pass, heres hoping, fingers and paws crossed from across the miles, and hugs and best wishes for you to be back to normal real soon.

Steffi N
03-26-2004, 09:10 PM
Jen, I hope that there is nothing seriously wrong and that you feel better soon.
I know how it is. I'm putting off tests I need to have done, but I recently spent $200 to prove that Lovable did not have a UTI.

03-27-2004, 05:41 AM
I went for those x-rays of the neck and shoulders yesterday. For one of the shots, the tech said "turn your head to the right as FAR AS YOU CAN'. So I did! And then he laughed "Not THAT far! If you can turn you head that far you don't need x-rays" ;)

On the reality side of things:

I just remembered a nasty thing called "the deductible" :mad:

I NEVER use my heath insurance and I forgot about the "out of pocket" expenses that I owe BEFORE they start to pay. :( It's always something........SIGH........

As for how I feel:

No episodes (but a very slight dizzy sensation at times)

And the splint, though a pain in the butt, is helping hy arm and wrist not to hurt.

Thanks for thinking about me. :)

03-27-2004, 09:14 AM
I'm glad that you're feeling better. I hope the tests give you some answers.

And yes, that deductible is a sneaky little pest.

03-27-2004, 10:49 AM
Very good that you are getting this checked out by a doctor, and I am so glad that you found someone with whom you can relate and have some confidence. As far as spending money on yourself, just think of it as spending money on the caretaker of your furkids, if that makes you feel any better about it. :D

Obviously there are many things benign and serious that could cause an episode like this. I just thought I would relate that these were very prominent symptoms I experienced when I first had panic attacks (which took many years to eventually diagnose).

Killearn Kitties
03-27-2004, 12:18 PM
The best of luck with all those tests. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

03-27-2004, 12:46 PM
I have been thinking about your wrist problems, I know a lot will be unavoidable stuff from work but you could use a track ball instead of a mouse and train yourself to use your good hand.

My right hand used to hurt a lot until, I got this trackball. I only let myself use it lefthanded and my wrist is a lot better.



03-31-2004, 07:02 PM
I may actually get to start feeling better! :D

Low thyroid hormone.

(and sinus problems)

So a couple of medicines, and good as new, hopefully.:cool:

Steffi N
03-31-2004, 07:09 PM
Jen, I am glad you know now what is the matter. I hope the medicines help and that you are feeling better soon.
Keep your chin up. :)

03-31-2004, 07:11 PM
It's always a relief to get a diagnosis. Hope you are feeling all better in no time!

03-31-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Low thyroid hormone.

(and sinus problems)

I was just about to suggest thyroid, then I read the rest of the thread and my diagnosis was confirmed, lol. I was also going to suggest a hot flash. Menopause can start at any age and your epoisode sounded like what I experienced after my hysterectomy.

Take your synthroid and you'll probably feel good as new in no time. I have hypothyroidism too.

And, I hate it when my sinuses make me dizzy. :mad: I've been that way all week.

Feel better soon! :)

04-01-2004, 09:56 AM
Glad to hear you found out what was wrong. Hope you are feeling better very soon!


04-01-2004, 10:21 AM
Jen, I hope you will be feeling better soon!!! :) So glad you got a diagnosis!!!!! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-01-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I may actually get to start feeling better! :D

Low thyroid hormone.

(and sinus problems)

So a couple of medicines, and good as new, hopefully.:cool:

Yeah! Not that you've had problems, but that they found the cause. I, too, have hypo-thyroidism and have to take a pill every day for it. They're not like antibiotics where as soon as you start taking them you feel better. They take a little while to get into your system and get the thyroid going again, but once they start working, you'll start feeling a lot better, and not just with they dizzy spells. I didn't realize it but I had become somewhat depressed and cranky and now my attitude is sooo much better. It took awhile because the doc started out with a low dosage, but now that it's up where it should be I feel so much better just in general. I've stopped taking claritin because I can deal with my sinuses again whereas before they were just killing me. It's amazing how one tiny little gland can affect you sooo much.

Good luck with the medicine. I take Levoxyl and the good news is it is extremely cheap - as far as medication goes that is. :)

04-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Jen, I too am happy that you have a diagnosis now and can be treated.

Sinuses - is there anyone here who does NOT have problems with them?

My Dr. prescribed Zyrtex - however, my insurance won't cover it and told me to get the over the counter Claritin. At a $1.00 per pill even after purchasing them at Costco - that seems a bit steep to me.

Thanks Insurance companies - soon all we will do is just pay them a high premium and find out they won't cover anything at all.

04-01-2004, 04:04 PM
I had become somewhat depressed and cranky :o me too! I have always been moody, but lately it has been bad. :(

04-01-2004, 07:02 PM
Jen my mother was diagnosed eventually with hyperthyroidism as well, it took a while and she was very ill, and to be perfectly honest her moods left a lot to be desired, she was impossible, so don't feel too bad, once the medication kicks in hopefully those mood swings will get better, and the ones who love you will stand by you through it all, gritting their teeth lol. just jokin. Take care Jen., heres to a healthy Jen as soon as possible.

04-01-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
YES, I had to break down and see a doctor yesterday. And not only did I see one doctor, but two doctors!:mad:

First the symptoms:

On Sunday I felt (for the lack of a better word) faint. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was intense. And the Wed. morning, I felt real hot and then that same faint feeling, only not as intense.

On to the 1st doctor:

I really do NOT like my "family" doctor. He was only choses because of the fact that he particip[ates in our health insurance plan.
He really did NOTHING. Weight, blood pressure, listened to heart/lungs. That's it! Said it is something we should "monitor". So I went to pay only to find out he does NOT take my husband's new medical plan. :mad: $75 for NOTHING!!!!:mad:

I cried all the way home.:(

A little research on the web found me a participating doctor 1 1/2 blocks from my house. I went down and they are a walk-in place and to my surprise they took me in rioght away. I ended up seeing my DAD'S doctor (what a coincidence).

So the 2nd doctor says:

It is more than likely a muscle spasm. Try some neck and shoulder exercises. But took blood for testing and sent me for x-rays (which I still need to go do). JUST to make certain there is not a worse problem.
Very nice staff, I am glad to be rid of my "X" doctor. I just wish it was not to the tune of $75.......that is A LOT!!!

While I was there I told him abou tmy arm and he confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome. :( Typing and mousing with this splint sucks! :mad:

You know, I recently dropped twice that amount on Lucas' two blood tests and did not bat an eyelash, but spend that on me (and for a worthless do-nothing visit) makes me :mad: :mad: :mad:

I know what you mean! I grumble when it is $40 to take me to the vet, but drop $100 on Pixel's vet visits without batting an eyelid ... lol.

04-06-2004, 06:23 AM
Jen I'm so relieved you've got a diagnosis - and hopefully once the tablets kick in and that old thyroid starts up again you'll feel much better.
A friend of mine takes her daily tablet without a thought and is great. I hope you feel like this very soon :D :D

The more I read of the costs you have to shell out over there (and worldwide) for medical treatment - I bless our National Health Service - it gets a regular 'bashing' but when I read of tablets costing $1 EACH!! Words fail me!:eek: :eek:


Sara luvs her Tinky
04-06-2004, 07:09 AM
isn't it funny how you pay unlimited amounts for your baby kats and get all upset to pay a hooman doctor!!!:)

Sorry you had such a rough experience with the doctor...

I went to the doctor once for a chest cold... waited in the waiting room for almost 2 hours before they saw me and the whole time were taking people back that came in after me... (and i had an appointment) finally got up the boldness to say something to them.. and they still took back another person before me.... made me sooooooo mad!!!!



Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-06-2004, 10:18 AM
Oh drat! This reminds me that I forgot to take my pill this morning. :rolleyes: Terry is out of town and for some reason when he's gone I've got the hardest time remembering that darn thing. I stick with the same routine it's just that he's gone so I don't know what the deal is, but I've really got to do something about it. :rolleyes:

04-06-2004, 11:10 AM
Jen, I hope the medicine will work and you feel better soon! :)

04-06-2004, 06:10 PM
I think what it is with our cats, is one they cannot tell us how they feel, so any sign of them looking unwell, we donot hesitate to whip them off to the white coats, whereas us humans know if we need to visit the doc or not,mind you some of us, just try and whether the storm anyhow and not go unless we just have to.

Hope the meds are working now Jen, and making you feel a lot better, take care.

04-06-2004, 06:30 PM
Actually, I DO feel better, thanks.:)