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View Full Version : Tonight is our 1st ever IAL compition

Rio and Me
03-24-2004, 06:16 AM
I soooooo cant wait.
I'm only going for fun tonight though as we havnt "perfected" much of the course (like weave's and seasaw) she can do them but not very well,lol in fact she's sacred stiff of the seasaw,lol.
There might be pics? but i'll let you know how we do.
(by the way the others who are going have been like doings this for years).
but i'm secretly dreaming that we will win and be champians of the night (as one does,lol)
Ky and Rio

03-24-2004, 06:34 AM
Good luck to Rio and Ky!:) You've got the perfect attitude...HAVE FUN!:D You've only just begun to compete so don't let the other doggies intimidate you Rio!:) We're pulling for you!

Rio and Me
03-24-2004, 06:58 AM
I'm so excited and Rio will be when she gets there, its only fun to her,lol
She loves it, as soon as we go down the drivway she's barking and wagging,lol
Thanks Ky and Rio

03-24-2004, 06:25 PM
Wondering how you guys did!:) Check in when you can Rio and Ky!:D