View Full Version : Dylan & Eliot are sick! Meowmie is in Japan:(

03-22-2004, 05:55 PM
I am here just to whine a little. :( I am thankful that my son and sweet daughter-in-love are taking care of things, but sad to hear that Eliot and Dylan are now sick and sneezing. I guess they got what Emily had last week?? Christine (DIL) will take them to our vet on Wednesday morning. I am feeling guilty here because I never took Dylan to the vet when we adopted him but his owner was a vet tech and the shelter even told us he was freshly checked and would not need to be seen again for a year!! We have all his records, too:rolleyes: I will feel awful if it turns out we brought something home with him! We got him in December - could this have incubated until now?? He has always had something like a cough - but not a cough - a hairball sound - once a day or so - never worried about it - now I keep thinking about it!! Sorry, I am being a worry wart but I wanted to tell somebody!!:o
PS Emily is now just fine.

03-22-2004, 08:03 PM
Don't worry!! Kids get colds all the time. :) I'm sure it was just "one of those things," and Dylan probably had nothing to do with it until now. Given his level of fluff, a "hairball sound" is probably just that.

Poor you! Such rotten timing. I know you can't help but worry about them when you're away, even if they're healthy! Try not to let it color your wonderful time in Japan, though. Just keep telling yourself that they're in very, very good hands!

Is Ms. Emily all better now? If so, I'm sure the guys will be recovered in no time.

03-22-2004, 08:04 PM
When one has a sneeze they ALL have a sneeze, so I am not surprised to hear it. They will be fine. A short jaunt to the vet as a precaution, a little medicine and good as new. Don't worry so much. They'll be fine. :)

Steffi N
03-22-2004, 08:32 PM
Colds do make the rounds, among children and cats.
I know everything will be fine.

03-22-2004, 08:34 PM
Poor kitties. I'm sure they will be fine, as the others said.

03-22-2004, 08:58 PM
Oh poor guys. I'm sure they will be just fine and sounds like your caretakers are on the job.

I am glad to hear Emily is better. I'm sure your boys will be just fine by the time you get home.

It does make you wonder how they got it since they don't go outside. Is it possible for a cat to be a URI carrier? Jazz had a severe URI as a kitten and keeps having flares from it. Ripley caught it from her but has never had another problem from it (knock on wood). It would be interesting to know.

03-22-2004, 08:58 PM
Thanks guys! I know they are in good hands. I don't know why - I have had cats for 30 years and never even a cold!! The only illnesses have been the geriatric cancer and renal failure - except kitten worms, etc. Guess the others were just extremely healthy?? I am just being neurotic:rolleyes: I would worry even if they were fine!! It's my job:D

03-22-2004, 09:08 PM
Oh Sirrahbed you are not being neurotic. You are just feeling like this right now cause you are so far away from your babies and wish you were there with them.
Take comfort in knowing they are in good hands and will be well taken care of, no more or less than if you were right there with them.
They will be just fine. Try not to worry and enjoy the rest of your stay with your family and hug all our furbabies as if they were your own.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-23-2004, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Oh Sirrahbed you are not being neurotic. You are just feeling like this right now cause you are so far away from your babies and wish you were there with them.

I agree. But they will be fine, so try not to worry and enjoy your grandkitty and spending time with your daughter. The kitties will be all better by the time you get back. :)

03-23-2004, 11:13 AM
jen , is right , thta there is never only one Cat sneezing , and I am sure that your Cats will be Right As Rain , soon , after all The Found Cats MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEOW For Them!

03-23-2004, 11:26 AM
Just like kids to get sick when mommy's away.

Last year, we had planned a family vacation to the beaches of Connecticut (beautiful place!) and a few days before, Nicki was wrestling with Grant... somehow, he must have hit her in the exact wrong spot with the exact wrong pressure, because she yelped louder than I've ever heard. She couldn't stand and her shoulder swelled immediately.

Grant felt *terrible* especially since they were playing. She couldn't walk and we were taking turns carrying all 100 pounds of her outside to pee. The next morning she could limp a bit, but not do steps.... I was beside myself and swore off the trip to stay home with my doggie. Do you know what my wonderful, sweet son did? He offered to miss the trip to stay home with her! He did, and he nursed her very well, because by the time we came back home, she RAN out the door to greet us home!

The moral of the story? She was left in perfectly capable hands and loved and cared for the whole time we were away (though that didn't stop me fro worrying or calling every hour for updates;) ) She had such great care that she healed by the time we returned (the vet thought she just bruised her shoulder muscle and gave her some pain meds)

03-23-2004, 12:06 PM
(hugs) Bryan and Chris need practice with sick "babies" right?

They'll be fine... but I bet they'll need lots of love when you get home!

I hope it's not my fault that they got sick... did I jinx them?:(

03-23-2004, 12:14 PM
I'm sure they just caught a little bit of the cold bug from Emily. You can't have just one sick in the family! It sounds like everything is under control and I bet they don't even have the sniffles when you get back!!!

You know, it could be that Dylan and Eliot were jealous of the attention Emily got so they are doing that cute little fake cough thing to try to get you home sooner!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Relax and have a good time. Enjoy your trip because it will be over all to soon.

Give Boomer hugs from all of us!!!

03-23-2004, 01:12 PM
They'll be fine, Deb!!! Not to worry!!! ;) Enjoy your visit with your daughter and grandkitty!!! :)

03-24-2004, 07:38 PM
I AM thankful to have kids back home taking care of things but sad that my other babies are now sick:( Christine (DIL) took them to the vet and Eliot is just beginning to get the bacterial infection (URI) and the vet said that Dylan is "quite sick" with it. I suspect he is our carrier. They have been given shots and medication - Chris is taking them to her house and will isolate them to one spare room. Her mom will take care of ALL the animals (they have three cats and a dog) this weekend as they are going away for their anniversary. I just keep thinking that I brought something home with Dylan. I wish I had taken him in to have my own vet check him instead of just believing what the shelter said. Something in my gut has not felt right and I wish I had acted on it sooner:rolleyes:

BUT - I AM having a good time with the kids :D I know God will take care of everything. Easier said than done:rolleyes: :D

03-24-2004, 09:43 PM
Deb - don't worry and don't blame yourself. If Dylan wasn't showing any signs your vet would have never caught it back in Dec. or probably even a month ago. As long as Dylan, and Eliot, are eating and drinking they will be okay. The main thing is you now know and they are being treated. Those antibiotics do wonders but you know that. Look at how well Emily is already.

Ripley caught Jazz's URI but didn't get sick until 6-8 weeks after we brought her home. By the time I realized he wasn't eating and drinking he was a very sick kitty. The vet told me he had probably had it for some time but didn't show it until dehydration set in. I felt so bad but my vet reassured me it was easily missed because they hide their pain and illness so well.

I bet once Dylan is fully over this you will see a more active cat. That is what happened with Ripley. He was more playful than he'd been in years.

03-24-2004, 10:13 PM
If they can get well and heal under shelter conditions then they will do even better in loving hands. It is possible that Dylan has been a little sick but he will fully recover! With the medicine and lots of love they will be ok. You will be back home soon and things will be back to normal before you know it.
With all the URI's that they fight at the shelters I can see why they thought he was ok. If they are not wheezing or blowing green snot everywhere (sorry) then they are deemed well! He could have still been carrying a slight bug. All your babies are healthy, strong and plenty loved. They will get well!!! Don't feel guilty because Jazzcat is right. The vet would probably not have picked up on it either until Dylan started getting sick.
I have seen two cats at the shelter that I would have sworn weren't going to make it. They were wheezing and their noses were just crusted over, open mouth breathing, seriously dehydrated, but with a couple days of antibiotics they were just as good as new! It sounds like your vet is on top of things and your wonderful family is on the ball. They will be fine and you can just smother them with love when you get home.
Hang in there and try not to worry too much. I know its impossible to not worry at all, but they will be ok.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-24-2004, 10:15 PM
I agree with Jazzcat, there is no way you could have known.

But gee, you sit home and not do anything too exciting for months on end and nothing happens. You decide to take a few measly days off and fly all the way across the world and boy does the sh*t hit the fan! Like you say, God will take care of everything, and there's nothing you can do about any of it right now, so just try not to worry and enjoy your time with Missy because before you know it you'll be back home and all you'll have is the memories.

Give that Boomer an extra snuggle tonight when he climbs in with you to help ease your worry. ;) Oops, Missy, ignore that last statement. ;) :D