View Full Version : Finally got a video of....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2004, 03:26 PM
Tubby grooming Peanut. This took a couple of takes because Tubby knows he's not supposed to be doing this, so everytime I got relatively close with the camera, he walked away - probably thought I was coming to scold him. ;) :D But after a few times and he didn't get scolded, he stayed and I got a good video, and Peanut looks so sweet in it, like she really likes her big brother doing this. I think what the problem is, if you notice, he licks the wrong way - against the grain so to speak. If he'd like "with the grain" she might not get so aggravated at him. :rolleyes: ;)

Anyway, hope you enjoy! And just so you know, the only reason this didn't end in its usual spat is because I was hovering and Tubby wasn't taking any chances. ;)

03-22-2004, 03:30 PM
Oh that is so adorable!!!! :D

03-22-2004, 03:37 PM
So cute. :D

I read that the top cat will groom the others. So is Tubby the top cat ?

Edwina's Secretary
03-22-2004, 03:43 PM
That is so sweet! But nothing less than Princess Peanut deserves!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
So is Tubby the top cat ?

Yep, always has been and always will be. ;) :D

The funny thing is he's always been top cat and has only been grooming for about a year now. Don't know what's gotten into him in his old age. :rolleyes: :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
That is so sweet! But nothing less than Princess Peanut deserves!

Yes, but if only Princess Peanut liked it! Like I say, this isn't the normal ending to the grooming session. Usually ends in a spat with lots of Tubby complaining going on - Peanut fights in silence, Tubby does not. :rolleyes: :D

03-22-2004, 03:59 PM
Aww, that is so sweet!!!

03-22-2004, 04:07 PM
Awww - that is so cute!!!

My top cat, Hallie, also does that to the other 2 cats sometimes - but, often times her grooming sessions end with her biting the "groomee" :eek:

Also, when I was a teen we had a bunch of rottweilers (my mother bred them), and the mom of the bunch mothered everything - including the cats!! She used to lick and wash my RB Rudy's face everyday - he loved it (and would tilt his face up to her so she could do it). When she was done, he would be soaked - but happy :D


03-22-2004, 04:10 PM
Awww Debbie, that is So sweet!! :p Tubby is such a gentleman and Peanut seems to enjoy it! :)

One of these days, we'll post a clip with Fister's comment. ;) - if we can get it converted to the right format. :rolleyes:

03-22-2004, 11:00 PM
Aww! That is SO sweet! Mishi does the same thing to Mitzi - licks her fur the wrong way .... she gets some pretty interesting "fur-dos" after Mishi is done with his grooming. Must be a guy thing :rolleyes: :) Wish I had a faster camera to catch the action. As always Peanut and Tubby look SO CUTE in your videos.

03-22-2004, 11:08 PM
Silly boy! Please tell meowmie that practice makes perfect and someday you'll figure out which way to lick (with the grain.)

03-22-2004, 11:47 PM
I love the movies of the cats. They are so adorable!


03-23-2004, 12:55 AM
Cute video!

I wish Mango groomed his sisters just to be nice. Usually he starts grooming and then starts biting - not hard but just to be a nuisance. He usually wants to sleep where one of the girls is and that's his method of chasing her off.

03-23-2004, 01:31 AM
Can I have Peanut? :p

I swear, she's one of the most ADORABLE cats I have ever seen!!! SOOOOOOO CUTE!!

That video is just sooo precious........big brother grooming little sister. So cute! :D

03-23-2004, 09:43 AM
I love the extra "chewing" on the back of her neck... though I'm sure Peanut did not care for it. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-23-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
I love the extra "chewing" on the back of her neck... though I'm sure Peanut did not care for it. :D
:D :D I thought the same thing. I'm thinking "Gee, Tubby, licking is one thing but must you do the little bites too? No wonder she hauls off and whacks you one!" :rolleyes: :D

Thanks everybody. The only reason this is adorable is because it was during the day. 3 times last night I was woke up by scuffles because of Tubby's incessant need to lick Peanut. I tell you, after the second time I was ready to....oh well, you know I wouldn't do anything like that anyway, but it does get rather annoying during the early morning hours - like 1, 3 and 4:30 am! :rolleyes: :D

03-23-2004, 11:05 AM
I am so glad that I got an extra hour on the Computer , as I have been treated to four different Cat Movies and Tubby grooming his sister was adorable. The Siamese Squad is always doing this and JJJ3 grooms his pal John Hnacock , but so did BoBo amd moose , after John lost , all but two , of his teeth.

03-23-2004, 01:55 PM
How cute is that???!!!! Peanut is just BEAUTIFUL and she is being groomed by an incredibly HANDSOME fellow!!

I think you guys are missing the whole point of her whacking him. A girl has to play hard to get in order to keep him coming back!! She is a very smart female!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Felicia's Mom
03-23-2004, 02:12 PM
That is so sweet. Beau licks Felicia, never the other way around. The Felicia will bite Beau. Felicia is the top cat here.

03-23-2004, 03:21 PM
How precious!!! What a good big brother you are, Tubby! I think Peanut was actually enjoying it .... it's so hard to wash well behind your own ears!!!:D

03-23-2004, 08:11 PM
Aww, how sweet of Tubby. He loves his sister.
Maybe there is hope for my senior cats in the future.

03-24-2004, 03:36 PM
I wasn't sure about letting Samantha watch this video, I thought she might be a little jealous of Peanut.;)
Tubby is such a sweetie with his sister, I love the little nibble he gives her and the way he keeps looking up at you to make sure that it is OK for him to be licking his sister.:)