View Full Version : Birdie pics!! *dedicated to Poppy* =D

03-22-2004, 02:32 PM
Yep, here they are! Just got done resizing them :D Enjoy, I think they are Dawn-heavy this time. She's such a social butterfly though :p

Please ignore some of the ugly mismatched furniture.. it was all hand-me-downs from friends and family. We haven't really worked on refurnishing, been putting all our effort into the yard.



I was sitting across the room from her, and she wanted to get to me, but she is timid to fly. She has to work up the courage for awhile, and one thing she does is stretch and stretch her wings.




She did finally work up the courage to fly to me, but I didn't have the camera in hand when she did.


"I'm sitting on a candle-holder!"



The camera focused on the lamp shade instead of Dawn :o.

"Preen preen preen"


"I'm an eagle!"


Queen of the coffee table.



Dusk says "Hey! How did she get up there?"



Dawn: "Neat! Keys!"


More coming.

03-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Dawn and Twilight





Pretty girls.


Dusk on my foot. He always has one ratty tailfeather. Both the girls keep their feathers so nicely preened, but for some reason he always has one or two tail feathers that look sloppy.



Climbing up my leg :p



Dusk: "Cool! I get to be on the coffee table now"


Dusk and Twilight.


All three. Dawn is preening :rolleyes:


Looks like Dusk and Twilight are plotting behind Dawn's back LOL


More still coming :D

03-22-2004, 02:43 PM
Twilight going for a walk.





Twi: "Ohhh a sunny spot!"







I think this is a beautiful picture of her.




Dawn got tired of waiting for me to come back so here she's running to me.



Getting scratchies :D




Still more.. sheesh did I take this many? :p

03-22-2004, 02:52 PM
Dusk sitting on the cactus 'garden'


Then Dawn.


After I put Dusk and Twi back in their home, I let the dogs out. Dawn is not afraid of them, but the other two are.

Tasha and Dawn







Dawn preens (again) while Tommy watches curiously.


Tommy and Dawn




Isn't he such a good boy? :D


That's all! Hope you enjoyed. I just posted pics of the pups too in dog general here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46128

03-22-2004, 02:53 PM
Very cute birds! :D

03-22-2004, 02:57 PM
OMG, so cute and many photos.. I love them all... You have soo sweet birdies;)

03-22-2004, 03:23 PM
That was great! I loved all your photos, and there were so many! I am so happy you posted all those wonderful photos.They are such beautiful Cockateils.

Thanks for the wonderful Pictures, which a lot is still not enough! You should post pictures of these guys more often! Can never get enough.


03-22-2004, 05:06 PM
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! :D Thanks Jessica! I ***love*** all the pictures! Twilight reminds me so much of my little girl Muffin. She looks so much like her!! Dusk is just adorable, with his cute little ratty tail feathers. :D Dawn just steals my heart!!! I think I need to come to Minnesota and steal her from you. Can I? ;) They're all just sooooo beautiful! And I'm surprised with what good dogs you have!! Tommy letting Dawn *ride* him, and Dawn not being afraid at all?!? :eek: Wow!!!


03-22-2004, 05:51 PM

03-22-2004, 05:57 PM
pretty birdies!

03-22-2004, 06:15 PM
"Uhh...Mom...can you get this thing off me now...please??"

LMAO Tommy! :D I just LOVE you, beautiful boy!

Aww, such pretty birdies! Piper loves head scratchies too. Do your birds kind of *stick* out their tougues when you scratch them on the head? Piper does, and I just think it's adorable. :p

Nice pictures!

03-22-2004, 06:17 PM
Dusk is the prettiest (or most handsome) bird i've ever seen!

Awww.. and Tasha.. sooo cute.

03-22-2004, 08:32 PM
Soooo cute! I didn`t know you had 3 birdies!

BTW: what does...preen...mean?

03-22-2004, 08:52 PM
Thanks all!

LOL Julie he was probably thinking something like that. She was kinda picking at his hairs and he would turn around to look at her and I'd say "Tommy, be nice now," and he gave me that look :p I haven't seen Dawn do the tongue thing really, but she does close her eyes and kind of slowly roll her head around until it's almost upside down hehe. Then if I stop, she will kind of reach down and nibble my fingers or do a little pecking thing like "why did you stop?? Keep going!"

Kay, I really like Dusk's coloring as well. I have always liked the whiteface greys, so pretty. He's such a character too, but has never been one for head scratchies.

Poppy, I had an incident with Twilight recently that probably took years off of both my life and hers :o. She suddenly got frightened, I don't know what set her off but she flapped around the cage and I ran to see what was going on. Well she busted a new wing feather coming in.. you know what they call a bleeder? The new feathers still have blood in the quills. I had to do something I've never done, and it had to happen to the girl who is most uneasy around people. She's always been so bonded to Dusk.. Well I had to use a towel and get her, that terrified her more. Then I had to use tweezers to pluck that feather so that the bleeding would stop. She was ok after, but the poor thing was so terrified and I just hated doing that but it had to be done.

Rottieluver, preen is the term used for when birds groom themselves. They use their beaks to groom their feathers, and also spread a natural oil that makes their feathers water resistant. If you dribbled water on them, it would roll off their feathers at first. In the wild this protects them from getting drenched to the point that they can't fly in the rain and so on. It also straightens the feathers and makes sure they are in place. If you ever saw a bird with really messy feathers all over it, it's a good chance it's not a healthy bird because it isn't keeping itself preened. Hope that kind of explains it :)

03-22-2004, 08:56 PM
Those pictures are marvelous!!! :D I am a bit embarrassed that I don't get more of mine!!! :o Thank you for sharing those lovely birdies and the dogs too!!! :D

03-22-2004, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by K9soul

Poppy, I had an incident with Twilight recently that probably took years off of both my life and hers :o. She suddenly got frightened, I don't know what set her off but she flapped around the cage and I ran to see what was going on. Well she busted a new wing feather coming in.. you know what they call a bleeder? The new feathers still have blood in the quills. I had to do something I've never done, and it had to happen to the girl who is most uneasy around people. She's always been so bonded to Dusk.. Well I had to use a towel and get her, that terrified her more. Then I had to use tweezers to pluck that feather so that the bleeding would stop. She was ok after, but the poor thing was so terrified and I just hated doing that but it had to be done.

Oh poor baby!!! Blood feather? That's what they are called. Popcorn got one of those like 2 years ago, but when I went to get a tweezer to pull it out, I came back to find he had pulled it out himself and had a huge smile across his face! LOL! It happened after a night fright. Thank God I have never had to tweeze one out..........that would freak me out. Even though my birds are very tame and I can hold them in any way I want without them protesting, I would worry about doing it wrong and hurting them. It is VERY important to pluck a blood feather out when it bleeds though. I'm glad you were able to do that.........but poor, poor little Twilight!

03-22-2004, 10:14 PM
Blood feather, that's right. I couldn't think of the right term. When I got Dawn, my first tiel, I read several different books on them and so I was educated about what to do if that ever happened, but I was hoping it wouldn't. And then to have it happen to my least person-oriented baby was just the worst. Thankfully, the feather really was pretty loose already. It might have fallen out on it's own or she might have gotten it herself, but I didn't want to take any chances.

I just sat there saying "Oh please God let me do this right."

I don't know who it was the most traumatic for... me or her. :eek:

03-22-2004, 11:57 PM
Very pretty pics of your lovely birdies!! :)

03-23-2004, 01:33 AM
Wow! Those are beautiful birds....and such great dogs, too. :)

03-23-2004, 07:00 PM
Look at those beautiful Minnesotan birdies! (Yes, I have to brag about it, sorry, Jess.;))

It looks like they have so much fun exploring! Adorable pictures!:)