View Full Version : Some fun in the sprinklers...

03-21-2004, 05:06 PM
We turned the sprinklers on today for Jaden and the dogs. Dusty and Roxy weren't interested, but Sarah had a good ol' time. She just loves water.

Sarah doesn't listen worth a darn; she won't come when called. But I'm working on a command with Roxy. I say "Go get Sarah, Roxy." And Roxy will get her and bring her to me. If I tell Dusty that, he goes and just knaws on Sarah. lol. Hopefully I can get Sarah trained eventually to actually come on her own. :rolleyes:



Dusty and Roxy went in for a second...


Then decided to just stay high and dry...


03-21-2004, 05:28 PM
OMG...Sarah is so tiny. I'm not for sure if she even looks like a dog in that pic....lol. Aww...the sprinkler...I remember doing that. Jaden looks like he is having fun.

Robin :)

03-21-2004, 07:26 PM
Your pups are all so cute! Looks like everyone had fun. Dusty and Roxy just had fun staying dry. :p

03-21-2004, 09:07 PM
Gosh, I remember the fun we had jumping in a sprinkler... now, all I think of is how its ruins the grass:p

It looks like everyone had a great time. I dont; blame them one bit for staying high and dry.

PS: I'm a bit jealous of the nice weather. We are still a bit chilly here.

03-22-2004, 02:26 AM
Drake loves the sprinklers too! I used to turn them on and run around with him. No sprinklers this year :( We live in an apartment.

Your pictures are cute, Tonya! And as Robin said, Sara doesn't even look like a dog in that picture. She is sooooooooo tiny!