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View Full Version : A few questions.

03-20-2004, 05:46 PM
Well I know yall don't like me, and that I said I was leaving the forum, but I have a few questions, and really want to get peoples opinions....

Does/Has anyone used a Halti--Click here (http://www.petsmart.com/media/ps/images/products/detail/standard/v/v010/v010374_14c9f.jpg) to help with training their dog/puppy?

I convinced my mom to try and let me work with the puppy some more before she made me give him away and he is doing a lot better with his aggression towards me. I talked to the dog trainer and he recommended that once the puppy was a little older, that I should get a halti to train him with because it really helps a lot if you want to train the dog yourself, which I do.

Also, Annie isn't really trained much either.. She will listen to me, and obey some commands, but I wanted to start working with her a little more and was thinking of trying the Halti thing with her too. Is she too old to start some training with her?? She was born on November 18th, 2002, and I'm thinking of starting agility (there's a local place around here that has all that stuff set up and you can use it to train your dog on) with her shes very strong and has a lot of drive to do something...

Anyway, I don't know if any of this made sense, I was in a car wreck earlier, I'm fine, but still a little shaken...

03-20-2004, 06:09 PM
No one said they didn't like you.

I've never used the halti (or anything other than a collar/leash/harness) for my dogs.. So i'm not sure. I know others have though.

What type of training are you planning on using the halti for?

A bit of advice, keep the puppy with you, on a leash at all times. Connect a leash to your belt loop if need be. This way you can correct whatever he does and you have eyes on him 24/7.

I'm sure Annie isn't too old to train. Simba's 6 years old and he's still learning new commands and tricks everyday.

03-20-2004, 06:36 PM
Thank you for the advice about the puppy being with me at all times, Lloyd (the dog trainer) also recommended that, and that is what I have been doing. I brought Annie and Bailee to the park again today, and brought the little guy along with us... He had a lot of fun playing, and surprisingly him and Annie got a long better than they have been.

With the puppy, I just wanted to do basic stuff... It gives you a little better control over them while training when you use it and it also helps them not to pull on their collars while leash training, so I thought it would do really well with him.

03-20-2004, 06:37 PM
no dog is ever to old to learn. I trained an 10 year old cocker as my first 4-h project. Just taKES PATIENCE AND ENCOURGEMENT. They are like children you have to repeat lessions to get them to learn,some are faster learners than others. I haven't used a halti or clicker I use a training collar and love.

03-20-2004, 06:46 PM
Not used one yet, but considering it. If you go ahead with it let me know how it works out.

Aspen and Misty
03-20-2004, 08:04 PM
I use a head halter. You might want to try putting him on him and let him wear it around the house. When a puppy is young his mother will "bite" on his muzzle to tell him he was bad. Also, a mother dog picks her babies up by the back of the neck making them go still and be caml. This combination will signal to your dog to be calm and it might even help with his agression (recomnded by my trainer)

I use the head haltie, but not to train. I do use it to train not to pull. Other whys I don't use it at all.


03-20-2004, 11:02 PM
Haltis work really well, but I've had better experiences with the Gentle Leader, sporn harness, and SENSE-ation harness. Gentle Leaders are really similar to Haltis but I tend to like the Gentle Leader a bit more. They all work really well when teaching a dog to walk on a loose leash. The main trick is fitting them correctly. There's a video for the Gentle Leader that is very helpful and teaches you how to use it.