View Full Version : Poem + Picture

03-20-2004, 05:32 AM
Simba and I were laying in the guest bedroom.
I was going to go in there to fall asleep with him, but I didn't want to turn the lights out because I just wanted to sit there and stare at him. So I didn't. He sat there and stared right back into my eyes.

I then turned the lights out, and just got in a poetic mood, like it happens alot when i'm just looking at him or sitting with him. After just laying there, just staring at him, but not being able to see anything but his silhouette, he gave me a tiny 'kiss.'

I got my camera and took a picture of him. In the picture you can see a blurr on the wall, that's his tail wagging because I was talking to him. :) I have some other pictures I took, which i'll post in dog general soon or sometime today.

Now, this probably sounds fruity to some of you, but it came straight from the heart.


If you can't read it, here it is..

i don't want to dim the light
without the light I wouldn't see
see the vibrant colors that surround your pupils
see such charactor and expressions you give

When the light dims away
I can see your silhouette
against the moonlight casting through my window
as I run my hands through your fur
I can hear you let out a small sigh
a sigh of love that only you and I can understand
a note that gives me serenity inside
without even asking you
you lift your head
to give me one of your tender, docile kisses.

03-20-2004, 06:06 AM
Kay, I too write things down when I'm overwhelmed with love for my furkids. The poems and odes I've written for/with my guys you would not believe ;) That's beautiful, as is one of my favorites (I've told you that before) SIMBA. Jeez, I love that dog. Your multi talents are amazing :cool: I read to them often and "the look" they give back - like Simba's to you - is so very special, just hearing the voice they love soooo much.

Laura's Babies
03-20-2004, 07:35 AM
That was really pretty! The writting on the picture was awesome! I never would have thought of that! That baby has to feel the love you have, I did when I read your poem.. Such a special bone between us and our pets!! Life would be so boring without them to accept us like we are... Thank so much for sharing that love with us..

03-20-2004, 08:23 AM
Loved it. Very touching. I can just hear that little sigh and I know that feeling.

Robin :)

03-20-2004, 08:26 AM
Thanks guys...

I noticed I really messed up with putting the words o the picture.. I'll fix it later. I havn't slept all night and I was extremely sleepy when making that :p

I'm going to take a short nap then when I wake up i'm going to my brother's to see his kitties. :D

03-20-2004, 10:01 AM
That is very touching. We can definately see that you and Simba have a special bond.

Ooooh, I hope you brought you camera with, so we can see pictures of the kitties!:)

03-20-2004, 04:19 PM

No pictures of the kitties til tomorrow. My brother left, and won't let us go over there unless he's there (although we have before and we have the key) :mad: :mad:

03-20-2004, 08:03 PM
That was so sweet and I know exactly how you feel! I can't wait until Thursday. We're going to have lots of fun. I'm bringing over the Dog Bone Cookbook so we can make homemade dog bones. We'll need a few things like bbq sauce and wheat flour but I can get that when I get there. Our Easter pics are going to be great! Want to go to that huge JoAnns and see what they've got, too. Ours over here didn't have a whole lot. I'm going to do some Easter pics here tomorrow. I want to try and get all three dogs in the pics. If Duke and Nala can keep from fighting. Would be nice to have them all together.

03-20-2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
That was so sweet and I know exactly how you feel! I can't wait until Thursday. We're going to have lots of fun. I'm bringing over the Dog Bone Cookbook so we can make homemade dog bones. We'll need a few things like bbq sauce and wheat flour but I can get that when I get there. Our Easter pics are going to be great! Want to go to that huge JoAnns and see what they've got, too. Ours over here didn't have a whole lot. I'm going to do some Easter pics here tomorrow. I want to try and get all three dogs in the pics. If Duke and Nala can keep from fighting. Would be nice to have them all together.

Awesome! We have a dog bone and a cat shaped cookie cutter that we could use! :D

I was also thinking of getting them all in one picture.. Maybe we could put Simba in the middle?

03-20-2004, 08:13 PM
YOUR MAILBOX IS FULL!! Yep, that's what I was thinking. And, you could post in dog behaviour and see what people think. I honestly don't know what to do. Oh, getting something really cool on my nails on Monday. We'll have to get pics because my camera can't do the closeup thing. I'm saving up for a Digital Rebel SLR from Cannon. Almost all their lenses are compatible with it and it's 6mp! I'll be able to buy it in about 5 months. Can't wait!

03-20-2004, 08:26 PM
Deleted a few PM's and posted in Dog Behaviour. :D