View Full Version : Pictures of my kitties

03-20-2004, 01:01 AM
Hi all!

My name is Diane, and I am new here. I couldn't wait to share some pictures of my kitties (all taken yesterday), so here we go :D

First, my senior citizen, Kitty (he's at least 16) - I was so happy to finally get a decent picture that really shows off his incredible eyes!!:

Here's Kitty waiting (demanding, LOL!) to be fed:

Next up is the resident "Queen Bee" Hallie (1.5 years old):

Here's a full-body shot of Hallie (so you can see her pretty tortie markings):

And finally, here is my Lucky (male stray I rescued 10/03) - do you think he is part Maine Coon?:

Lucky is a very unique-looking cat. He has extra toes on all 4 feet (24 toes total):

He also has just a short little stub of a tail!!!

Isn't he gorgeous? I feel so fortunate to have found him:


*ABYCAT* Alice
03-20-2004, 03:43 AM
Very welcome, Diane!
You really have some beautiful cats! My neighbor had a white cat that also had eyes in two different colors (one green and one blue).
Nice to hear Lucky got a new home. Don't think I ever heard of a cat before with extra toes. He looks like a big cat, and perhaps there's a bit of a Maine Coon in him.
Looking forward to see more pictures of your three pretty ones.

Here are my kitties Tess & Costello:

03-20-2004, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by artemis

First, my senior citizen, Kitty (he's at least 16) - I was so happy to finally get a decent picture that really shows off his incredible eyes!!:

Woah those eyes are sooo cool, I love kitties with mismatched eyes! Incredible. I once met a human with one blue eye and one brown eye - spooky.

Welcome to PT to you and all your gorgeous kitties!!

smokey the elder
03-20-2004, 07:27 AM
You have some unusual and gorgeous kitties there. I've never seen an odd-eyed cat in person. Lucky looks like he may be Maine Coon-Manx, and polydactyl to boot! I love those big old catcher's mitts.:D Your tortie looks a lot like my Mobius.

03-20-2004, 08:53 AM
The Found Cats love your Companions , and will see them in Japan , Saturday at Sushi Fest . Lucky is AMAZING as are Hallie and Lucky!

03-20-2004, 08:53 AM
OOPs we meant Hallie and Kitty!

03-20-2004, 09:54 AM
Welcome to PT Diane!:D All your cats are gorgeous. I only have one cat. His name is Blueberry, and you can see him in my sig:)

03-20-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by artemis


My Word! :eek: You're Kitty looks exactly like my Misao, even down to the mismatched eyes on the correct sides! The only difference is that she is much chubbier, but she's only 5-ish.

03-20-2004, 10:31 AM
Hi Diane and welcome!

Your fur family is adoarable. I love Kitty's eyes. I saw a white kitten with a blue eye and a gold eye at the rescue I visit regularly and almost brought her home - wished I had.:(

Hallie is a beauty and looks like she knows it!:D

Lucky has got to be the most unique cat I've seen. He definitely looks like he has maine coon but I've never seen one with a bob tail or extra toes - how special. His fluffy white 'ascot' around his neck looks a lot like my Ripley's (you can see him in my sig below).

I hope you enjoy it here and I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your gorgeous kitties!

03-20-2004, 10:38 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Diane! :D

Great pictures! All three of you kitties are absolutely gorgeous!!:)

03-20-2004, 11:21 AM
Your kitties are beautiful! Kitty has the most amazing eyes! Do you notice them change more when the weather changes? Lillycat, my mom, has two differently colored eyes, too. Hers change more with the weather.

Now, I don't mean to be mean:D but, is Hallie a NAWTEEKAT? She looks like she likes to get into trouble. :p Maybe because she is a tortie, and seems like they have extra tortitude.

And, Lucky? He sure is lucky to have found a home with you. He has extra special paws..and I love that. Polys are soooo adorable. I think you should get some close ups of his pawsies to post.

Great pics! Way to hurry and get them up here, and welcome again to PT.

Laura's Babies
03-20-2004, 01:02 PM
Welcome Diane to PT! Great bunch of kittie you have...Lucky, does he scoop up MORE food with those big paws? What an advantage he has!! He is a very special baby and he looks like he knows it too... LOve the different colored eyes, hope you don't mind that I added that to my collection.... they are awesome!

Get your coffee, put your feet up and look around in PT and see all the beautiful babies everyone else has...Look around and have a good time!!


Steffi N
03-20-2004, 01:05 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Diane

You have a gorgeous fur family and I know all of you will have a great time here.

03-20-2004, 01:11 PM
Just gorgeous!! beautiful cats!!

guster girl
03-20-2004, 02:50 PM
Your cats are so pretty! My friends in Washington had a cat with extra toes. His name was E.T. ;) Welcome to Pet Talk, it's a pleasure to meet all of you! Here's my RB cat, Dusty...he passed in December at the age of 17. (this is a photo of a photo!)


And, here's my 8 1/2 month old Bengal kitten, Lock.

http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0660.jpg http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0657.jpg


Again, welcome to Pet talk!

03-21-2004, 01:51 AM
A great big Welcome to Pet Talk, Diane!!

I really love all your cats, they all have something special about them. Kitty with the different colored eyes, Hallie for being a tortie, and of course Lucky for the extra toes, all that fuzziness, and that cute little stubby tail! Unique kitties indeed!

I have two cats, one is a black stub tail, named Stubby and of course Grover, she is in my sig, she also has a stubby tail that curls under. Very spoiled.

Anyway my name is Willie, I have other pets too. They are in my avatar, though I think I might have missed one.



03-21-2004, 03:07 AM
What a delightful furfamily you have, each one of them is very beautiful, I sure love that Hallie, she is one cute tortie,but then since i joined PT I have fallen in love with every tortie on here, not to mention, every single cat on here as well, WELCOME to PT, I really look forward to hearing more stories about your babies and more pics as well.:)

Lilith Cherry
03-21-2004, 05:35 AM
Hi there! your cats are beauties, every one! I,m pretty new here too but it is such a friendly place you soon feel like part of a big family...

I have four cats and one very large dog; my cats are called, Dejah Thoris ( doris for short) Simonides, ( a big fluffy nawteecat) and two Chinese cats, Jade and Pearl who plot their mischief in Cantonese and never cease to make me laugh:D The dog is called Sam and he loves and protects his little fluffy friends even though they forcibly wash his face and elbow him out for treats!!

Welcome to the Pettalk family

03-21-2004, 07:13 AM
Welcome aboard Diane!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif Your kitties are adorable!!! We sure will look forward to lots more pictures and stories about your precious babies!!

I love the two color eyes! I have always wanted a cat that had those eyes! There is one at the shelter now but he is FIV positive so I can't bring him home with me. I'll just have to enjoy pictures of Kitty!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

Just remember that being part of the PT family means you will constantly be harrassed for pictures!!!

03-21-2004, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by artemis
Isn't he gorgeous? I feel so fortunate to have found him:
Ahem......I beg to differ. He found you......;) :)
All your kitties are beautiful. You are a very lucky Meowmie.

Welcome to Pet Talk. Warning: can be addictive :D

03-21-2004, 08:49 AM
Welcome Diane! You have a beautiful kitties! I am owned by two tabby cats - one orange (and HUGE) one is a tan/grey 10 month old kitten. I also have a 100 pound dog that does whatever my two guys tell her. you can see all three in my signiture below.

I can't wait to hear stories about each kitty and their own indiviual purrrrsonality.:)

03-21-2004, 11:52 AM
For some reason, the pictures don't show up for me.:(

Anyway, welcome to Pet Talk Diane. I'm sure you are going to like it here.:)

Felicia's Mom
03-21-2004, 12:09 PM
Welcome to PT. You have beautiful cats! I have two cats (Beau and Felicia) seen in my signature.

Miss Meow
03-21-2004, 04:13 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I hope you have a long and happy time with us :)

Your cats are beautiful. Thank you for working out how to post pictures so quickly!

My name is Nicole and I have four cats and two dogs, which reminds me that I've been slack in posting cat pictures ... :o

03-21-2004, 11:40 PM
Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome!!!!

Cataholic - I don't notice any changes in Kitty's eyes with the weather, but they definitely look much more brillaint outdoors. My Hallie is definitely a NAWTEEKAT :D If there is an ongoing thread about them, I need to be directed there (she is soooo fresh, LOL!). And, I keep trying to get close-ups of Lucky's feet, but it's harder than it sounds :p

Laura - Lucky likes to dip his paws into containers that are too deep to eat out of to get a taste of whatever is in there (he dips his paws, then licks them clean - it's hysterical to watch)

guster girl - your Bengal is gorgeous!!! (someday I hope to see one in person)

Again, thanks to everyone for being so nice - it's great to be here.


03-22-2004, 01:44 AM
Your kitties are all very pretty and special each in their own ways!

Love the senior kitty ..... great eyes...and how wonderful to be living such a long, and healthy life!

Your Hallie (I have a Hallie also) looks like a combination of my Hallie and my Amber mixed!!! ;)

Your new stray does look like a Maine Coon mix ..... which have big paws any way ... but adding the extra toes, make his enormous!!! I love them!!!!

Looking forward to seeing much more of your babies!
