View Full Version : chihuahua MIX breeder!?!?

03-19-2004, 03:54 PM
i visit this site all the time and this lady has chihuahua mixes for sale all the time.she actually calls her sef a breeder.some of her dogs are up to 1/2 rat terrier.....i'm thinking BYB:mad:

link to her homepage (http://www.chibabies.chihuahua.net/)

03-19-2004, 04:16 PM
Just because she breeds mixes doesn't mean she's a bad breeder. I think that a BYB is someone who doesnt' care about genetics, health, or the future of the dogs, and only about money.

If she genetically tests her dogs, temprement tests them, trains them to perform in obedience or something, raises them in humane conditions, and has a contract (including that she'll guarantee health, take them back if you can't keep them, and that all pups must be fixed) then she has the same rights to breed her dogs as someone who does the same tests and training ect on purebred dogs.

Then again, I can't tell if she does all of that from her site. so she might be a BYB, but you can't judge just by the fact that she breeds dogs that aren't purebred.

03-19-2004, 04:19 PM
She is adding to the overpopulation problem without contributing anything to any breed. I would definitely steer clear.

03-19-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
She is adding to the overpopulation problem without contributing anything to any breed. I would definitely steer clear.


I have nothing against people who breed pure breds responsibly, but why bring more mixes into the world when there are TONS in the shelters? Yeah, there's pure breds in shelters and such, but not as many as mixes - which get put to sleep because lack of homes.

I didn't look much at the site, but how much is she selling them for? If it's alot, then that's just ridiculous and disgusting.

03-19-2004, 05:45 PM
Anyone who breeds mixes is a BYB. A BYB doesn't need to only care about money. A BYB more often just wants to see the cute little puppies that their dogs can produce. Sometimes it's for their children to see the "miracle of life." Sometiems it's because they feel their female needs to have a litter before being spayed.

A reputable breeder breeds ONLY for the better of the breed, and you CAN'T breed for the better of the breed when you breed mutts.

03-19-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
A reputable breeder breeds ONLY for the better of the breed, and you CAN'T breed for the better of the breed when you breed mutts.


03-19-2004, 06:24 PM
"Gucci is 1/8 rat terrier, so her babies are 1/16 rat terrier, like her sister Dior, who just had babies. Papa is AKC registered."

Looked at the site. Oh wow.. Yeah, definitely BYB. I hate it when people only breed to make money or to have cute puppies or whatever. It really ticks me off. :mad: If you're going to breed, breed two purebred CHAMPIONS of some sort (show dogs, agility champs, herding champs, tracking, etc)..not some pets that don't do anything except look cute; I don't see the point of breeding then. Plus like mentioned earlier, it REALLY doesn't help the overpopulation problem. Things like this make me so sad. :( *sighs*

03-19-2004, 08:28 PM
I'm sorry, but this is definatly BYB. And even if those dogs were all purebred, there are several there I would never breed. They are just not nice looking dogs. It's discusting.

03-19-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
A reputable breeder breeds ONLY for the better of the breed, and you CAN'T breed for the better of the breed when you breed mutts.

Couldn't it be for the better of the species? :) I'm not saying that that's what this breeder is doing, but I'm really not sure why people are so hung up on this whole 'betterment of the breed' business. If you are working to improve the health of dogs, or temprament, or working ability, ect, shouldn't it not matter about the breed? :)

I mean, what if someone was breeding the perfect hunting dog that happened to not be a purebred. How is that any different than if the person is breeding purebred coonhounds?

You might say that it's because these dogs don't breed true or whatever, but what if this person has been breeding for generations to get the perfect hunting dog?

And then you may say that well, there's so many dogs in the pounds, 'mutt breeders' shouldn't add to the dog overpopulation. Well then, shouldn't everyone stop breeding until we get the dog overpopulation under control then?

And all breeds of dogs at one time were originally mutts. :)

Oh, and just for the record, I agree with my statement that no one should breed dogs until we get the dog overpopulation under control (which will probably sadly take a while). Until then I think everyone should adopt from the pounds! :D I just get annoyed when people think that the only people who should be allowed to breed are purebred breeders, when really both kinds of breeders (when responsable) are doing the same thing, so breeders of mutts shouldn't automatically be deemed BYBs.

03-19-2004, 11:37 PM
Couldn't it be for the better of the species? I'm not saying that that's what this breeder is doing, but I'm really not sure why people are so hung up on this whole 'betterment of the breed' business. If you are working to improve the health of dogs, or temprament, or working ability, ect, shouldn't it not matter about the breed?

I mean, what if someone was breeding the perfect hunting dog that happened to not be a purebred. How is that any different than if the person is breeding purebred coonhounds?

You might say that it's because these dogs don't breed true or whatever, but what if this person has been breeding for generations to get the perfect hunting dog? ..........

And all breeds of dogs at one time were originally mutts.

I believe that there are enough breeds out there to fill any purpose needed without creating new breeds.

Is there really a need to create the "perfect" hunting dog? There are dozens of hunting dogs, including hounds, pointers, retrievers, etc.

If you want a good hunter take an already established breed and work that into your breeding program.

03-19-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
If you want a good hunter take an already established breed and work that into your breeding program.

Yes there are many hunting breeds out there, but this person would still be adding the same number of (assuming he or she is trying to improve the dogs) healthy dogs to the world, whether breeding hunting mixes or purebred hunting dogs. It's not like more breeds necessarily = more dogs. More dogs do though, = more overpopulation.

Which, again, is why I think everyone should adopt from the pound and spay and neuter their dogs to help the dog overpopulation! :)

03-20-2004, 01:03 AM
In my opinion, we shouldn't stop breeding all together. There will always be puppy mills, even if it was a law to stop breeding. So, the reputable breeders stop breeding, and puppy mills skyrise. In turn, we have alot of unhealthy dogs, and virtually no healthy ones because the healthy ones have stopped breeding.

It is my opinion that there should always be boundaries when breeding, and that when you want to pick out a good breeder from a bad, you do not pick the one that breeds mutts, because the one that breeds mutts will undeniably add to the 80% amount of mutts that are in shelters as opposed to the purebred dogs.

There are over 800 breeds in this entire world. I'm pretty sure that if one wanted to have the "perfect" hunting dog or herding dog or whatnot, they could go take their pick without unnessicarily adding to the problem themselves. And if one wants a mutt, they should go to the shelter and get one, rather than breeding for the "perfect" one for whatever task they deem worthy enough to add more dogs to the population.