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View Full Version : pics of Finn, the cutest puppy in the world :)

guster girl
03-19-2004, 01:35 PM
Of course, I'm biased. They're all the cutest pups in the world, but, you have to agree...these photos are pretty darn cute. :)

Finn at 12 weeks and two days. :)

http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0553.jpg http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0552.jpg

http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0551.jpg http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0550.jpg

http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0549.jpg http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/Cnv0548.jpg


03-19-2004, 01:40 PM
I'll definitely agree those are pretty special pictures! What a doll!

And does he know his mom loves him? Of course, that's why he takes such good pictures.

guster girl
03-19-2004, 01:43 PM
He knows I love him! :) He's a poser. Actually, what he's doing is hiding. That piece of furniture is a CD/video rack and it's right next to our stairs. He's still afraid of coming down the stairs, so, I was sitting on the stairs, asking him if he wanted to go outside and that is what he did. :) chicken.

03-19-2004, 01:52 PM
Oh, he's a doll! Such a cutie.

03-19-2004, 02:09 PM
He's GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!

guster girl
03-19-2004, 02:15 PM
Thank you so much! I loved his color when we got him, and, he's gotten even darker! It's called red fox, and, it's just one of the darker shades of yellow labrador, but, when he was really little everyone asked if he was a golden. :) Now, it's pretty obvious what breed he is. :)

03-19-2004, 02:23 PM
He's just adorable and just look at those huge paws! At 12 weeks, his paws are already twice as big as my 65 lb Collie (Course, I've a friend who keeps refering to his as "Barbie Feet" :)).

For that stair issue, try taking a can of cheese whiz and making a lil' trail down the stairs. Then don't force him, just let him come to the decision on his own that the cheese whiz is worth navigating the stairs. This way he's actually getting the reward from the stairs, so starts viewing them as a good thing. I did this with my Collie for his teeter totter fear and it worked wonders.


03-19-2004, 02:59 PM
Hey, where you been Finn???:D How's school? Don't you look adorable! And look at those paws:eek: You're going to be a BIG boy!:) I love the cheez whiz tip! I'll have to remember that come next puppy. (Did I just say that???:D) Hugs to you Finnster! What a cutie!

03-19-2004, 03:16 PM
He is so adorable!! :D Thanks for sharing the photos.

03-19-2004, 04:19 PM
He's so cute! And he got so big too! What a beautiful pup! :D

guster girl
03-19-2004, 05:39 PM
Hey, thanks, everyone! I think I'll try the cheez whiz on the stairs. :) I've done treats, but, he's just terrified. He's just getting too heavy to carry down the stairs every time he has to go outside. And, see, about him being a big dog. I have thought his feet looked big, and, even his head. But, every other person I know that has a lab puppy, they're way bigger! My friend says his 8 week old lab is already almost 11 pounds, and, my other friend's 12 week old lab is supposedly twice the size of Finn. Finn weighs about 13 pounds, now. Maybe he's just a late bloomer. But, regardless, he's just beautiful, and, he's healthy, so, I don't care either way. :)

03-19-2004, 06:57 PM
OMG....He is adorable! Goodness, those paws are huge! Such a cutie!

Robin :)

03-19-2004, 07:08 PM

What adorable pictures!! I love those eyes, that face-- I am in love!:D

guster girl
03-19-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Dogz

What adorable pictures!! I love those eyes, that face-- I am in love!:D

Me too! ;)

03-19-2004, 08:00 PM
He kind of reminds me of Malone when he was a puppy.:)

EDIT: I can definately see a resemblence.


Adorable pups.:)

guster girl
03-19-2004, 08:32 PM
wow, yeah, I see it, too. :) Finn's nose and fur look darker, but, other than that. :)

03-19-2004, 10:34 PM
Finn has grown alot! So cute! Finn just gets more beautiful!

Thank you for sharing.:)

03-19-2004, 11:37 PM
Awww...you gotta love those Labs! ;)

guster girl
03-19-2004, 11:38 PM
I know, I'm really falling in love with labradors! :) Especially one!

guster girl
03-19-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Hey, where you been Finn???:D How's school? Don't you look adorable! And look at those paws:eek: You're going to be a BIG boy!:) I love the cheez whiz tip! I'll have to remember that come next puppy. (Did I just say that???:D) Hugs to you Finnster! What a cutie!

Yeah, school is going really well! The teacher is going to have classes 3 and 4 together next Thursday because several people were going to have to miss #3. But, we've been working with him on several things! He's really picking up on everything. He sits, downs, comes by my side and sits, waits at the door and for his food, walks nicely (for the most part) on his leash, and, I'm teaching him "get it" and "bring it". :)

03-19-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by guster girl
I know, I'm really falling in love with labradors! :) Especially one!

I know what you mean. My heart has gone to a handsome blonde boy sitting right next to me with his head on my lap and big brown eyes staring right up at me.

guster girl
03-20-2004, 12:42 AM
Moose is really pretty! :) Do you have any other photos?

03-20-2004, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by guster girl
Moose is really pretty! :) Do you have any other photos?

Thank you! :) But no, no new pictures that I can get up online yet. :( I'm hoping that Kay will take tons of pictures for me at the FL Meeting in May. :)

guster girl
03-20-2004, 10:42 AM
Well, I look forward to seeing photos soon! I'll keep you updated with photos of Finn, though, as long as people don't tell me to stop posting them. :)

03-20-2004, 10:47 AM
Awww, what a gorgeous boy!! :) :)

guster girl
03-20-2004, 10:52 AM
Thanks ChrisH! :) He's gorgeous, with brains, too! Can't beat that.

03-20-2004, 11:37 AM
What a cutie pie! :D
My Golden Retriever, Daisy, went through stages at about 6 months old when people thought she was a lab. And, to tell you the truth, I almost thought she could be, since her breeder also bred Labrador Retrievers. :o She had a very, very short, light coat but then at about one year she grew the coat and the color darkened. :)

Great pictures!

guster girl
03-20-2004, 01:32 PM
Daisy is really pretty! Yeah, in the photos, she looks almost like a labrador! :) How old is she now?