View Full Version : Medicating Mimi. Need ideas

03-19-2004, 10:28 AM
Mimi is on liquid Amoxicillan for about a week. Two times/day. Any good ideas on getting this liquid into her? She about tore me up this morning, and I was just holding her. Scott did the squirting, more of which ended up on us than in her mouth!!! :eek:

By the way, she's fine, just had a little cough that concerned me. Her lungs and heart sounded good, but he thinks her throat might be a little irritated due to the change in seasons. Allergies, I guess, just like the rest of us!!! :p

03-19-2004, 10:31 AM
Whenever I have to give any of mine meds I wrap them up in a towel so no legs or paws are loose and have my husband hold them while I put it down the throat.

Best of luck to you!

K & L
03-19-2004, 10:41 AM
We do the towel wrap thing also. It really works.

03-19-2004, 10:45 AM
As much as I hate to do it...I scruff the ones who won't cooperate. My vet asked one time how I gave them medicine and I explained the towel and the fights we had. He told me that all I did was traumatize the cat by making it such a big event. He said scruff their neck, twist their head slightly sideways, then pop in the medicine. It's not as simple as it sounds and it a takes some practice but I do find that it was better for me in the end. It is over in seconds with most cats. I still have a couple that require the U.S. Army to get a pill down them!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif
So my advice is to try different methods and the one that is the fastest and easiest for you and your cat is the way to go. GOOD LUCK!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

03-19-2004, 11:01 AM
I use a pill gun for pills.

If I had to give liquids, I probually use a big syringe (minus the needle)

Good Luck :)

03-19-2004, 11:01 AM
I have to change my methods depending on the cat. I usually scruff them and lean my arm back firmly on their body so they don't try to run away. I've unfortunately had too much practice between 3 shelters, my fosters, and my own cats.

03-19-2004, 11:03 AM
Thanks everyone. I don't think poor Mimi has ever been "scruffed", but we'll try that method tonight and see if we have any luck. Second choice will be the towel, and maybe even a combination of the two. It was her climbing over my shoulder and down my back afterward that was so painful!!!! :eek:

Cinder & Smoke
03-19-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Logan

Mimi is on liquid Amoxicillan for about a week.
Two times/day.
Any good ideas on getting this liquid into her?

She about tore me up this morning... :eek:

Wunst upon a Tyme...
When Boots was having his "plummin problems" and
was NOT drinking enough water (Voluntaily :p )...

Doc Mike told me to Squirt him his daily rations (a LOT)
of water with either an Eye Dropper OR a Syringe
(with the Sharp Needle unscrewed and discarded).

We used both "tools" - but I favored the small Syringe -
a bit easier to "load",
and a bit faster to "shoot or UNload" into his mouth...

After a few "Merrie Chases" around the house or shop -
he started to get with the program and stopped "resisting" -
because I made it a point to ALWAYS "win" -
even though we both *wore* a load or two of water
before we got the hang of things... :rolleyes:

I DID "try" the wrap in a towel method...
Very Stressful :mad: on both of us.

What "works" with Boots, for both Liguid AND Pill administration ~
Is to have him "sitting" on the bathroom vanity;
Gently (but FIRMLY) hold his head
(palm over his head - sort of over his ears);
Thumb and Forefinger on each side -
in the back corners of his jaw;
SQUEEZE to encourage him to OPEN his mouth;
then place the Dropper or Syninge over the tongue
(actually part way down his throat);
and *SQUIRT*!!

He does a lil :eek: GAaaaaaak! and a head shake...
but it's really over before he knows it.

It helps if da Kat is "sitting" with his back to the wall -
prevents rapid escapes. ;)

As a suggestion -
rather than possibly *waste* valuable medicine...
Do some practice runs using just Plain Water -
No Harm, No Foul if you have a few miss-fires -
and no one has to wear any medicine!

GOOD LUCK - and Happie *Shooting*!

Hey Mimi ~
Give Up! Meowmee is a Lot Bigger than you are!
Feel Better Soon! :D

03-19-2004, 11:53 AM
Scruffing is the best and most effective way to administer to the unwilling. They can even learn to not need it after a while.

03-19-2004, 12:02 PM
I totally agree with Jen. Sammy had a bad ear infection one time and he fought tooth and nail against the pill gun. We started scruffing him and within three days he started coming when called, sat still and opened his mouth for the pill shooter. He hasn't been a problem since! It was all kind of wierd but I guess he knew he wasn't going to win so he made it easy on all of us!

03-19-2004, 03:13 PM
If it is a liquid what I did when Cubby was on liquid medication. I mixed it in with some kitten milk. Of course I call the vet first to make sure it was ok. I always gave him a little extra so he would get the full amout. That worked best for all of us. I couldn't hold him down at all. As small as cats are you would think we would be able to hold them down but I have been very unsuccessful in that. If it's a pill I always wrap my arm around him and grab his face and open his mouth at the same time and pop the pill in as far as I can. Then if he spits it up I re do it all over again until I get it down him.


I hope that helps. Good luck I think you might need it. :p ;)

03-19-2004, 03:15 PM
I think we might need that "good luck" too. For a six pound cat, at almost 15 years old, she's mighty feisty!!!! My back looks like I have been in a fight!!!! :eek:

smokey the elder
03-20-2004, 08:20 AM
I've had good luck using the scruffing technique. Moby is a BIG cat, and I was able to get meds into her. Also, if they're upright like that there is less chance the liquid will go down the wrong pipe.

Good luck! Mimi, be good, please.:)

03-20-2004, 08:48 AM
I am lucky , as The Found Cats actually like Anoxlin, except Rocca , who is still nervous! The Syringe and Towels are Great Ideas!

Laura's Babies
03-20-2004, 01:06 PM
Hay everyone, I was about to post the same question since I had alread tried the "scruff" one but now I see I didn't do it right! So, thanks from me too!

Cinder & Smoke
03-20-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Logan

... she's mighty feisty!!!!

My back looks like I have been in a fight!!!! :eek:


Dad wunderz...

Your BACK !?????

*Strange* place ta Hold da Kat! ...

How do ya bend yur ARMz around dat far??

Try holdin da Kat on yur Lappy -
an ya kan SEE whut yur doin!

:D :D :D :rolleyes:

03-20-2004, 06:45 PM
Oddly enough, as unbelievably terroristic as Ritz is at the vets, we have never had trouble medicating. She lets us pry her mouth open and squirt it in...there was one medication that tasted awful that made her make a lot of faces and head shakes after, but she has been a good kitty...

My spouse usually sits on the floor, gets Ritz to come and sit between his legs--he pets and reassures her, then takes her head in one hand and gently coaxes her head up, and pries her jaw open, then SQUIRT with the other hand ---then pets and praises her.

I'm always amazed at how malleable she is for us - I know the vets couldn't do this to her if they wanted to, they won't even check her teeth during regular checkups unless they sedate.

03-20-2004, 06:52 PM
When I have had to help the neighbor we use the towel method as I'm not as bad a shot as she is. and since it's her cats she can get the claws. But I usually have it down be fore they are aware we are doing anything. one good thing I learned working for a vet.

03-20-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Dad wunderz...

Your BACK !?????

*Strange* place ta Hold da Kat! ...

How do ya bend yur ARMz around dat far??

Try holdin da Kat on yur Lappy -
an ya kan SEE whut yur doin!

:D :D :D :rolleyes:

You musta missed this part:

Originally posted by Logan

It was her climbing over my shoulder and down my back afterward that was so painful!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-20-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Karen
You musta missed this part:

Originally posted by Logan
It was her climbing over my shoulder and
down my back afterward that was so painful!!!!


Hang On a lil bit tighter next tyme!


03-20-2004, 10:32 PM

Okay, this is heartless of me, but I've been laughing my fool head off over several of the posts here. I'm so glad you posted the question, it's given me several ideas.

Do you remember SAS's comment about using the sleeve of a sweatshirt to restrain the cat: would it work for Mimi?

Cinder & Smoke
03-27-2004, 03:10 PM
Sure has been *q*u*i*e*t* here...

Wunder who *won* the Medicine War? :confused:

03-28-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
[I] usually sit on the floor, get [the cat] to come and sit between [my] legs-- [I] pet and reassure [the cat], then take [the cat's] head in one hand and gently coaxes her head up, and pries her jaw open, then SQUIRT with the other hand ---then pets and praises her. That's what I do when I have to medicate my cats - it's always worked for me. I give them LOTS of pets and kisses - kisses on their little mouth after giving the meds, especially if it's a pill, helps get it down. They're usually so shocked at being kissed on the lips that they swallow! :D works for me ... :p