View Full Version : sneezing alot.

03-19-2004, 10:10 AM
When ever Cubby is around me the last few days I have noticed that I start sneezing alot. I know I am not allergic to cats. Is this something that could happen later in life? I will not give up my cat if I am allergic. I love my little baby more than words can say. Could he just need a very good brushing? I really don't want to go to the doctor, (I have issues with them after they killed my fater!) so I refuse to go unless I have to. Hopefully it's just because it is so closed up here right now due to cold weather and his fur is just bothering me. Any advice would be very helpful.

Thanks in advanced.

03-19-2004, 10:15 AM
My doctor told me you can develop a new allergy at any time in life.

Maybe he just needs a bath and or a good brushing. Since the spring is almost here maybe he is shedding making things a little worse for you.

I'm allergic to cats but take medication to control it.:)

03-19-2004, 10:18 AM
A good brushing might help. You might just have flying kitty hairs tickling your nose!

I have heard that allergies (to anything) can develop at any time in one's life. But if this is a new allergy, it doesn't sound like a super-severe one at least. When my dad gets around cats, his eyes water and turn red and his whole face sort of swells up. And THEN the sneezing starts. ;) Maybe if it doesn't go away, try some over the counter allergy medication and see if the problem clears up.

Have you changed litter brands or anything lately? I bought a cheap litter for Rizz last time, and it's horrible. It makes us both sneeze; me when I'm scooping it and him when he's digging in it. And last night, when he came to curl up with me, he actually let me use him as a pillow. Which is rare. But I had to move after only a minute or two, because having my face buried in his fur was making me cough and sneeze...and I'm pretty sure it was the Evil Litter Dust, not the hair!

Good luck, in any case. How is Mr. Cubby these days, anyhow?


03-19-2004, 10:18 AM
You could possbly have allergies. They say that the human body changes every seven years or so... my mom was never allergic to cats until she visited me in college and met my kitten. Her face swelled up pretty bad. Now she can't even touch a cat because her eyes swell shut immediately! We always had cats when I was young.

I am allergic to my guys, but take a nasal inhaler at night and allergy tabs in the morning.

Make an appointment with your doctor to get an allergy test. You'd be surprised at the thing you're allergic to without even knowing it!:D

03-19-2004, 10:18 AM
Yes, I think it is possible to acquire this later in life. I would recommend to make a test at the doctor's, and - in case there IS an allergy - to ask him about the options you have to deal with it. I wouldn't give up my furkids either - no way! :)

Years ago I have been diagnosed being allergic to cats but I did not accept it - funny thing is that I got rid of it that way.

Good luck! :)


03-19-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
My doctor told me you can develop a new allergy at any time in life.

Maybe he just needs a bath and or a good brushing. Since the spring is almost here maybe he is shedding making things a little worse for you.

I'm allergic to cats but take medication to control it.:)

Wow! Ripley alone is an awful lot of cat hair for an allergic person to have in her house! :eek: You should get a Devoted Meowmie medal. :D

03-19-2004, 10:26 AM
I haven't switched litter at all. I only use the two brands that he demands, he loves the cheap stuff. I will try to brush him and get this place aired out. If it does continue I guess I will have to talk to my doctor about it. :mad: Cubby is his normal self, I need to pick up some hair ball paste stuff today while I am out and about, he is starting to throw up hair balls again. :( Even though the last one that I cleaned up had some carrots in it. :confused: He must have been a bunny before he was a cat. He is gaining a few pounds on his food that he has to eat. And the vet's office just started getting the bigger bags of it. :D So it should last us for a couple of months. He is still as spoiled as ever. My mom just left this morning to move back to California, so I have been cuddling up to him yesterday and today with some tears. He is a great pillow for that until he bites my face.


03-19-2004, 02:31 PM
Try bathing him. Allergies are not from cat hair or cat dander but from the SALIVA that cats use when grooming themselves. Once it's dry, it becomes airborne.

03-20-2004, 09:14 AM
Try the Shedding Brush , at The Found Cats Hotel , it works wonders!