View Full Version : Zia

07-05-2000, 07:45 AM
What a beautiful cat Zia is and you did such a nice job of photographing him!! I am so glad you happened to stop off at that picnic area!! I am sure he is too!! I met my second kitty at a yard sale. You never can tell where your "next best friend" may turn up. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

07-05-2000, 08:57 AM
LOL...Zia looks SO much like my Junior! I have three other solid whites as well. Each of them have different eyes. Junior's are green; Snowball's are yellow-gold; April has odd-eyes, with the blue one being on her left; and Quadley is also odd-eyed, but opposite of April.

How lucky Zia is to have been found by you. All of my white cats are rescues too.

Tanya & the CareyCats

07-05-2000, 10:49 AM
Zia sure was a lucky cat that faithful day. I have found that my foundees have been some of the most wonderful, loving cats of all. Aren't we the lucky ones too? All cats make "best friends."

07-05-2000, 12:36 PM
Ditto on Zia being most handsome, and my compliments to the photographer, as well! super shot! Digital cam?