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View Full Version : Such great kitties...

03-18-2004, 11:21 AM
I am so happy to have found this site and this board in particular.
I so enjoy seeing all the photos of everyone's beautiful kitties. They all have such diverse looks and personalities.
They have been the source of many many smiles and I always look forward to seeing them.

Wish you all a PurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrFect day!

03-18-2004, 11:39 AM
We're glad that you found us too! In just a few posts, you've become a member of the PT family!

03-18-2004, 01:40 PM
Glad to have you and yours here as well ...... PT is a special family of friends!;)

03-18-2004, 01:50 PM
Sounds like U - R hooked:D It is a great addiction, too. I love it here. Glad you found us!

03-18-2004, 02:57 PM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid107/p57f77d7723a994d2b92b8fa1b4451cee/f9592e3e.jpg Thanks!

To introduce myself, my name is Deb and I am a single parent of a 15 yr old boy (Rich), a 12 yr old male Bichon (Buddy), and my little baby girl...Juli.
She is around a year old give or take a little, we don't know her exact birthday since she was a rescue kitty.
My son was against getting a cat for a LONG time, (he thought he didn't like them because his friend had a psycho kitty he associated all cats with) but I wore him down and got him go 'looking' with me. I told him to pick out the kitty he would get if he was going to get one and he picked Julie, saying he thought she was pretty cool. So I grabbed her up and adopted her before he had time to know what hit him. He was not thrilled at first..but within a day or so she melted his heart and now he is nuts about her, especially since she has learned to keep her claws to herself. Whenever he is in the bathroom brushing teeth or getting out of the shower, she sits in the doorway and loudly talk, talk, talks to him. I would love to know what she is telling him. She doesn't do that to me, just to him. She talks to me when I am cooking dinner. She sits on 'her' little table where her food bowl is, (we had to elevate her to keep Buddy out of her food) and she tells me stories or she sits in her meatloaf and watches me. She doesn't get up on the counters, she seems content with her own little spot in the room. I could go on and on...you all know how it goes when you start cat chatting, but I'll spare you.....for now
Thanks again for the nice welcomes! ;)

03-18-2004, 03:04 PM
OOOOHHH! Julie is just BEAUTIFUL!! She has gorgeous distinct tabby markings! What a sweety! And a talker too, eh?? Wonderful! I am looking forward to seeing more of her. She has a sweet expression on her face too - can she be NAW-TEE?:D

I grew up with Poodles and Chihuahuas until I married - now it is exclusively cats for the past 25+years. You can see my current 3 kitties in the sig block:D I have three skin kids - all grown and married - but my daughter and one daughter-in-love are PT posters - Sirrahsim (Missy) and Sirrahbed (Devon) You will see them around!!

03-18-2004, 04:18 PM
Yes indeed, Nibblets, we are a unique bunch. The nice thing about Pet Talk is that you can go on and on about your pets and we, the listeners/readers won't do the :rolleyes: thing or the "yawn thing". We understand our compulsions and addictions and are happy to share them with all the other Pet Talkers of the world. :) :)

BTW Julie is sooooo precious. Can we see more of her and also of Buddy??

03-18-2004, 08:47 PM
I just love tabby cats as you can tell by my signature.
Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing more pictures of your precious furbabies.

Laura's Babies
03-18-2004, 08:51 PM
Someone newer than me? Welcome Deb, and Julie is a heart warmer isn't she? That photo was a great shot, so pretty!

The people here are great to hold on to in your time of worry and troubles too if you need them, nobody understands when your baby is sick than others like you who love them... I am Chester's Mom, he is 2 years this month; Amy is my handicaped baby girl, who is about 7 months and Giz (the clown) who is about 6 months. I also post pictures of Dusty, and Annie, my grandkitties who live with their own parents in their homes..

Warm welcome to PT, pull off your shoes, get a cup of coffee and kick back and enjoy yourself!