View Full Version : tail obsession

03-17-2004, 07:51 PM
My kitty has a strange habit , he constantly grooms his tail.The weird part about it is Billy is not good about cleaning the rest of his cute little kitty body.Infact I often have to clean him up myself because his pretty white fur is often yellowish and dingy looking.But I love Billy' besides I know why he does this. When Billy found me, he was a sad little stray. He was very dirty and skinny, but worst of all ,Billy had about the worst case of tapeworms I had ever seen. His poor little tail was covered top to bottom in tapeworms. The sad little kitty was constantly licking his tail to try to get rid of the worms.Any way I fell in love with the worm ridden little kitty.I fattened him up, showered him with love and of course dewormed him. But Billy as happy as he is now, has never forgottenabout those worms and that is why Billy costantly cleans his tail, forever on the look out for worms.

03-17-2004, 11:42 PM
Sounds like he has a nervous grooming habit. I would go to the vet and check it out with them. He can't go on not cleaning his other kitty parts. Poor thing that must have been so traumatic.

03-21-2004, 04:04 PM
It sounds like an obsessive compulsive disorder, or Anxiety.