View Full Version : Pouncer's big adventure

03-17-2004, 06:18 PM
It all sounded so simple... I'd go visit my friend and bring Pouncer along because she's in love with him. He's very good in the car, so no problem, huh? Big problem because he's fine in the car so long as 1) a human is holding him and 2) we stay on small roads where you can't get faster than 40 MPH.

So here we are driving down the highway, and he's howling his head of for an hour whenever I get up to 60 MPH (which was under the speed limit) I don't know how he knew, but the moment the needle pointed to 60, he started crying. I felt so terrible.

He refused to get out of the carrier when we get to my friend's place. I felt like such a bad meowmie. He must think I'm out to get him (especially after yesterday's snow lockout.) She finally got him out, but he ran and hid under the table for the whole afternoon. We left and I took him to Petsmart for some new catnip as consolation and he wasn't interested in it at all.... until I pulled the most expensive catnip toy off the shelf, then he salivated all over it before we had a chance to pay. Do you think he's interested in it now that we are home? Nope.

Thank goodness he slept the whole way home (I was able to go 65! Whoopie!!!) we get home and he jumps out as if nothing ever happened and ran off with Allen.

03-17-2004, 06:40 PM
Sounds like quite an adventure! I can't imagine trying to take one of my cats our for a pleasant drive or a visit somewhere else -- they'd be toooo scared!! They'd probably never speak to me ever again!!!

Laura's Babies
03-17-2004, 07:35 PM
Back seat drivers! Don't you hate 'em? Was he stomping the floor for the brakes??

03-17-2004, 08:02 PM
*snicker, snicker, snicker* Sorry, just couldn't resist! Do you think maybe the engine makes a louder noise once you get to a certain speed?

03-17-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
*snicker, snicker, snicker* Sorry, just couldn't resist! Do you think maybe the engine makes a louder noise once you get to a certain speed?

No... he complained about the radio, so I had turned that off;) So I was just driving along in complete silence. All I can figure is that he's very sensitive to the motion.:confused:

He was very talkative the entire ride. I was so very glad when he slept during drive home... but still drove without a radio (no need in waking him with my terrible crooning, now is there?)

03-17-2004, 08:17 PM
Poor little guy :( Did all those bumps in the road scare you???? Glad you made it back OK.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-17-2004, 08:20 PM
Oh Pouncer, you are a naw-tee kitty aren't you. Your mommy took you along to show you off and all you did was hide. ;)

I know what your ride was like. The worst ride I ever had with Tubby was the 3 hour ride when I finally brought them down to Chicago with me. Even though I had given him a sedative, he was up wandering the car and meowing the entire 3 hours!!

Glad Pouncer slept on the way home though. At least he gave you a little bit of a break. ;) :D

03-18-2004, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Even though I had given him a sedative, he was up wandering the car and meowing the entire 3 hours!!

Glad Pouncer slept on the way home though. At least he gave you a little bit of a break. ;) :D

I thought that an hour and half long ride was bad enough! Pouncer got up enough nerve to slink out of the carrier and tried to make his way over to my lap (at this point I was ok with it as long as he stopped crying!) as he was venturing over to me, a big-rig came flying up on my left and Pouncer went flying back into the carrier... see Pouncer, I told you that everyone else is going faster than I was.

I wonder if the sleepy Pouncer on the ride home has anything to do with his catnip attack in the Petsmart shopping cart?

03-18-2004, 09:07 AM
I woder if that was Pouncers revenge , being interested in that expensive Toy , then rejecting it. Hopefully Allen , or Ebby will so some interst!Pouncer , you are a Character!

Killearn Kitties
03-18-2004, 09:54 AM
Pouncer, precious! What are they doing to you there? Locking you out in the snow, hurtling you around in the car at breakneck speeds ... :eek:

My girls all hate the car. Samantha and Daisy meow incessantly and Daisy is always a bit sick. They only ever go to the vet and back, and it is a trauma every time!

03-18-2004, 10:28 AM
:D Pouncer sure knows how to turn on the guilt trip at the pet store. ;)

03-18-2004, 11:15 AM
This just goes to show how much our kitties are really our kiddies. Maybe all the vocals were Pouncer's way of saying 'are we there yet? .. are we there yet? .. are we there yet?' And as for the toy, isn't it typical they want the most expensive toy in the store then they never touch it once it is home.

03-18-2004, 01:51 PM
Sounds like Pouncer had a lot to tell when he was back with Allen. :)

When Luna was younger, I used to take her with me when I was visiting friends. Once I brought her all the way to Cologne (a three-hour drive) and we were on the autobahn with more than 100 km/h, and like Pouncer, she cried when I was too fast. (she likes driving but more than 50 km/h makes her feel uncomfortable).

Anyway, she has enjoyed my friends' place and tried to make friends with their cats, but both of them hated her. I bet they were happy when we left. :)
