View Full Version : My friend is leaving on March 28th to climb Mt. Everast!!

03-17-2004, 01:58 PM
A very good friend of mine, an AWESOME photojournalist and writer, is leaving on the 28th of March to document a couple's climb of Mt. Everast!!!

Michael Kodas To Document Potentially Historic Everest-K2 Expedition

Courant writer/photographer Michael Kodas takes on the assignment of his life when he follows two Connecticut mountaineers on their quest to make mountain-climbing history this summer. Gheorge Dijmarescu and Lhakpa Sherpa hope to become the first climbers ever to reach the summits of Mount Everest and K2 in the same climbing season. Michael will accompany the husband-and-wife team and other members of the Connecticut Everest Expedition when they depart for the Himalayas on March 28. He plans to summit Everest as part of their team, then follow them in late June to the K2 base camp, where he'll continue to track their progress. Both Gheorge and Lhakpa have confronted the perils of nature before, Gheorge in his escape from communist Romania, and Lhakpa, in her ascent from third-world poverty.

I am SO proud of him! He and his wife Carolyn, adopted my cat Tucker.

03-17-2004, 02:04 PM

Good luck to the whole team.

Keep us posted........

03-17-2004, 02:11 PM
What an awesome adventure! I'm sure he will get magnificent pictures as well! :eek:

Miss Meow
03-17-2004, 02:54 PM
That's going to be a trip of a lifetime!

You reminded me of a favourite book by Tim McCartney-Snape. I think it's called "From Sea to Summit" and chronicled his walk from the coastline to the summit of Everest. Great read :)

03-17-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
That's going to be a trip of a lifetime!

You reminded me of a favourite book by Tim McCartney-Snape. I think it's called "From Sea to Summit" and chronicled his walk from the coastline to the summit of Everest. Great read :)

Can I suggest??

Everest- The Hard Way - Chris Bonnington.

The Climb Anatoli Boukreev

Into Thin Air Jon Krakauer

David Brashears and Galen Rowell (RIP) also wrote
some fantastic books on climbing....


Miss Meow
03-17-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Can I suggest??

Everest- The Hard Way - Chris Bonnington.


You mean there's an easy way?! ;)

03-17-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
You mean there's an easy way?! ;)


Believe it or not....There is!!

I read that book in the summer sunshine of my porch and had goosebumps the whole time...

Clint Willis is an editor who took the "Best of the Worst" stories and published them in an anthology......talk about adventure!!

One story concerned a group of climbers were trying to get off of
a mountain, they fell and one of them had to cut the rope that was tied to a hurt member of the party in order to keep everyone else alive.....

:eek: :( :confused:

03-17-2004, 05:24 PM
I talked to his wife Carolyn yesterday and I could tell that she's worried. She is a reporter for the same newspaper and asked to be sent there with him to document it on video and they turned her down. She's going to request it again and see what the Courant says. This has been his DREAM since he was a kid!!

I MAY be flying there to be with her for 4 days while he's away. I'll keep everyone posted.

03-17-2004, 05:52 PM
ooooohhhhh, that's so cool! I watched a show on Discovery last month about the local people who accompany the climbers on their trip to the summit. It was so fascinating. My jaw was almost touching the ground when I saw all of the beauty they were filiming.

03-18-2004, 07:56 AM
Very cool!! Best of luck to him and his team! :D

03-18-2004, 08:20 AM
That is so awesome!

Good luck to him and his whole team:D

03-18-2004, 12:38 PM
that is awesome Donna but when I first read the title I thought it said "I am leaving" and I was thinking "is she going to be back for the meeting." then I read it!!! he he!

03-18-2004, 02:57 PM
That is so cool to know someone like that! I watched those shows from the Mt Everest climb last year on National Geographic channel(I think that was the channel) and loved it. So, I'll be looking forward to seeing this one, too.

03-18-2004, 03:24 PM
I have read all the books Richard mentioned and they are all excellent......this is one of my passions......another excellent read on the subject is Ultimate High, My Everest Odyssey, by Goran Kropp, a young swede who rode a bicycle from sweden to Everest in 96, then climbed to the summitt without supplemental oxygen. Unfortnately he died while climbing here in Washington state a couple years ago.
David Breashears, who Richard mentioned, wrote a good book called High Exposure, an Enduring Passion for Everest and Unforgiving Places. He made the IMAX film in 96 and ended up participating in the rescue during the tragedy told about in Krakaurs book Into Thin Air. Kropp also did his climb at that same time.
Good luck to all who will climb this year!!!!!......tom

03-18-2004, 04:40 PM
Good luck to your friend on his climb, Sir Edmund Hillary (a famous NZ'er and his son Peter) did this climb many times, and Edmund was none to young when he did the last one.

What a thrill for them, exciting adrenalin boosting stuff, hope all goes well, let us know about their amazing adventures won't you?:)

03-18-2004, 07:50 PM
This is exciting, Donna. I hope he is ready!! I read "Into Thin Air" and it was chilling and gripping at the same time. Don't read it right now, Donna, if you haven't ever read it. Save it for later. I have it and must say that I "enjoyed" it in the way that one might enjoy "The Passion of the Christ" in that it wasn't a touchy, feel kind of book.......but truthfully told about that perilous trip. I also saw the IMAX Movie, Everest, a few years ago (before I read the book) and was totally captured by it.

I wish he could do some kind of online journal or something so that we could know what is going on. Keep us posted as you hear news of his trip.


03-18-2004, 10:42 PM
Actually his story will be published in the Hartford Courant. I'll be able to pull it up online and share it with everyone. I am so excited for him. I'm also sad for his wife because he'll be gone for over 3 months. I'd be out of my mind if my hubby went to climb Mt. Everest and was gone that long. I'm SURE they'll be in touch somehow.

03-19-2004, 05:27 PM

A great website for any kind of news.

03-20-2004, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
A very good friend of mine, an AWESOME photojournalist and writer, is leaving on the 28th of March to document a couple's climb of Mt. Everast!!!

Michael Kodas To Document Potentially Historic Everest-K2 Expedition

Courant writer/photographer Michael Kodas takes on the assignment of his life when he follows two Connecticut mountaineers on their quest to make mountain-climbing history this summer. Gheorge Dijmarescu and Lhakpa Sherpa hope to become the first climbers ever to reach the summits of Mount Everest and K2 in the same climbing season. Michael will accompany the husband-and-wife team and other members of the Connecticut Everest Expedition when they depart for the Himalayas on March 28. He plans to summit Everest as part of their team, then follow them in late June to the K2 base camp, where he'll continue to track their progress. Both Gheorge and Lhakpa have confronted the perils of nature before, Gheorge in his escape from communist Romania, and Lhakpa, in her ascent from third-world poverty.

I am SO proud of him! He and his wife Carolyn, adopted my cat Tucker.

That is such an awesome and cool thing for him to do. Wish him luck from us!!