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03-17-2004, 11:56 AM
I really want to know what is that St.Patric's day... why people celebrate it and how do they celebrate it?:confused:

03-17-2004, 12:02 PM
It's a day for the Irish to celebrate..I'm not Irish..I have no idea how they celebrate it ;) I know they have green beer in bars though haha

03-17-2004, 12:21 PM
Here's something Andy got in his email... not sure if this is accurate..

Who is Saint Patrick and what is Saint Patrick's Day?

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was chiefly responsible for converting the Irish people to Christianity. He became known as the "Apostle to the Irish."

Born and raised in Britain until the age of sixteen when he was captured by pirates during a raid, he was sold as a slave in Ireland. During his captivity he decided to devote his life to religion. He escaped after six years of slavery and returned to his home in Britain.

As a result of his experiences in Ireland he became driven by the idea of converting the Irish to Christainity. He studied in the monastery of Le rins on an island off the southeast coast of France.

Patrick is said to have founded more than 300 churches and baptized more than 120,000 persons. Patrick preached in Ireland for the rest of his life. One of the best known tales is how he charmed the snakes of Ireland into the sea so they were drowned.

Patrick used a three-leafed shamrock to illustrate the seal of the Trinity. Many people believe that the shamrock came to be the traditonal symbol of Ireland as a result of this legend. Today, Irish Catholics throughout the world celebrate Saint patrick's Day on the day he died, March 17th.

So Happy St. Paddy's Day and I hope you enjoy the "luck of the Irish" today even if your not Irish!

I don't celebrate it for this reason since I'm not Christian/Catholic. I just like celebrating my Irish roots. :)

03-17-2004, 12:28 PM
Ramanth, thanx for explaining...

well, Happy St. Patrick's day to you all!:D

Edwina's Secretary
03-17-2004, 12:30 PM
Here in Chicago there is a large Irish population so there are parades, the river is dyed green :eek: (greener), many bars serve beer that is dyed green an restaurants have corned beef and cabbage specials. Though not of Irish extraction, I am wearing green today.

St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.