View Full Version : Ear mites and fleas on ferrets (help)

Rio and Me
03-17-2004, 09:27 AM
When i got Tia I had to travel far (i took my vet mate) and she got one to,lol.
Her's wasnt spayed so she took it to her vets (where she works) and they said she had ear mites, so that means mine must have to as they were caged together.
So the question is...
Is puppy/kitten stronghold ok for ferrets (kills all mites lice and fleas) that is what was used on her's (indianna)?
If it is i'm will get some today (another £14).
Help please

03-17-2004, 09:42 AM
I'm not sure about that brand, never heard of it. Here in the states we use just dog/cat ear mite medicine, as for fleas we use ONE DROP of advantage (you can use dog or cat advantage just use one drop per pound of body weight). we also use Adams flea spray (but be careful not to get it into their eyes)

also after you apply it make sure you keep your ferret occupied until it dries so they dont lick any off that may make them sick.

If her vet gave her the meds I would assume they would be just fine! good luck.

Rio and Me
03-17-2004, 09:45 AM
I think it is ok as the vet gave it and its for puppys and kitten, that does all mites/lice and fleas.
her ferret is ok so i guess it is.
I dont think she has fleas but may as well do it now.

03-18-2004, 07:50 AM
My vet gave us Advantage for our MICE, so I'm sure that it would be safe for ferrets.

03-19-2004, 04:49 PM
My bunny had earmites last winter. Rather than using earmite medicine, which can be rather harsh and can cause burning in their ears, I used baby oil (I think, I'll have to check) It killed the earmites by smothering and suffocating them. It worked great and pain free.