View Full Version : Zoey's ALMOST mastered her first real trick!

03-16-2004, 10:01 PM
I've spent the last two weeks trying to get Zoey to put her paw over her face when I tell her "no." She's almost mastered it and gets it most of the time, but has her occasional "blonde moments" [she must get it from me :p]. It only has one drawback though...she does it everytime I say no, it doesn't matter why I'm saying it lol. The other day she jumped up on the kitchen table and tried to grab some food off of Josh's plate and the second I said no, she barked, hopped right off the table, and plopped her paw right over her muzzle. Cute...but not quite what I meant. lol.

Moose has mastered it as well, although that's pretty much enough for his mind to handle at the moment. ;)

Granted, the whole "paw over the face" trick isn't nearly as impressive as Kay and Amy's whole "hold something in your mouth" trick...but we're working our way up there. :p

guster girl
03-16-2004, 10:11 PM
That sounds so cute! I've been working with my labrador, who's now 12 weeks old, and, it's so much fun, but, a lot of work! I'm just working on basics, but, I hope to teach him fun tricks at some point. I just hope we can get him to catch a flying disc! :) That's my long-term goal! Are you able to post photos of your dog doing her new trick? That would be cool.

03-16-2004, 10:14 PM
No, no pics as of yet. I'm hoping that Kay will takes TONS of pictures for me at the FL Meeting in May. :)

03-16-2004, 10:18 PM
I haven't had a whole lot of time to do much more then the basics with Layla. She does the bear like thing where she stands up and paws at the air. So whenever she did it I said be a bear, and now its a trick. She's pretty goofy. I hope this summer to really work with her.

guster girl
03-16-2004, 10:30 PM
I look forward to seeing photos! And, about Layla doing the bear, that's really cute! Finn is learning really quickly. He comes to my left side, and, sits right at my feet when I call him to me, he sits when I hold my hand up balled like a fist (that's his signal), I'm teaching him down, which he is picking up quickly, and, I'm also teaching him "get it" and "bring it". He LOVES doing that! And, it's one of the lessons that doesn't require treats! The ball and me going ape when he brings the toy back is plenty reward!

03-16-2004, 10:34 PM
I do have a question, maybe you one of you can answer. I'm trying to teach Layla frisbe. She can catch it great but I can't get her to run first, before I throw it. Any suggestions?

guster girl
03-16-2004, 10:49 PM
Hey, Lissa! I can't remember what sites right this minute, but, there are sites (skydog.com?) that have videos for sale and there are a lot of informative sites that give you training tips on catching flying discs. I ordered two videos and a disc (I think it was from skydogs or skydog.com), because I want to teach Finn, too! I'll post some others when I get home if I can remember where I read training tips and stuff. :)

03-17-2004, 08:31 AM
Cute tricks! :D

I'm in the process of teaching Kia 'Sit Pretty', which is akin to Layla's 'be a bear' trick. :)

Rio and Me
03-17-2004, 09:35 AM
Oh how did you teach her that moose?