View Full Version : Ernie 1986-2003

03-16-2004, 06:25 PM
Ernie 1986-2003
Finally found the picture I was looking for!! This is Ernie who belonged to my daughter Missy since she was 2 years old. In the above picture, she was 18. He died of renal failure just a few days before her wedding last year, so as far as she has memory - she has had her Ernie. And, Missy was definitely his person of choice and they were best friends always. When she was a toddler and young school girl, she would dress him in doll clothes, baby bonnet and push in in her buggy. During the days, that buggy was his bed and he loved it! Part siamese, Ernie was born in a garage at my husband's families house and was originally called "Bandit" because of the black patch on his eye. Ernie has lived in Texas, Louisiana and Ohio with us. I am so glad that Missy was able to say goodbye to him before she married and left!! He was a wonderful, sweet and faithful friend. :)

03-16-2004, 06:50 PM
Wow. I love that cat soooo much:) He was the embodiment of the perfect cat- he had all of the attributes that i find deirable in a feline friend. He was sweet and affectionate (on his own terms of course) He would always let me hold me however I wanted to, even upside down. No matter how many times I wrangled him into baby clothes, he would always have forgiven me and be curled up by my chin that night. When I was sick or upset he was always right there with me. He Knew. Cats know these things. We developed our little nightly routine that we would do regularly. I would be sitting at the computer and when I started toturn it off I would say "I love you Erniekins" He would look up at me from under the desk with those big blue eyes:) Then I would puch in the sliding table thingy that the keyboard was on and he would get up and do a ncie long stretch. I'd reach down and give him some scritches. Then when I stood up he would run back to my bedroom and stand at the door waiting for me. He slept in my bed nearly every night for as far back as I can remember. But boy would he let me know if I left the bedroom door closed at night. the siamese part of him came out and he could wake up the whole house just to get me to open the door- he didn't want to go out, jsut to have it open:) As soon as I'd open the door he'd hop back up on the bed and lay on top of me:) I could go on and on and on but I'll stop there:) I love and miss you Ernie:) I hope that you're having fun up at the Rainbow Bridge:)

03-16-2004, 07:14 PM
my Mom says it's not true, but I know that he didn't really start to get sick until I went away to live at college. The when he died a few days before my wedding I can just hear him saying "It's ok, you're in good hands now, you don't need me around anymore" I know Ernie approved of Paul, as stupid as this sounds, I probably wouldn't be married to him if Ernie DIDN'T like him

03-16-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Sirrahsim
The when he died a few days before my wedding I can just hear him saying "It's ok, you're in good hands now, you don't need me around anymore"
I was doing fine until I read this, now I'm a blubbering idiot!!!! What a lovely story.

RIP sweet Ernie and enjoy life on the other side of the bridge.

guster girl
03-16-2004, 10:02 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Ernie. :( My cat, Dusty, went to the RB this past December. He was also born in 1986. He was my tenth birthday present. Cats are such good friends, but, Ernie and Dusty are both chilling just over the bridge, along with my kitty, Justin, and, my old dog, Bruno. Ernie's in good hands! :)

03-16-2004, 10:50 PM
What wonderful memories you share of Ernie. Thank you for sharing them with us. :( :) I've got the sad/happy thing going on because I know you loved him so much.

03-16-2004, 11:37 PM
What a lovely tribute to Ernie. He sounds like a wonderful pet!

That is a cute picture too. I'm glad too see you both share such fond memories of him.

Rest in Peace sweet Ernie. Enjoy playing at the Bridge.

03-17-2004, 07:23 AM
I turned into a sobbing mess after reading this. What sweet and wonderful stories about Ernie. He was obviously a very special member of the family. How wonderful that he has left such beautiful memories for you all. He did his job well here on earth by touching his family with such fun and love. What great memories he left behind to be treasured.

Laura's Babies
03-17-2004, 08:15 AM
I think we all need to make a promise to one another, whichever of us get goes first will love and watch over these babies until it's Meowmie gets there. That way we can rest assured that they have someone looking after them with special love since we all know, we love them in such a very special way. I would love to be sitting in the middle of a bunch of kitties that are free of sickness, pain, and handicaps and get all that loving and hearing all those motors going!

03-17-2004, 09:01 AM
We , at The Found Cat Hotel send condolences to Ernie , who was a wonderful Cat , and will always have a place in your Heart, and in your memory. I know that that is true , as I still remember Frosty , and he has beenn gone , about 45 years , and I still can see him , in my minds eye, Black with White spreckles on his fur. RIP Ernie , you wre a True Companion Cat.

03-17-2004, 10:23 AM
RIP Ernie.. what a handsome boy you were.

03-17-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by slick
I was doing fine until I read this, now I'm a blubbering idiot!!!! What a lovely story.

RIP sweet Ernie and enjoy life on the other side of the bridge.

Me too. It REALLY got me. (hugs to Missy and mom)

03-17-2004, 12:49 PM
RIP, Ernie, you were a special boy. Now, you are a special Angel, looking over us from above.

Killearn Kitties
03-18-2004, 08:50 AM
Aw, what lovely stories about Ernie. He had a great life surrounded by so much love.

Rest in peace sweet Ernie.

03-19-2004, 10:44 AM
What a beautiful tribute to Ernie.
He lived a good long and very happy life.
Rest in Peace sweetie.

06-05-2004, 03:07 PM
I just got to thinking about our RB Ernie today and so found more pictures of him and thought of a story to tell about him. It is sad story but I still want to tell it. He had kidney failure for the last year or so of his life. I decided not to have him put on drugs or fluids at the end - not to prolong his life. I think it was best because he never appeared to be in pain, although his last week - he mostly slept and I knew he was dying. He had always slept with Missy, then she went to college and he slept with me or on her bed - but the last week, he slept in the living room under the computer desk and only got up to use his litter box or to eat and drink just a bit. The night before he died, I was already in bed and he came into my room and stared at me!!! I was so startled and so got up to hug and love on him. He had not been to see me in over a week!!! The very next morning, I woke up early and just knew he was gone - ran into the living room - and sure enough - he was...curled up under the computer desk as if asleep. That night before - he must have known he was leaving!!! Why else would he come in and stare at me? Also. Missy was home from college and getting married in few days. She as only there for a short time. He must have known this also. I am sure he waited for her to say goodbye as well. I will just never forget the sight of Ernie staring at me that night! I really miss that sweet kitty. He is buried at the head of my bed - outside the window. He has a white marker - next to one identical to his brother Bert who died from cancer several years earlier. I have no digitals of Bert. I miss them both!!! Here are two more pictures of Ernie. The 2nd is with my hubby :) Ernie was part meezer.

06-05-2004, 04:53 PM
Oh Debbie what a wonderful furboy he was - and so loved.

Hugs to you and Missy - I'm in tears here - he waits at the Bridge.

RIP dear Ernie xxx


06-05-2004, 09:05 PM
That is just the saddest story. It makes me think of my own RB kitty. Missy and Debbie, Ernie sure was loved. What a wonderful tribute that was to him. Thanks for sharing his very heartwarming story with the rest of us.

R.I.P. Sweet Ernie, you sure was a little girls buddy for many years. What a wonderful friend you were to your whole family.


06-08-2004, 09:58 PM
:( :( Thanks for posting those Mom, I love my Ernie so much:) :( :) :( :)

06-08-2004, 10:22 PM
How beautiful ........ *tears*