View Full Version : Question regarding spayed cats...

03-16-2004, 01:27 PM
I just got a call from Lily's first human mommy. Her cat Miss Marple, Lily's mommy, has been spayed last November. She's an indoor/outdoor cat. Now for the last couple of days, all the male cats of the neighborhood are singing outside in the garden and try to "date" her. Of course she doesn't want to, but the males just don't care.

Now my question is, how long does it take till the males are losing interest in a spayed female? I figure her hormone level isn't low enough yet, four months after her surgery.

Does anyone have experiences with this?


03-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten

Now my question is, how long does it take till the males are losing interest in a spayed female?
Does anyone have experiences with this?

I still chase spayed females.......

Spaying has no effect on me.
:D ;) :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

03-16-2004, 01:46 PM
:D :D :D


03-17-2004, 05:00 AM
Well, I was really serious about this question, since Miss Marple's mommy was hoping to get some advice from me. But since my cats have never been outdoors, I have no experiences with this.

Soooo, does anyone here know for how long spayed cats are still interesting for the males?


03-17-2004, 09:23 AM
That is a good question , as every once in a while , there will be interest in Moose , and Rocca, and they have been changed , years ago! ODD!

K & L
03-17-2004, 09:42 AM
Could there still be a lingering odor? I'm not too familiar with this since all our cats were spayed before they ever came into heat. I would love to know that answer also!

03-17-2004, 01:53 PM
I'm not sure either. All my cats are fixed but some of the males STILL try to mount them.

Are you sure they're not singing for some OTHER unspayed female in the neighborhood???

I still chase spayed females.......
Spaying has no effect on me.


Why does that NOT surprize me???

03-17-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by moosmom


Why does that NOT surprize me???

I apologize to you and Kirsten.
Sometimes I cannot control my animal instincts.:rolleyes: :eek: ;)

03-17-2004, 05:28 PM
No apology necessary!

03-17-2004, 07:37 PM
If the spay was done properly, then there should be no hormonal activity with the kitty. Males on the otherhand are still capable of siring a litter until the sperm is out of their systems. It's maybe a dominance thing going on....or a lot of frisky males and no female in season! ;)

03-18-2004, 11:04 AM
:D I got a chuckle out of Richard's reply...Surely cats are not that much different than people. Maybe Miss Marple is just a true Hottie!

Miss Julie was spayed before she has ever had a heat, plus she is strictly and indoor kitty so I have no input on that.

03-18-2004, 02:06 PM
Maybe Miss Marple is just a true Hottie!

LOL; who knows... :D

But actually she doesn't like it very much, the males (one of them is Mr. Stringer, Lily's possible daddy) more or less try to rape her and she gets really angry. :eek:

I tend to think that when she got spayed, that maybe parts of the ovaries remained inside her body, so there's still a certain hormone level in her blood now...


03-18-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by nibblets
:D I got a chuckle out of Richard's reply...

I have learned to brace myself when I see RICHARD :D He is quick wit the wit!!:p

PS Love ya (((Richard)))):)