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View Full Version : Who is the most spoiled cat on Pet Talk?

03-16-2004, 12:24 PM
Since Fister came from such a troubled background and was such a timid little fellow, we have always been very kind and gentle with him. This has backfired on us and resulted in him ending up as THE MOST SPOILED CAT IN THE WORLD! (As far as I can see).

Here are some examples:

1. Every afternoon he takes his little nap, but expects to be woken up about 2 o'clock to be served delicious morsels of smoked ham. If this doesn't happen, he will wake up anyway, be quite put out and regard us with great disdain for quite a while before turning over and continuing his nap. :cool:

2. He loves the water on the bathroom floor, but only on his own conditions. The tap is turned on, the water runs across the floor - BUT - we have to turn the tap OFF before he will lap up the water from the floor. This results in us spending lots of time on our knees turning the tap on and off. If we don't, he complains loudly.

3. Every afternoon about 4 o'clock he wants to be BRUSHED. This is a habit that Randi has taught him. Now he insists on it every day, or complains long and loud. It's not as if he makes it any easier for Randi either, he always turns his back on her and moves away just far enough that she can't reach him, and has to move herself. After a short brushing, he will then move just a little bit further away again. If she stops, he complains again. Aaaarrggghhh! :mad: :mad:

4. Any area that he has decided to make his own will immediately be outfitted with soft comfortable pillows, crystal glass water containers etc. etc.

5. He now considers our bed to be his territory and not ours. He has more or less lost the battle for Randi's pillow, but still considers it essential to be allowed to wander back and forth across my chest and stomach whenever he feels the need. This can actually be quite painful, but he will go moody on me if I refuse him this right. He also reserves the right to wake me up in any matter that he thinks fit, with no regard for my personal safety.

6. When he settles on the windowsill, he will expect us to open the window for him so he can have a nice sniff of the outdoor air. But will want it closed again two minutes later, or will leave in a huff. We are also expected to open doors for him if he's feeling a bit lazy, especially to the bathroom, as it is slightly heavy for the poor guy.

7. He likes to lie stretched out on the papers and manuscripts that I read from while I am working on the computer. So I have to move my papers to an inconvenient spot or stop working. :cool:

8. He doesn't like it if his litter isn't completely and absolutely clean and will make a terrific ruckus scratching around in his litter and complaining loudly. (This is presumably most fun in the middle of the night!). :mad:

9. He likes to play with a ball of wool, but rapidly looses interest. I think that secretly his real aim is to get a quick laugh out of seeing his humans on hands and knees, cursing, trying to get it back out from under the bed, chest of drawers or other inaccessible place. :mad:

10. When we receive visitors, they are respectfully asked to behave with decorum as there is a sensitive cat in the household. No shouting or uncouth behavior please, it annoys the cat! :D :D :D

So let's hear all about them. Who can claim the most spoiled cat on Pet Talk?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-16-2004, 12:44 PM
I can't think of all the ways T & P are spoiled right now, but the one that immediately pops into my head is that they are served treats in bed. Yes, if their daddy feels they deserve a treat, he will personally bring it to them wherever they may be - which is usually in bed. He will even go so far as to climb upstairs to the loft to deliver Tubby's to him, even though he wasn't planning on going upstairs and immediately goes back downstairs.

Oh, and Peanut does "The Dance" with her daddy too. It's similar to Fister being brushed and moving just out of Randi's reach. What Peanut does is as soon as daddy is in his chair by the computer, she'll go over by him and start meowing and rubbing on the boxes and files he has around. He'll reach down to pick her up and she'll run just out of his reach. He'll turn away and go back to the computer and she immediately is right back meowing and rubbing. This goes on for 3 - 4 times and then finally she'll allow herself to be "caught" and brought onto his lap, where she'll snuggle in with the most contented look on her face, purring away. :rolleyes: :D

03-16-2004, 12:54 PM
Fister has my vote!
Of course, MY four are perfect little angels! (could I interest you in an old rickity bridge over some swamp land?);) :D

03-16-2004, 01:16 PM
Fister I do believe you are spoiled rotten!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif I was ROFLOL at how well you have your humans trained!

All of our babies are rotten to the core too but to see it actually written in words was hilarious!!:D :D :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Edwina's Secretary
03-16-2004, 01:26 PM
First of all....I think you need to confiscate Fister wrist watch. It appears he is very much a clock watcher!

Let's see...Edwina and Eddie spoiled? Well, they have three overflowing toy boxes throughout the house...wouldn't want them to have to walk too far to find a toy with which to play!

Color coordinated walking jackets...

Twice a day treats of Sara Lee Honey roasted turkey - shredded. I've tried to buy other (less expensive) brands and they know before I've even brought the gorceries in the house!

Not only has Edwina declared the big bed to be hers....when she is ready to get into bed, she stands at the foot of it and whines and looks at me so plaintively until I get in so she can assume her position on my legs. And is it REALLY necessary for me to move during the night!

No food may be consumed until one (or both!) of them has checked it. This goes for beverages as well.

And doors...are to be opened on demand. That goes for bathroom doors as well as the door to the screen porch. And as cats...they would not DREAM of closing the door after themselves.

03-16-2004, 01:36 PM
I have to vote for Elvis. After being found scrounging around in a Taco Bell dumpster he's now 'The King'.

Here's why I think so:

1. He must sleep in the middle of the bed with his head on his own 'special' pillow.

2. He doesn't stretch himself, he's manually stretched by either my bf or myself.

3. He doesn't groom himself, we do that for him.

4. He insists on getting his pills promptly at 9 am and 10 pm....no exceptions.

5. When riding in the car, he always rides shotgun, never in a carrier.

6. When at the vet, he never gets put in a cage. He's always allowed to lounge up front with the receptionists or in the Dr.'s office.

7. If he wants the spot where the dogs are laying, they're immediately evicted so that Elvis may have the spot.

8. All houseguests are instructed on the correct brushing technique for "The King". No exceptions.

Any deviation from said rules will result in a twangy and sharp "Mraoooo-oooow"!

03-16-2004, 01:56 PM
It looks like Fister is the King. Pouncer may be naw-tee but so far he's not too demanding (though I'm sure I'd happily comply if he was) Allen can be a bit touchy. For example, he says when and how much to feed him. And when it comes to treats, he makes you hand feed them to him after they've been properly shredded. He must have his morning scritchies when my husband is trying to to shave... imagine Pouncer trying to drink from the sink and Allen begging for scritichies the entire time he just wants to shave!

Allen also must have his nap time where nobody can disturb him... if you wake him up before its time, he is quite vocal. He also wants loving when he wants it... and you'd better give him his belly rubs, or he'll be very vocal about it. At night, you need to get out of "his" computer chair because that is his bed... he will tell you when its time to move over.:D

03-16-2004, 02:46 PM
Well I'm probally a little prejudice here but I have to say my Abner.....SPOILED, SPOILED, SPOILED!!!!

He gets loving all the time.

He gets milk from my cup everynight. When it is milk time, I hold up my cup and say "Abbey MOOOOO" and he comes running and talking up a storm.

He has the prime sleeping spot...it is anywhere someone else is sleeping....he moves the others...in his own special way, usually by biting them.

He is a toy hog so that means that he is usually the one that gets to play the most.

He has made the left side of my body HIS sleeping spot at night, and yes I wake with "tail" every AM.

He has a bow tie as his ID tag.

He tells you exactly what is on his mind...usually that he wants to go outside and I'm just not fast enough, or it's not fair that I am not letting him out when I'm not home.

Well I could go on but I think most of you get the picture. --- Meg

03-16-2004, 03:05 PM
While I think I tend to spoil my guys, I don't think it rises to the level of Fister's treatment! How terribly funny that Fister rules the roost.:D

03-16-2004, 03:32 PM
I have a little addition to this. John likes to read in bed before going to sleep, and now Fister has developed a new tecnique of trying to avoid him from doing so - he simply sits on his arm so he can't lift it!! - Now, John is learning to turn the pages with one hand. :D