View Full Version : Bad Meowmie!!!!

03-16-2004, 10:21 AM
Oh am I a bad meowmie or what? I was outside taking pictures of Nicki in the snow and left the door to the mudroom open... Pouncer must have slipped into the mudroom when I wasn't looking. He thought he'd hit gold...... He was free and clear to run outside!!! Not so, my little one!:)

I picked him up, shut the door and dropped him into the snow. He couldn't move his legs fast enough to get to the mudroom.... only his entry was blocked by the door.;)

Here's a photo history of the events that transpired:

Hmmmm, Is she watching? Am I able to slip out?
Notice the million shoes that are depostied in a heap by the back door?

What IS that white stuff?!?

How do I get back in?
Hey, I'm in this picture too! Thats my reflection.

Let me in!!!! Please please let me in!!!!!

He's currently downstairs acting wounded. So what do you thnk? Bad meowmie?

03-16-2004, 10:27 AM
That reminds me ., of when I was young , and our Cats would sit in front of the door , deciding whether , ogr not , to go out. Meanwhile my Dear Mother , would be having the cold wind blow on her. Then she would ease them , out , then run to the back door , a minute , or so later , to let them in.Pouncer knows that he has a Marvellous Meowmie!

03-16-2004, 10:28 AM
Your not a bad meowmie!!!!! Actually it is something I would do to my furkids....to me it is a way to remind them how much they HATE the snow.

Abner will walk on two legs...you know the walk, front right and back left are off the ground shaking snow off the paws, then they step down and do the shake with the left front and back right.:D :D :D

Your snow in PA is coming my way by this afternoon. So that means that daddy is going to have to make a path on the deck so Abner, Mystic and especially Tucker are able to run under the deck where all will be nice and dry.

03-16-2004, 10:34 AM
but it's been in the high eighties here and Calvin & Hobbes have been basking in the sun watching video's and enjoying meowmies vacation days. Life is good.
PS...just had an earthquake so there you have it...

03-16-2004, 11:01 AM
That'll learn 'im. :D

Rizzo used to be a horrible little runaway. Every time we opened the door, he would try to bolt out between our feet, and he didn't pause at the door! It was, out the door, down the steps, down the path, and straight to the parking lot! :eek: He tried to give his meowmie a heart attack a couple of times. We actually started bribing him with treats to stay away from the door every morning as we left for work!

So then we took him out for a walk on his leash in the snow a couple of months ago. At first, he was pretty into it. The snow doesn't bother his great big wooly feets. But he was tense...you know how they get that ultra-concentration thing going on? Well, then my husband, who had gone to get something from the car, came jogging back towards us. Rizzo saw this red, hooded jacket rushing at him, kicking up snow, and he FREAKED. Our usually calm, unflappable, gentle kitty stood up on his hind legs, flailed about with his claws, hissed, growled, and made the most awful, long, drawn-out, low-pitched yowling sound I've ever heard in my life. We took him back inside. And he's shown NO interest in leaving the apartment since. And he was scared of that jacket for a month. :rolleyes:

You are indeed a wise meowmie. :D

03-16-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by kitten645
but it's been in the high eighties here and Calvin & Hobbes have been basking in the sun watching video's and enjoying meowmies vacation days. Life is good.
PS...just had an earthquake so there you have it...
I'm enjoying our heatwave too. Right now I'm down in the South Bay and it's headed up into the high 80's. Didn't feel the earthquake -- where was it centered?

Snow? What's that? :confused: :eek: :cool: :D

03-16-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Snow? What's that? :confused: :eek: :cool: :D
Pouncer says, "very cold white stuff that meowmie TOSSED me into!"

Actually, I'm thrilled that we are having this last snow. I was hoping for one more storm! I love snow!!!! Next thing I'll know, it'll be 90 with 80% humidity. Summers are so yucky here... hot and muggy and stiffling. bleccchhh.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-16-2004, 12:14 PM
I'm with Twink. :D

You may remember the video of Tubby's excursion outside when we had more snow. He, too, likes to bolt out, although it's a much more hesitant bolt than when he was younger, but he did the same as Pouncer. "Oooohh, what is this white stuff and why are my feet getting cold and wet? Let me back in - NOW!!!" ;) :D

Pouncer sure is getting big! :( :)

03-16-2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Pouncer sure is getting big! :( :)

Tell me about it... did you notice in the first two pictures that he's starting to develop the tummy pouch? Yup, my baby boy's getting to be "overly fluffy" and his tummy is soon going to be swaying as he runs! I don't know what to do as he eats constantly... his, Allen's, & Nicki's food... along with pilfering whatever he can from the human plates.

And Twink, He was sooo mad at me for a while, then he decided t firgive me as he sat by the french doors watching the snow with his tail twitching. I could tell he was thinking, "just one more chance is all I need..."

Once when he ws a really young kitten, he slipped out when we were taking out the garbage. We were getting ready for bed and noticed that he was missing and that he must have gotten outside. We found him on the front porch. The relief in his eyes was monumental and we thought that the experience would have taught hm... nope. The following morning he was trying to get out. Now whenever he is successful in slipping out, we always find him right away because he's always on the front porch waiting to be rescued.:rolleyes:

03-16-2004, 01:09 PM
I just don't know if Pouncer could possibly get any cuter!!! So you didn't like the snow, hey Pouncer?That bad ole meowmie locked you out in it didn't she? And she wonders why your Nawtee!!!! I bet somehow you will get even won't you buddy?

They always do so look out there meowmie!!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Killearn Kitties
03-16-2004, 04:46 PM
Aww, poor Pouncer!! I can't believe how big he is in these photos. And he has a lovely long tail!

03-16-2004, 05:33 PM
was south but we definately felt it here. Calvin's tail was puffed TO HERE!! Pouncer couldn't possibly cuter if he tried. Same sex marriges being the rage here I can't help but think my Cali might be of the ilk but he swears he's in love with Phoebe.