View Full Version : Ergh..-rant-

03-15-2004, 11:51 PM
Why do people see the need to have to blast their car radios, with the bass and the system blaring, in a neighborhood at 1 in the morning?

Someone's out there right now, bass completely up, almost making our house rattle, and it's soooooo annoying.

I mean I love loud music, and I especially love riding in cars with it loud, but in a neigbhor at 1 o'clock in the morning!?!?! NO.

My headache is getting worse and worse from it.:mad:

The dogs started barking when they first heard it, but quieted down when I told them to.

03-16-2004, 12:53 AM
--pleads guilty--

...although, I live in a college town...in a college neighborhood...on a college campus. No one is in bed before 3am anyway. ;):p

03-16-2004, 11:38 AM
Stupid people do that here too, right outside my house..er, MY window to be exact. Usually in between 1-3am. Lucky it doesn't happen to much. I'd have to kill them ;)

03-16-2004, 01:03 PM
He he he..how nice to see three young peope complaining about this.

A thought comes to mind....if your music is SO loud it **could** be bothering someone...it really doesn't matter the time you are playing it. All people enjoy moments of quiet at different times. Sure, it is easier to see that loud music when **most** of the world is sleeping is annoying. But, what about someone taking a nap at 2 pm, with the neighbor's dog barking its head off, or the kids next store screaming and carrying on-music or not?

People today seem to have very little respect for others. Music, loud pets, kids out of control...those silly loud cars that make you wonder how it could be enjoyable to ride in them....

(Oh, and Moose? I was the weirdo that DID go to bed before 3 am, in college, on campus, in the dorms. I used to get so mad at people like you....:p )

03-16-2004, 01:26 PM
Grab some change and run outside....

In my neighborhood the ice cream man only shows up when the sun shines.:rolleyes:

03-16-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
But, what about someone taking a nap at 2 pm, with the neighbor's dog barking its head off, or the kids next store screaming and carrying on-music or not?

Id rather not hear either three at any time of the day in my neighborhood.

We have alot of young kids on our block. There's aobut 4-5 young boys who are constantly running up and down the sidewalks playing. Now, I really don't mind it sometimes -- but they're out there EVERYDAY, until after dark sometimes. It really does get annoying because we can't enjoy having the house open when it's nice out (when they're out there the most) without hearing little kids screaming.

As for the stereo, i'd much rather it be turned off/down before the neighborhood is entered. I used to always turn my parent's radio down when we entered the neighborhood because it generally made me embarrassed to listen to Bob Seagar or Jimmy Buffet really loud. :o :o


03-16-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
(Oh, and Moose? I was the weirdo that DID go to bed before 3 am, in college, on campus, in the dorms. I used to get so mad at people like you....:p )


When you live on my block, there is no such person. ;) Every house is having a party, and everyone is up and out. :p Oh man, only a couple more months and those days will be gone forever...--sigh-- ;)

03-16-2004, 03:10 PM
I KNOW they are kids, but, WHY do they have to scream all the time? I remember my stepmom telling us to stop screaming when we were in the pool in our backyard. It is so annoying. By the end of the fall, I am **almost**glad it gets colder, cause then I can shut the windows and block out the noise.

03-16-2004, 03:16 PM
I love that they're outside and playing, and running around.. but there's no need to scream and screach, especially since most little kids have an ear piercing scream.

They always scream to eachother on their walkie-talkies when they're like 2 feet away. LOL :p :o

One of the little boys got the cops called on him the other night because he was outside on his Go-Cart when it was dark outside.

Now, I think calling the cops was a bit much, because I would have probably been traumatized to even think of riding my Go-Cart (if I had one) again after the cops came, but I don't think he should have been outside past dark.

My parents rule was for us to always be in before dark, unless they were outside with us. But, heck then I was afraid to be outside when it was dark out anyways. :p

03-16-2004, 03:45 PM
And it's not even the music that I'm complaining about....it's the stupid over-the-top bass. Why would you want so much bass that you can't even hear the music? It's stupid and annoying.

It's not the loud music that rattles my house windows, it's the bass. Unfortunately, it seems to be something that people with low self-esteem to do fit in or be 'cool'.


03-16-2004, 04:00 PM
Kayann THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT!! it was 12:30 ish and their is a whole group of teenagers living in a house..well this car pulls up and they started play LOUUUUD music! I was mad because I couldent sleep and now because of my lack of sleep im getting sick! I know how you feel

03-16-2004, 09:06 PM
We have neighboors whose garage is a couple feet away from our den. The kid (he's 20ish) who lives there, has a band and they're all out there just about EVERY night blasting guitars, drums, and what have you. I think they're pretty good...but NOT at 2 AM. :p Their garage is not sound proofed at all, so when they start playing very LOUD, Molly starts barking and I have to get her to quiet down.

Ay...TEENS. ;):rolleyes::p

03-16-2004, 09:49 PM
I know what you mean! I HATE it when people blast their music when they are driving. You know, you are in the car next to them, behind them, or a few lanes over, and you can feel the mucic. Yeah, I too love loud music, but not THAT loud! :rolleyes: Some people!

03-16-2004, 10:06 PM
Ahhh, the joys of living in the country. (Plus in a tiny town!:))

03-16-2004, 10:16 PM
2 words: Spring Break!