View Full Version : Another ferret question or 2

Rio and Me
03-15-2004, 04:09 PM
How do i litter train Tia?
I brought her a litter box but dont know what to litter to use or how to train her to use it? any help needed please.

and she is a bit nippy, i dont mind but it would be nice to try and trian her to stop, again help please

Thanks Ky, Rio and Tia

03-15-2004, 04:26 PM
How old is she? Did you get a corner litter box or a small cat box? How big is the cage, how many floors? I would suggest getting a couple small cat boxes if the cage is a couple floors. Note where she goes to the bathroom at and place the litter box there. Have a couple outside the cage too for when she's out playing. Most ferrets prefer to have their whole body in the box when they go to the bathroom, that's why corner boxes don't go over well.

As for the nipping, what do you mean by that? Does she just walk up to you and bite? Or bite when you're playing? Or startle and bite? If it's walking up and nipping, scruff her, drag her about 2 feet and let her go, then ignore her. If she's biting when playing, that's normal. She may though, bite harder then you'd prefer, that's because a ferrets skin is thicker then ours so they don't realize they're hurting us. Just scruff her and say no if she bites too hard. Scruffing is pretty much the answer for everything!!

Rio and Me
03-15-2004, 05:04 PM
Ok it is a corner litter box, quiet big (i would say plenty big enough), all i use is newspaper in the bottom at the moment (as i dont know what is a cheap good litter).

The biting is when i put my hand in the cage (only somtimes) playing (i know thats normal), startled bite, and she like my feet to much,lol

Ky and Rio

03-15-2004, 05:56 PM
also i would try putting some of her poop in the litter box, so her scent will be there and if you notice she's gone in it put her in it and praise her or give her a reward. f