View Full Version : A feel good story.

03-14-2004, 11:05 PM
I just read this story and with all of the craziness going on in the world - this story took me away from it for a moment.

A Grandfather was talking to his grandson about his upcoming Prom night. The Grandfather suggested that perhaps the restaurant he had chosen was a bit expensive. The grandson replied, that no, he was working hard, knew the expense and was planning for it.

The Grandfather chuckled, because his grandson sounded like him at that age.

The prom night arrived and the grandson and his date and two other couples went to the expensive restaurant. They ordered, ate their dinner and when the check arrived the grandson collected from his buddies and paid the bill which was well over $200.

In a few moments the waiter returned with all of their money and handed it back to them.

The stunned kids sat there as the waiter explained that an older couple at another table had seen them and watched them have fun. They had paid their entire tab.

The older couple remembered that on their own prom date years ago, another couple had paid their tab for them as a surprise. They had always wanted to do the same for young kids now that they were older and when they saw the three couples decided to do it for them.

How many of us would be that generous or remember the kind gesture from years ago?

03-14-2004, 11:15 PM
gini, that is such an uplifting story. I think I needed that, I have been feeling so down and don't know why. But that made me actually feel so good. Thanks for that wonderful story.

I think you knew I needed that.


03-14-2004, 11:55 PM
Wow that is truly a great story. As Willie said, very uplifting.
Thanks for sharing this with us and I don't know of many people who would do such a kind gesture.

03-15-2004, 04:48 AM
Gini that is a lovely story. :) Thanks for sharing with us.:)

03-15-2004, 07:07 AM
That's so nice!

If you dont mind me sharing a story :o.. It reminds me one time when i went to crackel barrel, it was only me, my little brother and my mom at the time, and we were getting ready to leave and an old man came to our table with a bag for each of us, he gave me and my little brother toys he bought from the store, and his wife was just grinning at the sight of her generous husband.

It was so sweet, and made all of our days.. :D

03-15-2004, 07:11 AM
These stories are wonderful and so refreshing in these days when there is so much in the news that is upsetting. Thanks for posting!

03-15-2004, 08:58 AM
Aw that's so sweet:)

03-15-2004, 09:03 AM
How wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing, Gini!! :)

03-15-2004, 05:45 PM
I find it so sweet when people do that:) thanks for sharing it with us Gini:)

03-15-2004, 05:59 PM
it hink it's so great when people do things for people they don't even know, it's makes it so much more special than if they do it for someone they know

03-15-2004, 06:27 PM
Before I got my employee parking card I had to sign my parking coupon to get out of the lot at work...

Around 5 p.m., everyone races towards the little booth where the parking attendant sits. There, two lines merge into one and everyone takes turns...

I was watching the line when I saw the car in front of me cut off a woman from the other lane.

I motioned to the 'cut-off' woman to go next - she smiled and went ahead.

My turn at the booth was a surprise!

The woman handed the attendant an extra dollar to pay MY way out of the lot...Since all I had to do was sign my name and put my employee number on the coupon, I told the attendant to use it towards the person in the car behind me....I tried to catch up to the lady that payed, but I missed her at the corner....

Things like that shouldn't catch us off guard.

Not unlike the time I dropped my watch in the lot as I climbed out of my truck, I heard it hit the ground but didn't see anything....Someone picked it up and placed it on the roof of my car, where I found it 8 and a half hours later.....:eek:

For every 20 horror stories you hear about,
there is 1 that makes up for it.

I love L.A.:cool: