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Canis Amicus
03-14-2004, 08:28 AM
Your mamma saved you from a terrible end of your life at so early age. I mean only days you had!
But now you are that wonderful boy that brings luck and hapiness for the ones around you.
Congratulation for your POTD.

03-14-2004, 09:31 AM
With March 20th just around the corner, how fitting that we should have that quintessential harbinger of Spring, beautiful Robbie Robin as our very special Sunday Pet of the Day! Just as Spring heralds the awakening of the earth, so were you reborn that fateful day your human brought you home to her nest. What a touching, life affirming tale of compassion, nurturing, courage and devotion! Congratulations to you precious Robin! Raise your voice in joyful song for today we honor you! I hope you and your most wonderful family, human and feathered, enjoy a very happy day of celebration and many, many more loved filled years together:)

03-14-2004, 01:02 PM
What a lucky birdie you are! I'm so glad your mommy rescued you and now you have a happy home! Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!:D

03-14-2004, 07:16 PM
Dear little Robin, did you know I have a daughter with your very same name! :) Your story was amazing and points up once again what can happen when a loving human meets up with a little one in need. I was deeply touched to read you have such a bond with your Momma that you will not eat or drink in her absence. How wonderful that you two met up on that fateful day. You have enriched each other's lives and today you have enriched all of ours who have read your story. Congratulations to a very special little bird, our handsome Robin and very special Pet of the Day! ;)

03-14-2004, 07:21 PM
Sweet, sweet Robin!!! What a wonderful story of love and compassion yours is!!! :) It truly brought a tear to my eye to read this and know that your mother cared enough to turn that car around and save you, sweet heart. :)

Having the sound and companionship of a loving Cockatiel is a great thing for a human. 4 is wonderful. But to add a loving, song singing fellow like you to that mix must be heavenly!!!! :D My cockatiels would love to have a friend and fellow singer like you!!! :D

Congratulations, dearest Robin, on being a special Pet of the Day!!! :D

03-14-2004, 07:27 PM
What a wonderful, heartwarming story, of such a beautiful little bird!! Robin, what a sweetie you are, and what a wonderful mommy you have. I would love to have the companionship of a bird like you some day! Congrats beautiful feathered one!

03-15-2004, 05:45 AM
What a pretty bird you are, Robin, and you have a good heart as well. I can tell that you are ever so appreciative for being saved from such a horrible situation, because you are doing every thing in your power to show your mom what a very special bird you are and how very much you love her.

We have many lovely Robins who frequent our yard. Because I have met you, I will now certainly see them quite differently. You are a true ambassador for Robins everywhere. I am so glad your mom nominated you for Pet of the Day, because it has been a joy to see you and get to know you. I am very sorry I missed commenting on your special day, but since you must make every day a special day for your mom, I guess it will be okay.