View Full Version : Who is the cross-stitcher here?

03-13-2004, 12:29 PM
I know some cat people are cross-stitchers... I posted this offer in General, but wasn't sure how many people actually visit over there.

I have a program that turns photos into cross-stitch patterns and was wondering if anyone would like me to take a picture of their cat(s) and make it into a pattern for them. I'd just need to know finished size, fabric type (linen or aida) and a few other litle things. Its fun and I could have it done fast... I'm really really bored!;)

03-13-2004, 12:48 PM
I do I do. *jumping up and down*

But I'm not sure which picture.

Mmm.. Might do several little pictures, one of each cat ?

03-13-2004, 02:52 PM
WOW! I used to cross stitch. My mom and I had a small craft business, as a matter of fact. I haven't actually had time for it lately, but it might just be worth it if I was doing my own babies!

starts looking for good pictures............

03-13-2004, 03:19 PM
Ohhhh, multiple pictures of al your babies on one needlework! I'll have to think of a nice way to put all of them... head shots only? Maybe a nice saying too? hmmm... send pictures! You'll keep me nice and busy and out of trouble

03-13-2004, 03:27 PM
Actually, SMALL, individual graphs would be best. If they are small they are more likely to get done. Head shots would be best.
Then maybe I could make a quilt or something.

03-13-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Actually, SMALL, individual graphs would be best. If they are small they are more likely to get done. Head shots would be best.
Then maybe I could make a quilt or something.

Ha ha! I like your thinking! I have done no needlework lately... it used to be my passion. I only did ones I designed (hence the computer program) and haven't done a complete one in nearly three years... lots of little half finished ones. I don't have 200 hours to dedicate to one needlework anymore (ahh, single life was grand.)

Now, those of you who take me up on this offer should know that I am an award winning needlework designer! I won second place in DMC's competition a few years ago... second place in the whole US! :D *pats self in back*

Jen, I'll be more than happy to do headshots off your whole gang. I might even through a Pouncer one in there for ya - he was after all your baby first!;)

03-13-2004, 04:35 PM
Could you crop Monte's head and start with him? This is a perfect shot of him.
Figure 11 count aida, 4 inches square. (only if that is feasible, if not, do whatever, I can adjust)

03-13-2004, 04:36 PM
WOW! Cross-stitch! I used to be addicted to the art! Dabbled in some needlepoint too, but my absolute favorite was crochet. My kitties now sleep on their meowmie's own handcrafted designs.

03-13-2004, 10:35 PM
Ok Jen, here's the colored chart of Monte. It took a bit of editing to get him to fit the size you requested (its a little bit larger than requested - 5", but he looked like a lump of white at 4")
I'll snail-mail the symbol chart and floss chart to you.

03-13-2004, 11:17 PM
Catnapper - that is so neat!! And how nice of you to offer to make these for cross-stitching PTers.

03-14-2004, 05:28 AM
EXCELLENT!!!! I think I will put him on a sweatshirt! I have cross stiched many sweatshirts and they REALLY last! :D

Laura's Babies
03-14-2004, 09:45 AM
MAN! That is the one thing I can not do and now I wished I could! I do a little of this and a little of that, do nothing perfect, but love doing things but I have never learned cross stitching. That is a really cool program and I had no idea that had anything like that!

03-14-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
MAN! That is the one thing I can not do and now I wished I could! I do a little of this and a little of that, do nothing perfect, but love doing things but I have never learned cross stitching. That is a really cool program and I had no idea that had anything like that!

Cross stitch is very easy! I could create a chart for you and include easy to follow directions! I bought the program years ago and forgot about it since I never installed it on my new computer.. but I was going through my CDs yesterday and came across it. I thought PTers might enjoy it.

I tired sewing something this morning (nothing interesting, just repairing a seam) and remembered why I don't sew anymore... Pouncer was all over the place trying to attack the thread as I sewed. I gave up and the seam still is gaping.:D

03-14-2004, 01:15 PM
Now that s a great idea , that way I could immortalize my Dear Friend Mr. Scrappy , who I miss dearly.He was a Wonderful Cat!

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-14-2004, 01:59 PM
I LOVE to cross-stitch. I am busy with a special project for my Mum and Dad's 40th Anniversary - a wreath with theor names, the date of their wedding and 40 Years in it, but I would LOVE to do my "babies" for my next project. PLEASE could you make the patterns for me??? I'll hunt out a good head-shot of Ally and Connor and post them, along with the Aida fabric-count info. (Hopefully tomorrow - the clean-up after the fire at my Son's school has been keeping me very busy over the last few days!

03-14-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
I LOVE to cross-stitch. I am busy with a special project for my Mum and Dad's 40th Anniversary - a wreath with theor names, the date of their wedding and 40 Years in it, but I would LOVE to do my "babies" for my next project. PLEASE could you make the patterns for me??? I'll hunt out a good head-shot of Ally and Connor and post them, along with the Aida fabric-count info. (Hopefully tomorrow - the clean-up after the fire at my Son's school has been keeping me very busy over the last few days!

When I saw that thread about what to give your parents, I almost replied that you give them a nice needlework! I did one for my grandparent's 50th a few years ago! They cherished it. Whenever you are ready to send me the pictures, just let em know.

03-14-2004, 08:36 PM
OMG, the one you did of Monte for Jen is Gorgeous!!! Counted Cross Stitch isn't really my thing, but I'm really tempted now. Now to follow the furkids about and see if I can get some great shots...
