View Full Version : Whew! She's here!

03-12-2004, 08:07 PM
Well the new foster is here and nobody likes her and she doesn't like any of my three! YIKES! Stress! She's in her crate right now sleeping. Anytime any of mine go near her she snarls and growls and barks, whether she's in the crate or out. She seems to be very food aggressive, as she's snapped at anyone any time she was near the food bowls. :eek:

She's totally sweet with people and adores attention. She's fairly excitable, but not super hyper. She's considerably bigger than my three, about the same size as Aly's Lolly for those of you who've met Miss Lollypops. :) Abby's a lot thinner, though.

Unfortunately hubby has to work tomorrow, so she'll be in the crate a lot, but her Kong's in the freezer so she'll have something to do. :)

One good thing is that she'll spend most of her time in the crate for the next two months, so there won't be much opportunity for fighting. She'll be spayed on Monday (she's already had at least one litter) and will recuperate for about 10 days, then her heartworm treatment will begin. From that time on, she'll have no contact with my dogs. They'll get her too excited and excitement can be deadly during HW treatment. :( We have to keep her as still and quiet as possible, and the vet recommends crating her all the time, except for potty breaks. No walks, no playing of any sort.

I hope that they will all eventually get along and that I can find her a multiple pooch furever home. If not, we’ll find her an only child home. :) I think she would like to play, though.

She’s fairly timid still, though we’ll surely get to see her personality in a few days. :) I’m certain she was hit. Anytime I raise my voice or hand she flinches, and even laid down when she was done pooping as if she thought she was going to be hit for going potty. This was outside, not inside.

All in all, we have a long rough road ahead, but we’ll all get through it and Abby will be fine. :) Expect some stressed out, ‘I can’t take this anymore’ posts from me in the future! ;)

Now, for pics! (not the best, Chester & Millie were all over me and everyone was snarling & growling!)


Snarling at Chester :eek:
She looks small, but she's about the size of a large beagle:

03-12-2004, 08:11 PM
She is beautiful Micki!! Hopefully once everyone gets used the idea, things will settle down. Hang in there...we are here to vent to!

Good luck!

03-12-2004, 08:18 PM
Micki, she is so pretty!! Won't be long and everybody will sette down hopefully, and you will enjoy peace and quite soon.

03-12-2004, 08:28 PM
She is so cute Micki!!
Good luck and we are here for you!!

03-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Awww! She's sooo cute!!!!! Are you going to end up keeping her? ;) :p

03-12-2004, 09:26 PM
Aww, she's gorgeous! :)

03-12-2004, 09:28 PM
She has pretty coloring! :D I hope everything will go fine for you. :)

03-13-2004, 12:09 AM

I just love the snarly face :) Hopefully she will get used to your dogs soon and they will get used to her.

Thanks for saving the sweet girl!

03-13-2004, 04:53 AM
She is gorgeous!! What a doll!

Hope all goes well with her treatment. I need to go and read up on her story. I am sure all the dogs will come around and get along fine.

03-13-2004, 05:52 AM
haha! how cute is that pup?!@! that growling face is priceless! good thing you caught that on camera lol.

03-13-2004, 06:52 AM
She is sooooo cute! I hope that they can get used to each other. Otherwise, it's going to be kind of rough. Maybe she'll adjust. Let's hope so!

03-13-2004, 08:40 AM
She is beautiful!
Hopefully as things settle down, everyone will
get along just fine.

03-13-2004, 08:42 AM
She is adorable! Best of luck with getting her all set for a new home. :) Hopefully your kids will all be able to get along. :)

03-13-2004, 08:57 AM
She's SO cute! :D Hope everyone can get along soon! :)

03-13-2004, 09:03 AM
Thing are much better this morning. Abby slept in the giant crate in the living room and never made a peep. :) I got up around 3 usual to let Chester out and she was so excited to see me. She went out, did her business & was ready to go back in the crate. So far this morning, very little growling from anyone. :) I consider that great progress compared to last night.

Chester is the worst for running at her and growling and barking, but her reaction to him is changing to her mostly looking at him like he's weird with a few snarls thrown in.

I think everyone will adjust to each other given time, and then once her treatment starts they won’t even see each other. Then keeping her quiet and still will be the problem. She's even getting less protective of her food already. :) We'll take it slow this evening with everybody on leashes & see how that goes.

LOL, she doesn't fit through our pet door. :D

No PCB, We won't keep her. But we will find her the best home we can. I think Amy & Joanna (rescue P & VP) will be very picky about her home, and I have a lot of say about them as well.

She loves & trusts me pretty well already, which surprises me after seeing her cower. She has a loooonnnngggg tail that’s very happy :) and the cutest little tummy. She loves to chew on vegetable & cheese bones and is REALLY enjoying the Wellness! :D But, she doesn’t care for rain, and it’s raining here so getting her out in it means the leash and me getting wet. Oh, well. No biggie. :p

03-13-2004, 09:04 AM
she's very cute.. and when I saw those pics first I thought, she looks small, but then I did read what you said about her size..:) Good luck you all!!;)

03-13-2004, 09:08 AM
Oh, Miki, she is so cute! :) I so hope all goes well for her. Good luck to you all.

Miss Meow
03-14-2004, 12:33 AM
Wow, what a cutie!

Great pics, she has a 'smile' to rival Tonya's Sarah ;)

03-14-2004, 07:47 AM
Micki, she is pretty. I hope you good luck with your training. You are an angel to give this poor sweet heart home. Maybe she just has to use to everybody. She will soon discover she don't have to fight over her food, and will get use to Chester's way of playing.

I hate to think someone hit Abby. Poor baby.

Pandy is doing a little growling when she has food in her dish, at the other dogs. Pandy has been covering her food with dirt and grass like shes afraid something will get it. So she keeps her nose dirty trying to cover her food.

Thanks for sharing the great pictures of Abby.


03-14-2004, 10:42 PM
Oh Micki, she is so sweet looking. I wish you the best of luck with her and hopefully the treatment for her heartworm works. :( :)