View Full Version : My son embarrassed me so bad....

03-11-2004, 09:26 PM
We were just in a busy Chinese restaurant eating, and Jaden was chatting away loudly, like kids do. He was telling us about how a policeman came to his school today and talked about handcuffs and prison. He was talking about how prison has no windows and so on and so forth. And then he goes "And you know what else?! You aren't going to believe this, mom and dad..." Then he shouts "MEN SLEEP WITH MEN...!!!!!"

WTF?! I swear, it was like time stopped. The whole restaurant went silent and looked at us. I wanted to climb under the table...

03-11-2004, 09:30 PM
LOL, Jaden has been suprising you a lot lately!! Kids, you got to love them!

03-11-2004, 10:32 PM

03-11-2004, 10:33 PM

Does Jaden know a little too much for his age? :o
Kids are soooooooooooooo innocent!!! :p LOL!

03-11-2004, 10:49 PM
I know I shouldn't have but, I had to laugh at that. I could just see the looks on your face and everyone elses. Priceless, I'm sure.

I'm a little suprised that came out in class, some information just doesn't need to be given. I hope it wasn't the officer that told them that. :eek:

03-12-2004, 12:15 AM
There will never be anything dull about your household:D

03-12-2004, 12:49 AM
*Chuckles* Thanks for the dose of birth control. ;) He's full of surprises! :D

03-12-2004, 07:56 AM
Oh gracious!!! LOL!!!

03-12-2004, 08:16 AM

03-12-2004, 08:31 AM
I bet you wanted to dive under the table didn't you?

That reminds me of when my husband and I first got married. My youngest stepdaughter had just turned 11 and my parents were up visiting the house for the first time. Grant was cooking and I stayed in the livingroom entertaining. My mom told me to go help him in the kitchen and my youngest looked at her with all sincerity and said, "She's so bad at cooking. You don't want her in there... she's so bad that she'd spoil a wet dream." (can I say that without getting in trouble?)

We all just about hit the floor and sat there in a stunned silence trying to pick our jaws up from the floor. She had heard her grandfather (a big, bad biker dude) say that a million times (it was his favorite expression) and thought it was just a way to compare bad things. :D

I was mortified of her saying that in front of my parents... I can only imagine out in a public place!:eek:

03-12-2004, 08:43 AM
Dinner at a chinese reastaurant: $30

Gas to drive there: $ 20

Your son embarassing you in front of everybody: PRICELESS

:p lol i couldn't halp but laugh when i read that

03-12-2004, 10:15 AM
Welcome to peradolesances!!! Are you sure he ment biblicly or just like the dorm style of bunking?
My ddaughter was 2 when she really got my mom, they were heading to the public restroom. Clarissa stared singing(her real singing stage) "Here we go to piddle and fart, " that was the chorus. You have to remember my mom is a born again christiian. Yeah I heard about it!!!! But it was better received than my sons goody. He was about 4 at Mickey d's dropped afry and yelled s**t . Several of the elderly church ladies were sitting be hind us. I really thought Mom was going to hit ME.
Kids gotta love them or you'll kill them. :) :D :mad:

03-12-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Corinna

Kids gotta love them or you'll kill them. :) :D :mad:

How's about a little 'torture' before you choose???:rolleyes: :eek: ;)

just kidding.

03-12-2004, 01:26 PM
who told you my secret pleasure? :D :D

03-12-2004, 01:31 PM
It's funny the things you learn at that age. In second grade Jeremy Parker told me where babies came from.

I now know he was WAY off-base!

03-12-2004, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by 2kitties
It's funny the things you learn at that age. In second grade Jeremy Parker told me where babies came from.

I now know he was WAY off-base!

You mean the don't get in the mommy's tummy thru the belly button?

03-12-2004, 01:47 PM
Let's just say urine was involved in his version.

03-12-2004, 02:03 PM
Oh that sounds about like what I was lead to believe by my mother. Made me feel afraid to even stand next to a boy!! And that was way off base, way, way off. My mother was a piece of work indeed!


03-12-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
*Chuckles* Thanks for the dose of birth control. ;) He's full of surprises! :D

I second that.

There's nothing quite like kids as far as birth control goes - at least for me.;)

03-15-2004, 12:13 PM
Jaden didn't mean it the way that it sounded. What he meant it as is that the prisoners have to have roomates, they don't get their own rooms. But it sounded horrible!

03-15-2004, 05:41 PM
LOL!! I used to embarrass my parents too;) :o

03-18-2004, 12:53 PM
Im 21 and embarass my parents NOW lol...oops :D
Can't take me anywhere!

03-18-2004, 08:31 PM
Once when my son was about three years old, I had picked him up from daycare. We were sitting on the bench in the hallway, while I tied his shoes.

One of his class mate's dad was walking down the hall to pick up his child at the same time.

Dylan says in a LOUD voice, "Mom! Frank's dad is SO FAT!" ... and of course he says this when the man is only about two feet away from us.

I whispered, "Dylan! Don't say that! You'll hurt Frank's dad's feelings!"

He replies, just as loud as before, "But Mom, he IS fat, and that's the TRUTH!"

OMG. :o :o

03-19-2004, 08:05 AM
LMAO, Twisterdog. That's so funny.

03-20-2004, 05:10 AM
Oh Tonya, you poor thing!

That reminds me of my Mum's friend. Her little girl, who was three at the time, had two naughty older brothers who were teaching her naughty words. They were in a lift when she decided to start repeating the naughty f word AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS and WOULD NOT STOP. The lift was full, and Mum's friend was sooooo embarrassed!

03-20-2004, 11:43 AM
Hehe. My husband's father is very vulgar. Every other word out of his mouth is F#$!. Anyways, when Mike's brother Joe went for a haircut at about 2-3 years old, he shouted "Don't touch me, you fu$$ing bit@h!" His mom about died.

03-21-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Hehe. My husband's father is very vulgar. Every other word out of his mouth is F#$!. Anyways, when Mike's brother Joe went for a haircut at about 2-3 years old, he shouted "Don't touch me, you fu$$ing bit@h!" His mom about died.

LMAO! :eek:

I love reading what kids do, eh, you gotta love 'em.:)