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View Full Version : Katie is just cracking me up...LOL

03-10-2004, 05:05 PM
Oh My Gosh! I just gave Katie a big rawhide bone and she is desperatly trying to hide and bury it. This is her normal routine with her milkbones and bones of any kind. She has been going from place to place with this rawhide bone and is never satisfied. It is a huge routine! She will put it somewhere and try with all her might to throw invisible dirt on it. I sometimes wonder why she doesn't get rug burn on her nose! She has now brought it in here in the computer room to hide it. She stuck it in the corner beside my filing cabinet and I had just threw my newspaper on the floor and she picked it up and used it to cover the bone. That was not good enough so she started shredding the paper up and scooping it up on the bone. She has done a fine job and has it completely covered now. She must be satisfied because she has now left the room. It is just so funny to watch!

I know I shouldn't have let her tear up the paper but I had too much fun watching. Normally I will just say Leave It and she will walk away.

That silly girl!!

Robin :)

03-10-2004, 05:21 PM
That sounds so cute! Duke does something similar except with a blanket. He'll get the blanket in his mouth and move it to where he wants it. He also tosses up his rawhide sometimes. Really funny to watch him play. Does Katie toss her rawhides? I have to keep saying to Duke "Get it, get that toy!" He's so cute. He'll paw at it and then toss it in the air. Aren't dogs wonderful?

03-10-2004, 05:32 PM

Katie has now come back and removed the rawhide bone. She took off and then came back and sat down beside me with no bone. I asked her what she did with it but of course she is not telling me. I went and took a quick look but I don't see it anywhere. She must have shoved it underneath the couch or chair. She must finally be satisfied because she has now went outside....LOL.

Val, that is so funny. No, Katie doesn't throw her bones but she does throw her toys and it is hilarious. She can really get rowdy and give those toys a good toss too! And, yes, of course....Dogs are wonderful!

Robin ;)

03-10-2004, 06:55 PM
Don't you just love watching them do their doggie thing???:D My Cody is always burying her treasures, and covering them with invisible dirt!:D Katie, you're too cute!:)

03-11-2004, 11:56 AM
That's so cute. I too really get a kick out of watching my two do their various doggie things. I've watched Tommy gather and collect his toys around his favorite blankie and then go to sleep, or Tasha comes bounding downstairs with a chew bone and tossing her head every which way as if in triumph. Dogs are indeed so sweet and wonderful, even in the small sweet things they do!

03-11-2004, 12:31 PM
When we give Kirby a treat, he'll look for a place to hide it - generally in the cushions of the couch or chair. He is so funny to watch. Molly hides her favorite squeeky toy all the time. She plays fetch with us and when she gets tired, she takes it and puts it somewhere. Eventually one of the other dogs finds it, but I never know exactly where she has it.

Does Katie get that worried look on her face when she's trying to hide something?

03-11-2004, 02:27 PM
Layla loves to bury things in my bed. I have to check under the pillows and shake out the blankets before bed....in fact I hear her 'digging' in my bed right now....:rolleyes:

03-12-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by robinh
When we give Kirby a treat, he'll look for a place to hide it - generally in the cushions of the couch or chair. He is so funny to watch. Molly hides her favorite squeeky toy all the time. She plays fetch with us and when she gets tired, she takes it and puts it somewhere. Eventually one of the other dogs finds it, but I never know exactly where she has it.

Does Katie get that worried look on her face when she's trying to hide something?

YES, she does get that look. I've also seen a confused look when she can't remember where she hid it! That one is really funny. Watching her search all over the house for it is too funny. Yesterday I was cleaning the living room and I found 2 milkbones. One behind a chair and the other behind the tv, so I just recycle them, put them back in the box and hand them out again...lol. If she is hungry she will eat them right away and if she isn't that is when she goes and tries to bury them. Later on I will hear her chewing on something and I'm always like.."Oh no, what is Katie chewing on?" Its just her milkbone that she went and found....hehehe

03-12-2004, 09:00 PM
That is to funny.

Yesturday I gave Rocky and Sheba a greenie.
Rocky ate his right away inside the house.
Sheba was outside, and she burried her greenie.
(not very well, because when I let Rocky out,
it took him 2 seconds to find it. lol

03-12-2004, 09:15 PM
Gracie, the Great Dane (mix) that my family had when I was growing up - indeed the first dog Paul ever met who was a leaner - didn't normally "bury" things ...

But when my eldest niece and nephew were about 3 years old, they decided Gracie was hungry all the time, so they would give her a biscuit. She would dutifully take it from them, which delighted them, of course. Well they gave her more biscuits than even a Great Dane could eat, and we had no idea what she did with them all ... until we were vacuuming the living room the next day, and moved Dad's recliner. Pushed underneth it were about 10 "cookies" - Gracie hid them rather than either get a tummyache or refuse a cookie and dissapoint the little ones. ;) We stuck those back in the box, and moved the box to where Jess and Jim couldn't reach it for subsequent visits.

Gracie was such an integral part of their definition of family that they both referred to my parents' home as GrammaGrampaGracie's house!