View Full Version : Weird Behavior

03-10-2004, 01:28 PM
Just curious if any other cats do this. Dusty my 10 week old growls.. but only when we are playing with his wand toy. He will chase it around and catch it and then he won't let it go! :rolleyes: I have to keep on buying them because he keeps on ripping out the leather straps and feathers. :) And it is after he catches it that he starts growling. Then we get into a tug-o-war battle, but even if I let go of the handle he still sits there and growls. But its not at me. I can walk up and pick him up and he will stop growling and drop the toy and start purring. I dunno, he's a strange little one. He also can't stand a clean litter box. I swear he waits until I scoop to go in there and tinkle. I did a test. 3 times I scooped right after he tinkled and 3 times he went back in there and did it again. What is up with that. He's been neutered so I really don't know what the deal is.. any ideas?

03-10-2004, 01:39 PM
My Lucky (age almost 7) still growls at his mousie. Its part of their nature.......hunting & killing. Its really funny to see him running around the house, growling at the mousie in his mouth! :rolleyes: :)

He also growls when the doorbell rings........why? still don't know!! But he is the only one that does!

03-10-2004, 01:50 PM
Both of the cats that I've known as young'ns did the growling thing with their toys. My college roommate's cat, as a kitten, would carry around and growl at his favorite mouse toy. And my own Rizzo was another wand-toy fiend. We had many a tug-and-growl match, and he broke several of his favorite wand toys. When I didn't pull back on the toy, he would prance off with it like he was carrying his kill back to his lair. :D He still does that part of it. Which makes me very happy, as it's terribly cute. :)

03-11-2004, 11:25 AM
Sam , the Siamese , will once , in a while run about , Growling and Grrring , then assoon , as it strarts , he calms down , and is Sam again, and the Vet says there is nothing wrong with him, that is just his way!

03-11-2004, 12:43 PM
Maggie Sue is my queen of growling! She thinks she is a dog I think. She growls when one of the other kitties walks by her, she growls when one of them looks at her, she growls at things out the window, she growls at the food bowl so everyone else will leave, she growls when someone knocks on the door. That is just part of her "tude" and why I love her!

03-11-2004, 02:38 PM
Pippin, our blind kitten, growls at noises or someone knocking at the door. I've seen him charge down the hallway like a little Hummvee, ready to kick some butt, growling the whole time. Of course I'm laughing at him and the other guys just look at him and shake their furry heads!
And TigerTiger also likes to test out the litter boxes right after scooping, sometimes before I get the lid back on! Maybe its the scooping noise that reminds him he needs to go! Or maybe he's just doing a quality check to make sure my work is adequate.
Their are goofy, but, we love 'em

03-11-2004, 02:55 PM
Sounds so much like Sunny!That Sunny will sit and watch me clean his litterbox like it's a picture show, and as soon as I get it clean he jumps in and does his thing!:D

03-11-2004, 03:01 PM
Julie growls at my son when they play. He picks her up and holds her like a baby and she growls at him. She doesn't fight him or bite ... Until she is DONE playing and seriously wants to get away, then she will gently bite his hand and lay her ears down.

03-11-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by amoore
Sounds so much like Sunny!That Sunny will sit and watch me clean his litterbox like it's a picture show, and as soon as I get it clean he jumps in and does his thing!:D

Rizzo too! He doesn't even wait for me to get done, though. He comes up while I have the lid off and am scooping around, and he hops in wherever he can find room and goes. Works out well for me, I guess, since if he waited the new mess would be there until the next time I scooped. Rizz seems to like potty company. It's very funny. When he was a baby, he'd sit by his box and cry until I came to stand next to him while he went. Needy little booger. :)

03-11-2004, 08:21 PM
Twink, Your Rizzo sounds so cute! It seems like cats can always make you laugh no matter how bad you feel! They are a great therapy!:D