View Full Version : Opinions please

03-10-2004, 01:22 PM
Ok, My lovely (selfish) brohter just called out of the goodness of his heart to let me know that I'm a fool to rent a whole booth at the Baby Expo. A whole booth is 10' X 10' and rather expensive to rent. I thought that this was the right thing to do so that people could come in out of the aisle and talk to me without being distracted by strollers and kids hitting them in the back as they walked by. I figured I could talk about my services and discuss in privacy what I do and what's involved cost-wise to any interested people.

My brother thinks that 10' X10' is way too much space because people only come by looking for free stuff and keep going. Well, am I renting space to give away candy bars or to sell my artwork? I thought artwork... what I had planned was a gumball machine in the back of the booth so that only people really interested would enter the booth and get the freebie candy. I want a classy looking booth, not a 5'X 10' booth jammed with pictures and literature with a ton of Hershey bars tossed on top of the table.

I've been to many trade shows and know that most people are only there for freebies, and that you'll only get a few that are really interested in your product.

Now, I need your opinions because I need to know if I'm deluding myself by thinking the extra space would equal more interest. Of course, half a booth would be half the price... there's no saying that if I put out the $600 for this booth that I'll get even $200 in sales. And right now money is a big issue in my home. We could certainly use the extra money from half a booth on other things (like food;) )

Gosh, that boy can rile me up like nobody else.:mad:

03-10-2004, 01:39 PM
I'm not exactly sure if this is like a funiture show or not, but the larger the space was always better for us. And you can make it look so much more attactive in the large space.

As far as freebies, I never seen freebies at a furniture show. The only thing that I can say, is we always went for the best location, and a large space so we could show more of the different kinds of furniture we made, plus make it more attractive to the eyes of the buyers that were walking by.

I am not sure how a trade show goes though, you should know better than your brother! Don't let him get you down, you do what YOU think is best!


Miss Meow
03-10-2004, 02:37 PM
At any show you never know how many people will come, how interested they are, or how many sales you might generate.

So do what you think will be right for your exhibition, and tell your brother to butt the hell out ;)

03-10-2004, 03:05 PM
Very well said Nicole!

03-10-2004, 03:17 PM
I like the reasoning of a full booth, as a better place to talk and discuss. At a crowed place I personally would much rather go into a space for a bit of one on one talking than be pushed on down the aisle by the crowd.
Since it IS always hit and miss and you never know who will be interested in your product on that particular day and who won't be, saving half the money might be a wise thing in case it is a slower day. It might make a difference in whether you are able to financially do the NEXT show or not have the money for it.

I am the queen of wishy-washy answers ;)

03-10-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I am the queen of wishy-washy answers ;)

And I am the queen of wishy-washy decisions:D

As much as my husband and I can figure, there was over 10,000 people there last year, and it looks like it'll be just as busy this year. If only 1% of the people walking through are interested, and even only 10 people buy, then we will break even. Most of my sales come from referrals so if I sell to those 10 people, then they will tell their friends, etc.

I don't think it's like a furniture show. I've been to those and they are much more low-key. This is open to the public with mom and dad dragging babies and toddlers along. The kids run rampant and parens don't have much control over them... hence my concept of inviting people into the booth to get them out of the herds. My brother thinks that is the stupidest idea he's ever heard... people just flow down the aisles grabbing stuff. If thats the case, then I can save $600 and stand in the parking lot handing out candy.;) My brother just can't seem to leave his opinions to himself. I swear he called to irk me because I "won" the fight over mom and the circus:p

Miss Meow
03-10-2004, 04:21 PM
I think it's better *not* to have lots of gimmicks. I've been to many recruitment and motor shows and there were always people divebombing the stands to grab the balloons, mouse mats, pens and whatever other crap they could get. It was hard for genuine customers to get to those stalls.

Do you have a one-page flyer or business cards with a sample of your work on it? That might help too, so there is something useful (and cheap to produce) for punters to take home :)

Good luck!

03-10-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I think it's better *not* to have lots of gimmicks. I've been to many recruitment and motor shows and there were always people divebombing the stands to grab the balloons, mouse mats, pens and whatever other crap they could get. It was hard for genuine customers to get to those stalls.

Do you have a one-page flyer or business cards with a sample of your work on it? That might help too, so there is something useful (and cheap to produce) for punters to take home :)

Good luck!

You're right:) I planned on haveing a large colored rendering of a baby as a focal point... I don't know if I'll hang it or put it on an easel... then I wanted two screens on the side of it with a few other renderings framed and hung from it. The screens are basically folding doors that stand upright by thenselves. Then I'll have a table in the front with some brochures, business cards and postcards with the "show special" on them. As for gimmic, I bought a beautiful reproduction bubblegum machine for people to get their freebies form... they'll have to actually talk to me in order to get free candy - no grab and run. I want everything to be clean and classy looing.

03-10-2004, 04:52 PM
Sounds like you have it all well planned catnapper, the business cards and postcards sound like a great idea. I wish you lots of luck and hope you sell a bunch of your beautiful work! I would love to see you booth, sounds like it will be perfect.


03-10-2004, 05:04 PM
I like roomy booths , I don't go in to small ones I walk right by. Is this the lovely brother who minulactes mom?
If so what business is it of his?
I say go with the roomy ness.