View Full Version : anyone here on paxil?????????

03-10-2004, 10:31 AM
if so you need to read this

Warning about Paxil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (http://www.prozactruth.com/paxilstories2.htm)

i take it and i'm shocked :eek: think its time to have a talk w/ my doctor ;)


03-10-2004, 10:42 AM
I was on it for a time and I freaked me out. I told the Dr. that I wasn't going to take it anymore, so she changed my meds that day.

03-10-2004, 02:36 PM
I've been on Paxil for almost 6 years for anxioty. I take 20mg. It does help with my anxioty, but not as well as it use to. My husband and I were just talking about seeing the Doctor. I have very little sex drive, a known side effect. I also get tired very easy and need a nap, not something I want in the middle of my day. If I fight the tired and don't take a nap it catches up with me and I'll have a day or two where I can almost not function, I need to sleep. I tried to get off paxil a few times. That was horrible, I was horrible. I was shaky, dizzy, and cried all the time. I would throw things, I even hit my husband once for trying to help me to bed. I am scared to death to get off paxil because of the withdrawal side effects. Another worry we have had is that we want to start having kids soon, but you can't take paxil while you are pregnant.

Thank you Marylyn. Now that I red that I am defiantly going to talk to my doctor.

03-10-2004, 02:43 PM
I was on the time released Paxil for over 6 months, all I wanted to do was sleep. Had a lot of bad effects on me too. I finally got off of it and am on a different one now, called lexapro. Hope it is a good one.

Thank ever so much for the information!


03-10-2004, 02:56 PM
I take Lexipro too. Small dosage. I'll definitely avoid Paxil if it is ever recommended. Thanks for the info.

03-10-2004, 03:24 PM
I'm on Paxil, but have never experienced any problems with it. However I'm going to a psychologist tomorrow, and I know they'll probably either switch me to something else or take me off of it completely. We thought I had GAD, but now I'm fairly sure that I have SAD, and so the Paxil will really be useless at this time of the year.

03-10-2004, 03:26 PM
oops, miss-calculation. I've been on paxil almost 5years, not 6. reguardless it's a long time. I think it's time for a change. I'll ask my doctor about Lexipro.

03-10-2004, 04:00 PM
i have anxiety and i take Zoloft.. not paxil. i used to take paxil but i didnt like the side effects

03-10-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
i have anxiety and i take Zoloft.. not paxil. i used to take paxil but i didnt like the side effects

That's what my husband takes, too. It works really well for him.

03-10-2004, 08:17 PM
Why is this link all that alarming? Paxil lists these side effects on the papers you get from the pharmacist. You should always read this information before taking it. However, you have to understand that these things are rare. If you have not had these issues while being on Paxil, there is no need for you to switch or get off of it.

Why does this shock anyone? Doesn't anyone talk to their doctor or read the literature that comes with their medicine? I also wonder about the legitamacy of this link.

03-10-2004, 08:24 PM
I'm on Prozac, but I am weaning myself off of it right now. It affects my memory to much and it makes me lazy. I'm going to try not taking anything because Mike are trying for a baby.

03-10-2004, 08:25 PM
BTW, the only other one I ever tried was Zoloft. It worked great at first, but then I started feeling stoned all the time. Medications work different for everyone.

03-10-2004, 08:42 PM
Medications do work differently for evry person. Psychoactive medications are even more unpredictable because we don't know everything there is to know about brain chemistry. Everyone should be careful with whatever medication they may take, and READ the stuff the doctor or pharmacist gives you.

I have never had a medication that did not come with a list of possible side effects, and a list of ones to call the doctor about if they occur - and I'm just taking asthma medication, which is a lot better understood than the human brain.

03-10-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Why is this link all that alarming? Paxil lists these side effects on the papers you get from the pharmacist. You should always read this information before taking it. However, you have to understand that these things are rare. If you have not had these issues while being on Paxil, there is no need for you to switch or get off of it.

Why does this shock anyone? Doesn't anyone talk to their doctor or read the literature that comes with their medicine? I also wonder about the legitamacy of this link.
There is no warning label on the bottle I have, nor did our doctor or pharmacist tell us of any side effects. We never got any papers from our pharmacist either. :confused:

03-10-2004, 09:27 PM
The only thing I knew was a known side effect was lack of sex drive. I talked to the Doctor about the sleeping, but it didn't go anywhere. I was planing on going to the doctor again before I red this thred, I've been dealing with side effects for a long time. I was glad to hear other peoples experiences with this drug.

03-10-2004, 09:51 PM
hee-hee... everyone's right about side effects... have you ever listened to the commercials about the this or that new wonder drug? Man, if you listened you might never take a drug! I was once on a medication to try to control my migraines... one of the side effects were headaches... hmmmm... a medicine to RID me of a headache has a side effect to CAUSE a headache?

I was on Lexapro for a while and LOVED it. The withdrawl when going off it was really bad though.

03-10-2004, 10:04 PM
Maybe regulations are different in each state? Whenever I get a prescription filled, I get a little piece of paper listing such things, honest! Some (my inhalers) come with little teeny booklets inside the packaging from the manufacturer. At least in Massachusetts, the pharmacist also has to ask if you have any questions about your medication every time you get a refill.

03-10-2004, 10:17 PM
I've been on Paxil for quite some time. I have been on Zoloft, Prozac and Wellbutrin as well (although not at the same time). I have never had a problem with Paxil except for when I forget to take it. Then I get the feeling like I'm in a drunken stupor. It's sort of a "reminder" to take my meds.

As far as side effects are concerned, every bottle I've ever gotten have always had the "counterindications" paper attached to it. It states right on it all the side effects that MAY occur. Everyone's system is different, so the side effects are different. Some people may have side effects, some may not.

I have tried going without antidepressants and have never been successful in trying to treat it myself with herbal supplements.

Like I said, everyone's system is different. Before trying to wean or go off your meds, consult your doctor first.

03-11-2004, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by KBlaix
The only thing I knew was a known side effect was lack of sex drive. I talked to the Doctor about the sleeping, but it didn't go anywhere. I was planing on going to the doctor again before I red this thred, I've been dealing with side effects for a long time. I was glad to hear other peoples experiences with this drug.

I have the same problem. Not as bad on prozac as I did zoloft though. Poor hubby. lol.

03-11-2004, 09:02 AM
Oh, I forgot I was also on Effexor for a LONG time. That is one nasty drug! Talk about drunken stupors! If I even forgot to take it for 1 day I'd be in bed, unable to get up.

03-11-2004, 10:49 AM
Thats funny I was on Wellabutrin and effexor not at the same time, but instead of making me groggy, or sleepy it just made me feel like I was on pins and needles all the time, terrible feeling. Like I was just going to pieces on the inside or something. Had some very bad side effects to them. The Wellabutrin took me awhile to figure out that it was causing that side effect, but as soon as I had the same experience with effexor, I got off of it. I could not stand that feeling.

Thats when I went on Paxil and wanted to sleep all the time.


smokey the elder
03-13-2004, 09:16 AM
Those depression meds are all different. Depending on one's body chemistry, they work differently. If anyone has an ADR (adverse drug reaction) it is best to report it to your doctor AND to the company who makes the meds. These ADR reports help pharma companies to improve the next generation of meds.

03-13-2004, 01:04 PM
wow, Im glad I stumbled upon this thread. I have social anxiety, (and trichotillomania), and I think maybe slight general anxiety, but I dont really know for sure cause Ive never talked to a doctor about it. Ive been contemplating seeing a doctor about it for several years, but I just never have. I have been getting a lot better the last couple years in social situations, but there are still a lot of times where my anxiety majorly holds me back from acting like myself. Fear of authority figures (i.e., teachers, bosses, etc; basically people I want/need to please & people who’s job basically is to criticize me) is my worst problem and its pretty major. And sometimes I wonder if Id ever be able to function at a job where my dad wasnt my boss! (I work for my dad right now and this is my first job.)

I often wonder though if I really want or need medication, but then there are those times where I cant help but wonder how much happier Id be if I werent nervous and sweating all the time, and could clear my mind from thoughts of "what is this person thinking about me?" and focus on what Im doing.

My family never goes to the doctor regularly (my dad is a vet so we never really need to unless its something serious) so Ive never been presented with the opportunity to talk to a doctor about anxiety. And since I dont have just a regular doctor, I dont even know where to start.

Any suggestions? What did you guys do? Should I just go talk to a regular doctor? thanks

03-13-2004, 01:26 PM
I am posting this towards you (if you couldn't tell since I address you..he he). I think you should go to a doctor. AND, I think you should go to a doctor regularly. I don't know how old you are...but, if you are at least of menstruating age +/- sexually active, you should be seen by someone on some sort of regular cycle. I know when I was younger, I went one time a year, as sports required it..to get a 'physical'.

As to having your father as a vet...that might be a double edged sword...while it is incredibly handy to have a doctor in the family, two things come to mind...first, family shouldn't 'treat' family, and second, alot of serious conditions...cancer, diabetes, HBP, are NOT necessarily 'noticiable'. So- I say- go to a doctor and be sure to address your mental health issues.

I have never understood the badge of honor associated with not going to a doctor. I am not directing this at you, but, at people in general. Last I checked, no awards are given out in Heaven for the "least amount of visits to a medical doctor". JMO.

03-13-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by veegan
Any suggestions? What did you guys do? Should I just go talk to a regular doctor? thanks
When I thought I had GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), I went to my family doctor. She thought I also had GAD, but she didn't want to misdiagnose me so she sent me to a psychiatrist. :) So I'd suggest either going to your doctor, or going to a psychiatrist. I liked doing both because I went to the doctor and she helped me think about it, and then prescribed me some Paxil to hold off anything until my appointment with the psychiatrist.

Anywhos, as I said in my last post about the Paxil, I did go to the psych, and he did take me off it. Turns out I really do have SAD, and so I don't need it right now. He did prescribe me some sleeping meds and told me to take zinc supplements though lol.

03-13-2004, 11:03 PM
Oh yeah Cataholic, I agree with you 100%. Ive always hated that all my siblings and I have been raised not going to a doctor regularly. Im not a hypochondriac, but my parents (well mostly my dad) make me feel like it just because I want to go to the doctor! but its like you said, there are a lot of things that arent noticeable on the outside. (I think a lot has to do with how much he hates going to the doctor :rolleyes: he acts like he's above it. and he makes it this huge deal when he has to get his blood drawn or whatever). I get headaches a lot, and have for years, and have always wondered about that. And Im vegan (my 2 yr anniversary was yesterday!) and have never had my cholesterol checked or any other kinds of things checked out to make sure Im getting all the required nutrients. Ive only been to a doctor twice that I can remember, (not including when I had jaw surgery). Once for a required thing for school and once when I slept on my neck wrong or something and needed a referral to get physical therapy, and both were many years ago. My mom actually was complaining to my dad a few weeks ago about how we never get regular check ups.. I think I'll bring this up to her tomorrow and find out if we have a regular doctor I can go to.

Oh and Im 19 by the way. Have had anxiety as long as I can remember- Ive always been really "shy." And Ive been pulling out my eyelashes for as far back as I can remember too. Thanks again for the feedback you guys.

03-14-2004, 09:35 PM
yes I do

03-15-2004, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by veegan

My family never goes to the doctor regularly (my dad is a vet so we never really need to unless its something serious) so Ive never been presented with the opportunity to talk to a doctor about anxiety. And since I dont have just a regular doctor, I dont even know where to start.

Any suggestions? What did you guys do? Should I just go talk to a regular doctor? thanks [/B]

Do you have medical insurance? They usually have a book of doctors from whom to choose. It at least narrows the field a little. The doc will want a general physical for a first visit, they always do, but it includes "and is there anything else you'd like to talk about" time, at least every one I've ever been to did.

I go once a year, I'm asthmatic, and need to have new prescriptions written up once a year anyway, and it's just a good idea to have an annual physical. I have a great doctor, and a great doctor's office, so I am lucky.

03-15-2004, 11:35 AM
I've done prozac and lexapro. I suffer from anxiety and depression, which are treated the same. Lexapro was better but I had enough issues that I went off of it. It also took forever (months) to really start to work. I am currently trying to find something better, though since I got a dog, the symtoms have lessened somewhat and I'm not afraid to go in public. It's amazing how much an animal can help. She reads my moods and knows when I need a snuggle buddy.
Whats scary about the thread for me is the amount of people that had people commit suidcide while on it. That should not be a side affect from an anti-depression med and I dont' remember reading that they would be that bad...everything I read said mild side effects...

03-15-2004, 02:20 PM
Veegan, you really should see a doctor. You don't have to suffer like that. Counseling may even help a great deal too. One of my girlfriends pulls her eyelashes out too. They have her on some type of medication for OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and anxiety.

You'd be surprised at how much medication and/or counseling can change your life for the better.

Steffi N
03-15-2004, 03:41 PM
I am on Paxil and clomipramine (generic Anafranil) for obsessive-compulsive disorder, which I have had for most of my life. I know the medications have risks, but they help me to concentrate abd provide a platform from which I can work to have a normal life. I react well to both of them , I did not react well to Prozac, which put me in a mental fog.

I have found that I need to stay on the medications.

I am going to post a link to the package insert (prescribing information) for Paxil. This material is approved by the Food and Drug administration and all marketing material is supposed to be in accordance with it.

Steffi N
03-15-2004, 03:52 PM
Here is the information


PDF version from Paxil.com


html version from FDA website

I hope this is helpful. Your pharmacist should be able to give you this material, but this might be easier to read (not such small print). My best wishes for you, Truffles.

03-15-2004, 03:59 PM
Gosh I'm glad there are a lot of others out there with this problem. I am 28, have almost always been shy, reserved, nervous around people, it has gotten worse since a long-term breakup about 8 months ago & unfortunatly lots of other mis-haps since & bfore then. I do not & can not afford health care though. I see a gyno once a year, through planned parenthood, cause they are cheap. Do they have cheap dr's out there for this sort of problem?
I was always kind of scared to mention this as I thought most people will think i'm crazy & it's all in my head that I should be able to fix it on my own. Well I try & I can't.

03-15-2004, 05:33 PM
I have anxiety too. Im not on anything because its not extremly bad... I just cant sleepover at people's houses, sometimes im to afraid too go to school and so on..but im slowly getting over it.:)

03-15-2004, 11:04 PM
Well, well..... I just stumbled upon this thread. Do I know anti-depressants!!!! :rolleyes:

I'm not sure of the order but I have been on Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Effexor, and maybe one or two more. The one that finally has helped the most for me, has been Celexa. I have been on it now for about 4 years. I had to increase my dosage after a while, and am now at 40mg per day. It helps my depression a great deal, and my panic disorder as well. I do however, have panic attacks from time to time ... for which I have to take the powerful Xanax. My worst side effect has been foggy mindedness and terrible short-term memory loss. Most of the time I feel like a bumbling idiot, until someone reminds me (like this thread) that I am on a mind-altering medication!!!

Guess this is one main reason I have failed so many of my pets as of late ..... yep, just lost another one to Rainbow Bridge .... due to my memory problems and brain farts! :( :( :(

Laura's Babies
03-16-2004, 10:11 AM
Kim, so sorry about Dudley. So sad! Our hearts are with you in your time of sadness..

I too, have been on Paxil and I am one that did not do well on it. It made a total zombie out of me and I was so zonked out, I couldn't even make the doctor understand my mind was gone on the stuff. They did eventually put me on Celexa and I only took half the dose they wanted me to take and did fine on that. I decided I no longer needed it since the source of my anxiety attacks was gone and slowely wiened myself off over a years period of time. Now, I am off completely. I, at the time was just caught in a situation when my Mom was dying that I had to stay in so I could be by her side when the time came for her to go. Loosing Mama was depressing but I expected that, it was the people kicking me while I was down that caused my anxiety.