View Full Version : Caine Thyroid Disease & 5HTP??????

03-10-2004, 10:06 AM
Just last night I spoke to an animal behavorist about Buddy's problem still not liking my hubby after 14 months (ugh....)
I was on the phone with her for two hours!!!

I told her everything I knew about Buddy, and his reactions to things... and different people and all that stuff.

She started talking first about testing and treating him for hypothyroidism. (Caine Thyroid Autoimmune Disease)

Then she said maybe he should be put on 5HTP,
(it's not Prozac... but it has something of the same effect)
Also changing his diet... my head is SPINNING!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone ever had a dog on 5HTP? Or know anyone that has? It's not approved by the FDA, but it's on shelves at your local drug store right now.
Anyone had there pups thyroid tested?? What was the outcome?

Any help would be wonderful!!!!
(I already posted this in Dog Health, I am just looking for more answers!)

03-10-2004, 10:26 AM
I haven't heard of 5HTP, but I remember Shais Mom saying that Keegan had a thyroid problem. Maybe she would know something about it?

I hope you are able to get some answers about Buddy :(

03-10-2004, 12:20 PM
I don't know about the one thing you mentioned, but I be worried about using something that isn't approved.

I do have a dog with thyroid problems. Preacher takes thyroid meds for hypothyroidism. His symptoms prior to the diagnosis were he was extremely lethargic, grouchy with other dogs, gaining weight despite no changes in his food, his fur was falling out in clumps and what was left was dry and brittle.

He's been on the meds for almost a year now. His coat took the longest to come back to normal. I noticed a change in his energy levels and mood within days of starting the pills.

The medication is cheap and easy to give. I just hide the pill in a chunk of cheese twice a day. have to be careful not to give him too much though as dogs with thyroid problems still tend to gain weight very easily.

Make sure your vet runs a full thyroid panel on the blood work. A general health panel will not show his true thyroid function and you may end up medicating him for something that is not the problem.

03-10-2004, 12:39 PM
Glacier, could you tell me the name of the pills Preacher is on?

Buddy is nervous alot, but the #1 reason were going to try this is because he is still fearfull of my husband after being in our home for 14 months.
So... fingers crossed!

I just wish I knew what is going to work for him!!!

03-10-2004, 12:41 PM
Two of my six have thyroid problems and are on meds twice a day. Symptoms very similar to Glaciers, especially the fur problems with Thunder, the male. Also both were rather grouchy (again, especially the male) and just not happy. The thyroid meds are working miracles. Good luck :) this may just be the answer. Don't know about the un-tested drugs though, espcially when vet recommended drugs are working so well for me. It makes me feel so good to see a happy look on their faces :D

03-10-2004, 12:45 PM
Can you tell me that name of the drug yours are on?

03-10-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
Glacier, could you tell me the name of the pills Preacher is on?

Buddy is nervous alot, but the #1 reason were going to try this is because he is still fearfull of my husband after being in our home for 14 months.
So... fingers crossed!

I just wish I knew what is going to work for him!!!

His meds are just called "thyro-tab". They are synthetic thyroid hormones.

Was Buddy a rescue? Do you know what happened to him before he came to you?

Many of our dogs have arrived here afraid of men. My husband is a big man with a loud voice (even when he's trying to be quiet, he's loud!!) Lots of our dogs have been afraid of him and some still are. What we've done with the ones that are really afraid of him is to have all good things come from him. He feeds those dogs, gives them treats, plays with them ect. It seems to help them relax. Might be something to try with your husband and Buddy if you haven't already.

03-10-2004, 02:37 PM
My dogs meds are called Thyrosin. They take 1/2 tab each, 2x daily (with food) and the dosage depends on the results of the blood test. They like hotdog pills or bologna pills but cheese pills or peanut butter pills are fine too :rolleyes: I usually have to give a little chunk of whatever I wrap the pills in to the other med free dogs so they don't get jealous ;)

03-11-2004, 06:02 AM
Glacier, Bud is a rescue, he was dumped off in the woods, and was found living in a barn by himself when he was one. I rescued him from a kill shelter 14 months ago, and he is still afraid of Rick (my hubby)
Over the past 14 months we have tried everything to get Bud to like him! Rick being the only person to feed him, give treats, me ignoring him so Bud would go to Rick for love... nothing.... Then we tried Rick totaly ignoring him... nope..
It took 4 months before Buddy would let Rick put him in his crate, it took 8 months before Buddy would take a treat out of his hand, and when he does, Bud takes the treat and RUNS!!!
Rick can't even pet him!!

Talking to a behaviorist the other night, she said to try the 5HTP first, to see if the serintone levels in his brain are off.
Then she said to get his thyriod tested, and she also asked if Rick's family has any history of dieases... because dogs have been known to detect cancer and other dieases like that. And maybe Rick's sick and Bud sences that. So she really left me with a few options, I just don't know where to start!!!