View Full Version : Clay litter?

03-10-2004, 09:35 AM
Hey gang. I need opinions. I'm not sure if this is a touchy subject or not (I hope not!), but if it is, just ignore this thread and I'll muddle through myself as best I can!

I am *really* considering talking my husband into getting another cat. Rizz could use a friend, especially since we both work full-time and he's a very communal, friendly boy (Rizzo, I mean). Besides, I just want another cat!! :D

But there are questions and problems involved. One is the extra expense. We're trying to save for a house and kids, and neither of us make very much. This time around, we would definitely get a cat from a reputable shelter that makes sure their cats are fixed and up on their vet care before adopting them out. The one-time adoption fee would be considerably less than what we spent on getting our little "street urchin" Rizzo fixed and vaccinated and examined and dewormed and examined some more.... We already have all of the "cat stuff," so that expense wouldn't be repeated.

(I'm rambling. I'm getting to my question. Honest! :) )

My two biggest questions are litter-box related. The first is, can two cats comfortably share one (super-giant sized!) litter box? There's no room in our apt. for another one, except maybe upstairs in the loft. And would a cat want to go up there to do his business?

The second is the potentially touchy one, I guess. When we first got Rizzy, I read a whole, great big Web site about the dangers of clumping clay kitty litter. I'm sure most of you have seen it. Is it valid, or is it mostly just hysterics? Rizzo uses PaPurr Scoop litter because that site scared me. But it's more expensive than clay litter and harder for us to get (we have to drive out to Petsmart for it, rather than just picking it up at Wal-Mart or a grocery store). Could I, in good conscience, switch to clay? Or would it really be a danger to my baby (potentially babies?)

I appreciate any input you have. There's an adoption fair at our Petsmart this weekend that I want us to go to. And the rescue organization that's holding it has a cat that I have fallen in LOVE with. I love his picture, the description of his personality, his name, everything! So we might be in a time crunch here. ;)

03-10-2004, 09:47 AM
Rule of thumb is 1 litter box for each kitty, plus 1 extra. I would definetly go with 2 litter boxes. They don't need much space and going upstairs isn't a problem. Actually one on each level is good idea.

I use clumping litter for mulitple cats (Tidy Cat) I've tired the clay don't like it. I'm out of the child bearing years so can't comment on the effect. However, I've always used good common sense when cleaning and scooping litter boxes. Washing your hands afterwards and keeping the litter box clean is good routine to get into under normal circumstances.

03-10-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Craftlady

I use clumping litter for mulitple cats (Tidy Cat) I've tired the clay don't like it. I'm out of the child bearing years so can't comment on the effect. However, I've always used good common sense when cleaning and scooping litter boxes. Washing your hands afterwards and keeping the litter box clean is good routine to get into under normal circumstances.

Tidy Cat would be an acceptable option for us. :) Actually, the article(s) I read was more about the dangers of clumping (clay especially) litter for cats, than for humans. Like, they can ingest it an end up having completely undigestible rock-type masses in their digestive systems. Or something. It makes sense, but then again, I know soooooo many cats who use ordinary clumping litter and are perfectly healthy...

03-10-2004, 10:02 AM
I use one that I get from Walmart because it can be washed (or flushed) into the sewer system. I wash all of my litter boxes ever week (to contain the smell), so that was something that was very important.

One of the problems with the clumping clay cat litter is when you have kittens (because they are most likely to eat it). Once a cat reaches about a year old you should be fine with any kind of litter.

If you are worried then maybe you should try the Feline Pine litter. This is available at Walmart and a generic form is available from Petsmart. All you have to do is scoop out the solids and a litter box will last a couple of weeks in between changings.

Good luck getting a new kitty and make sure to give us pictures.

Cheryl and the Gang (Emily, Tanner, and Charlie)

03-10-2004, 10:07 AM
I cannot talk about the special types of cat litter as this is above my detail knowledge about cat litter but about the number of boxes.

It may be possible that they share one box but you don't know yet.

Both my boys want a clean litterbox. Tigris will only tell you (making clear who is boss and who is slave) when it's not but Filou will use the laundry basket:eek: We have seen him using one of the freshly cleaned boxes for pee and going to the other for the rest:eek:

So if you get a cat that is relaxed about it and if Rizzo sees it in a relaxed way too, it could be possible. But if you get a spoiled young lady (or boy BTW) it couldn't work out.

Good luck however. We would love to see a brother or sister for Rizzo:)

03-10-2004, 10:50 AM
I have to agree that the number of litter boxes will depend on your cats. I don't go by the rule of thumb because I have 3 extra large litter boxes for nine cats. I just scoop morning, evening, and right before bed. They are ok with it so I'm not adding anymore. I'm like you and don't have space for another one if I can avoid it. You could just try the one and see if it upsets Rizzo or the new kitty. Just be prepared to add one if you have to but I bet one will do fine.
I use freshstep clumping litter found on all Walmart shelves!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

03-10-2004, 11:35 AM
Thanks for your answers, everyone. If you guys use Fresh Step and Tidy Cats, etc, than I can feel comfortable doing the same. And I can use this as a bargaining chip to get another kitty. :D "Well, yes, honey, we'll have to buy more litter, but I have it on good authority that it's ok for us to start using a cheaper brand, so it'll all balance out!" :D

03-10-2004, 12:14 PM
We also use Tidy Cat for multiple cats, and it works well for us. When we were a 2 cat household, we started out with 2 boxes, but realized our 2 cats were sharing the same box after awhile. Then, we went with one large box, which worked well. Now that we have 3 cats, we are back to using 2 large boxes. Maybe you could get a second, small, inexpensive box for when the new arrival comes home, and when the 2 have adapted to one another and are using the 2 boxes interchangeably, move to using one large box.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2004, 12:24 PM
I also use the Tidy Cat clumping for multiple cats. And when I moved to Chicago 12 years ago (has it been that long?!!!?!) I lived in a very tiny studio apartment. There was literally only room for one litterbox, and T & P had no problem with it. Peanut would occassionally poop on a throw rug, but that was usually only when I was gone and was a sign of protest. I lived in small apartments for 6-7 years after that, and only had one litter box that entire time. Now I have 3 for 2 cats, but that's because I have the room and because Peanut has become much more...shall we say...particular? ;) :rolleyes:

I also see no problem with having a box in the loft if that is the only other place to put one. I really don't think cats care where the box is, as long as it's in a relatively quiet area where there's not a lot of traffic so they can do their business in peace - just like we like to do. ;) :D

And the additional food and litter is really not a great expense when you have two compared to one, and I think Rizzo would be much happier which would definitely outweigh the extra cost because happy cat = healthy cat. Good luck in convincing your hubby. Unfortunately I have no advice whatsoever to offer in that department. ;) :D

Felicia's Mom
03-10-2004, 12:56 PM
I have not used clay litter for a long time, but have nothing against it.

For several years I have been using a wheat litter
1. because it is flushable.
2. because the company has it delivered to me. (when you don't drive that means a lot).

About the dangers of clumping cat litter web site: wasn't that kittens and not adult cats?

03-10-2004, 01:02 PM
My cats use one giant sized box. If you're planning on having just two cats, they should be fine. Just make sure to clean it often. (ours gets scooped multiple times a day.)

03-10-2004, 01:12 PM
We have 3 cats and 2 giant litter boxes.....no problem.

I use Wal-mart brand kitty litter "Special Kitty" and there too, no problem. It is MUCH less expensive than a brand name, and works just as well.

I have always used this brand of litter even when they were babies. Never knew that there might be a problem with it. I don't know about your cats, but I know mine would never injest the litter........too picky about what they eat! :rolleyes: :eek:

Good luck in getting a new addition.

03-10-2004, 01:21 PM
I was debating the same thing about 1 month ago. :D I had one cat and one box. I now have two cats and still one box. I have to scoop more often now. 2-3 times a day but with the litter locker (God Bless the inventor of that thing :) ) its not a hassle at all. I use Fresh Step clumping litter since it seems (and claims) to have less dust than the others that I have tried. I was especially concerned with that since I was getting a kitten and from the research that I did, the main danger comes from them kicking up litter dust and getting it on their coat and then ingesting it when they groom themselves, I have not had any problems. Best of luck!

03-10-2004, 03:50 PM
Incidentally, this is the cat that I'm so drawn to. Isn't he wonderful? He is SO wonderful, in fact, that I'm sure that he'll be adopted before I have a chance to get him. Which is great, but . . . *sniff* :(

03-10-2004, 05:56 PM
Gus is adorable and sounds like a wonderful cat. I hope he is still there for you but if he's already found a forever home I'm sure there will be another there that grabs your heart. That's the thing about shelters, unfortunately there are always lots of good cats that need homes.

As for the litter box question, I have three cats and use four boxes that I scoop daily. I have to have four boxes because Ripley is 17.5 pounds and well lets just say his bowel movements are almost human size. Sorry to be gross. Anyway, I usually use Tidy Cat and currently have that in three of the boxes but I've been trying the litter that Jen recommended, I think it is called Premium Scoopable Litter or something like that. I got it at Pets Supply Plus. Anyway, it's a little cheaper than Tidy cat and it's not as fine so it's not too dusty. It doesn't seem to track as much around the litter box but I find it on my comforter where Ripley cleans himself so it sticks to longer fur. I've noticed all three cats use that box so no one seems to object. I'm not sure if I will switch to it completely or not.

03-10-2004, 08:00 PM
Run, don't walk to claim Gus as your own kitty!

We have two cat boxes and use a cheap clumping litter. Allen is VERY picky about the cleanliness of his box but Pouncer would use his box even if I never ever scooped it. The whole number of boxes issue truly does depend on the cats. We have one box in the bathroom and another box in the basement. The box in the basement is HUGE and Allen tells me about his dissatisfaction with it if I don't scoop it religiously. Allen does not like the box in the bathroom because he's "shy" about doing his business where we humans might walk in on him.:rolleyes: He will also only use the box in the bathroom to pee - never poo. I guess he's just nuerotic about his commode.

03-11-2004, 12:15 AM
I have one cat and one box. I have held off getting another kitty b/c I don't have any extra room to 'quarantine' the newcomer or to put another box. B/c trust me I have had my eye on this girl since before Christmas!!!!

(My house is only about 700 square feet. I THINK, one bathroom, one kitchen, one living room, one bedroom and 2 closets! ;))
On another cat site that I am on they reccommended instead of buying a litter box, buying one of those Rubbermaid/Sterilite containers with a lid (that you wouldn't use) B/c they have really high sides and if the cat pees on the side of the box, it wouldn't leak. I use a covered box b/c of this, and b/c of the location of my box. It is in my walk in closet, right under where I hang clothes so I don't want my clothes falling in a dirty litter box. YUCK!!!
Like shown in my attachment. That is the 30+gallon I think. Holds over 50# of doggie food!
I use the Special Kitty Clumping litter. I keep it in one of the smaller versions of the Container I mentioned above. I think its about 18 gallons, and holds upwards of 75 pounds of litter!! And I have tried them all!!!! I used World's best, regular Tidy Cat, clumping Tidy Cat, pearls, CatOkay, and Feline Pine. I thought Feline Pine was the best thing since sliced bread until I started using the Premium Scoop from Pet Supplies Plus (which worked GREAT BTW). I finally have settled on the Special Kitty. For how long who knows!! :)
When I used the Premium Scoop then back to one bag of Feline Pine, I couldn't WAIT to use the Premium scoop or the Special Kitty again!!! I didn't think I had a pee smell until I went back to using that!!! I am glad it wasn't for very long! :)
I am not overly fond of the scooping, but Kylie is so laid back that I went a couple days over the weekend not scooping so I had my work cut out for me when I finally scooped, and she was so good.
:) That's my little Angel. And she wasn't one for covering her poo either until I started using the clumping, and now she does it almost everytime she uses it!
Good luck!!!

And I agree GUS is GORGEOUS!

03-11-2004, 12:58 AM
Grover got spoiled to the arm and hammer scoopable litter, but my daughter went to the store the other day, and they were out! so she bought Tidy cats scoopable litter. She is very fickle about her litter box. I bought her another one and she took to it right away, so now her and Stubby have two litterboxes between them. They seem to be doing okay with the two. I took Debbies advice and put a nice rug under the boxes so now the tracking isn't so bad, thank you Debbie for that bit of advice.

Funny Stubby don't mind what kind of litter he uses, but Grover will not have the cheap brand at all! She is so fickle..


03-11-2004, 01:47 AM
I use Purina Maxx Scoop, but I think that it is only available in Canada. It's GREAT.. I am very hesitant to try anything else. I have five boxes for three cats. (Can we say spoiled? :rolleyes: )

03-11-2004, 11:08 AM
Definitely Two Litter Boxes ,at least at first , as they will be territorial , for a while , even if the New Arrival is a Girl Cat! At The Found Cats I have 7 boxes , that are clened twice daily , as Moose The Magnificent and JJJ3 kick everything out , of thier Box , if it has been used. And Best Of Luck with the New Arrival , you are making space for another Cat!

03-11-2004, 11:09 AM
Oh , and I use Clumping Litter , only available in Canada , the Pet Valu Litter , which is Fantastic!And excellent Value!