View Full Version : Saving water

03-10-2004, 08:55 AM
Fact: Did you know that if you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth then you can save 20 gallons of water a year? it doesn't seem like much...but what if all the PT members did it? we have 6,519 members....so uhh just a sec ,i need my calculator
ok that would be 130,380 gallons a year. and 1955700 in 15 years. Just by turning off the water for a minute or two.
it's good to save water. Think of all the animals that are going to be thirsty when the water runs out.

ok i just thought that was kinda interesting. i heard it on the radio

03-10-2004, 09:07 AM
I usually turn the water off when I'm brushing my teeth. We learned about water conservation in 4th grade and just got into the habit. But I probably should take shorter showers! :p

Miss Meow
03-10-2004, 02:26 PM
It's amazing what a difference is made when a lot of people do a small thing :)

My pet water hate is seeing people hose their driveways and paved areas. Is the water going to make them grow or something??? ;)

03-10-2004, 04:58 PM
yeah i should probly take shorter showers too, but in the morning when it's all cold and stuff i just can't make myself get out of the hot steamy shower:p

03-10-2004, 05:12 PM
When CA went through a major drought years ago and we were all asked to conserve I got the best shower head at my local hardware store. It has a little button on it that lets me turn off the water while I'm soaping up, lathering my hair, letting the conditioner sink in, etc. Push the button again and the water flows again at the same temp settings. Whenever I travel and use a hotel shower I miss being able to turn off the shower, it just seems like a big waste of water to not have that little button. Every little bit helps.

03-10-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
My pet water hate is seeing people hose their driveways and paved areas. Is the water going to make them grow or something??? ;)

I know what you mean! Even when people water their lawns, I mean, come on, it does rain you know... [Okay, not in ALL cities, but does it make THAT big of a difference if your LAWN is perfectly bushy and green? Cmon!]

And the driveway thing.... *pfft*

As for brushing my teeth, yeah, it's always been a habit of mine to turn the water off when I brush my teeth. I try not to make my showers TOO long, also. :)

03-11-2004, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by RedHedd
When CA went through a major drought years ago and we were all asked to conserve I got the best shower head at my local hardware store. It has a little button on it that lets me turn off the water while I'm soaping up, lathering my hair, letting the conditioner sink in, etc. Push the button again and the water flows again at the same temp settings. Whenever I travel and use a hotel shower I miss being able to turn off the shower, it just seems like a big waste of water to not have that little button. Every little bit helps.

This sounds like a great device! Do you know the brand/name? I would love to have one of these :)

03-11-2004, 02:45 PM
Now, this might be taking it a step too far..but, how about when you take a bath, or a shower, and let the water warm up to the temp you like...you could save that water in a bucket...and use it for plants. He he he...it is true.

I prefer to conserve on electricity....

03-11-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Now, this might be taking it a step too far..but, how about when you take a bath, or a shower, and let the water warm up to the temp you like...you could save that water in a bucket...and use it for plants. He he he...it is true.

I prefer to conserve on electricity....

But but but................my water is just as warm as I want it the second I turn it on. :p

This is some great advice, and I *should* learn to stop wasting water like I do, unintentionally, but by habit. :rolleyes: Like when I rinse dishes to put them in the dishwasher, I keep the water on while I'm putting the dishes on the dishwasher rack, and then go back to the sink to rinse more.......never turning it off until I'm done. My mom HATES that. I didn't used to turn off the tap when I brushed my teeth either, but I do now.

When I think about how many people don't have access to clean water in the world, I feel bad about how much we waste. :o :(

Miss Meow
03-11-2004, 03:22 PM
Jo, we thought about doing that (I live with the original EcoMan ;)), but the shower stall is tiny and our water heats quickly - maybe I should just bathe in the bucket! :o

03-11-2004, 03:38 PM
water saving gadget......

It's made of leather and goes into your pocket or purse......

How to use it???

When the monthly water bill comes in to your home.....pay it....

Your wallet will tell you if you are wasting water and it will adjust your habits accordingly.:eek:

The world's water wars will be in full swing by 2010. Over 70 percent of the world's population live close to the ocean, that and the raw seweage that escapes into the waters will make lead us to the point where water becomes more expensive than gasoline.