View Full Version : My cats a bullie

03-09-2004, 05:45 PM
i have a cat named trixie (no picture avalible) she picks on her daughter she has a bad history,hen she was like almost a year a car came down are street they through her out of the car and then drove away my cousin saw this and went over to the cat the cat followed him home my aunt gave it to us but we had no idea that it was pregnant my trixie gave birth to her babys 1 year ago sep 16 2002 we gave them all away one to my dad and two to my moms friend and one to mine one of the ones that went to my moms friends house was a momas boy so we had to take him back the mother took him in and nursed him for a long time my mom and dad moved to gether for the sake of the kids (me and my brothers) and my cat katr trixies baby that my dad got came along with mandy trixie did not like katr so she keeps her away from her food and out of the house my cat katr lives under the house in a hole she found and we give her treats but is there a way i could keep trixie from hurting her

NOTE: my grandma is moving next year and taking katr with her.

another note: she has already kicked out my cat tara on the streets and that lead to tara gettin hit by a car leading to adoption.

03-09-2004, 05:56 PM
anything i could do

03-09-2004, 09:00 PM

03-09-2004, 09:17 PM
I am sorry. But I really wasn't able to follow your post. It is extremely hard to read without any punctuation whatsoever. I don't know how old you are but please make use of proper periods and such so that your post is readable. Thank you very much.


Ally Cat's Mommy
03-10-2004, 03:01 AM
I also found it very difficult to understand your post, but I will try to offer some small advice on your problem.

I am really sorry that Trixie is making things difficult for Katr. Is there any way you could keep them in separate parts of the house? Or at lease feed Katr in a separate room to make sure she gets enough to eat, as you said that Trixie chases her away from the food? The only other thing I can suggest is that you keep Trixie's claws trimmed so she can't hurt Katr as badly when she scratches.

Guys if anyone else can give prettykitty1 some advice I will try to sumarise her post:

Approx 1 year ago they rescued Trixie - who turned out to be pregnant.

Trixie's kittens were re-homed with family members.

Now due to changed family circumstances, Katr (kitten) and Trixie (Mommy cat) are living in the same house again.

Trixie chases Katr out of the house and drives her away from the food bowls.

Katr is now living in a hole under the house:(

Anyone have any ideas?

03-10-2004, 10:12 AM
It sounds to me like Katr also needs to be rehomed. That Trixie is not willing to share her living space with another female cat. Just because Katr was once her kitten is doesn't matter to her any longer. Until the Katr can be rehomed she should be confined to one room of the house so that both cats can live without fear and aggression.


03-10-2004, 10:17 AM
I would like to know if any of these have been spay. If not get it done , then I agree with Denyce once a mom she will always try to be the Alpha cat. But seprate then at feeding time , trimming claws helps . But get them spay.

03-11-2004, 11:37 AM
I wish , that I could help , aseven at The Found Cats , Princess and Precious , just do not like each other , and when you hear GROWL , HISS AND SPIT! , then 90 % of the time , it is those Two. In some cases , rehoming is the only chioce! Maybe , try seperate rooms , to see if they miss each other. Best of Luck, from the Found Cats Hotel!