View Full Version : maggie's car ride

03-09-2004, 04:12 PM
We just got back from taking maggie on a car ride. All I gotta say is Maggie is the best in riding cars! She was awesome! She only meowed a few times, and then curled up beside me. Then she stared out the window. when my mom was in the bank, maggie fell asleep beside me. I think car rides make her sleepy! I thought she would hate it! but nope! :D Right now she is sleeping under my desk. good girl Maggie! Im proud of you!

Im the proudest meowmie mom in the world right now! :D

03-09-2004, 04:23 PM
Aww Maggie:D LOL, Blueberry HATES going in cars. When we take him to the vet I would try to hold him still in the car, because he really hates the carrier. He would run around in the car and jump up on the windows and everything:p lol, he just hates it, and he would never sit still for more than 2 seconds.

and Blueberry's waiting for pics of Maggie:D;)

03-09-2004, 04:32 PM
hehehe! Blueberry, Car rides are fun!

I want to go on another ride with maggie...it was soo fun!

psst.. I gots the pictures....must upload them now :p

Killearn Kitties
03-09-2004, 04:41 PM
Well, you are so lucky!! All our girlies HATE the car! :D

03-09-2004, 04:44 PM
maggie just adores it. She loves to look out the window..Its snowing here too..so she really enjoyed watching it fall.

I wish I brought my camera!

Laura's Babies
03-09-2004, 08:48 PM
Chester likes to sit up at attention in his kennel when we go to Rie-Rie's house and he crys the first few minutes, then only now and then. Amy HATES a car ride and she howels the whole time so Giz goes in the kennel with her where ever she has to go...Usually to the vet and she goes along for the ride. Calms Amy down a lot to have the securtiy of her pal with her and I am happy to take her since stress seems to aggervate Amy's "problem" with her hip/leg.

I am going to add that my babies always travel in the kennel and the kennel is belted in for their safety!

03-11-2004, 11:44 AM
My Cats HATE Car Trips , as they know that they are going to the Vets , or the Groomer. JJJ3 is so happy , that now he provides the Vet , with a Free Stool Sample! PU!

03-11-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
My Cats HATE Car Trips , as they know that they are going to the Vets , or the Groomer. JJJ3 is so happy , that now he provides the Vet , with a Free Stool Sample! PU!


I can see you now, driving down the street with your head out the window........

JJJ3, at least wait until you get into the Drs. office?

03-11-2004, 02:32 PM
Sunny hates riding anywhere he is like a mad man! He is better in the carrier than loose in the car! We have terrible trips to tenn and back here because he is meowing and crying!:rolleyes:

The bright side is he sleeps sometimes on trips.

Richard you funny man!:D

03-11-2004, 07:09 PM

Maggie must be part dog or human....She isnt like other cats

I thought *some cats atleast would like car rides! :p

03-11-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Amber
Its snowing here too..

Holy cow!! it was 67 degrees here yesterday!! I wish that I could take Boomer on car trips- I think that he might have fun, but it would be hard to sneak him to the car and back. I'm not technically allowed to have him in our apartment:D ;) :D

(that's why I tell people that he's my big, hairy, four-legged goldfish!)