View Full Version : The quilts have arrived at the shelter!!

03-08-2004, 10:03 PM
I would like to thank Sirrabed and Laura for donating their quilts to the shelter where I volunteer. Ladies your quilts are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! The kitties could not have been happier! As soon as a quilt is put in the cage the kitties are all over it. It's very hard to get pictures but as soon as I walked away each and every cat cuddled on their quilts!!! When I would try to get pictures they would get up because they wanted me to pet them but I did some sneaking around and got a few snuggle pictures.

I promised pictures of the kitties enjoying these quilts so here they are. Laura I apologize that I don't have more pictures of yours but since they have had yours for some time they are getting a lot of use and there was a bunch in the washer. I promise they are a big hit!

Here is a mama and her two babies checking out Sirrahbeds quilt that I just put in the cage.
Here is Ms. Smith checking out one Laura's quilts
Here is Chico on one of mine
It looks like their eating but they were both making bread on sirrahbeds new quilt
This is Sassy and she is fixing Laura's quilt to her liking before she snuggles in
These girls wouldn't even let me get the quilt straight in the cage before they jumped on it!

Snuggle pictures to come...

03-08-2004, 10:15 PM
Now I had to get sneaky but I managed to get a few pictures of them enjoying the quilts.

What could be better than sharing a quilt?
More sharing
Friendship and quilts
Sharing a quilt with her mama

This is Starburst and she has been a surrogate mother to eight litters of kittens. This little baby was turned in today and they turned his care over to Starburst. They certainly made great use out of their quilt. Isn't this adorable???

I hope this helps to show just how wonderful and special these quilts are. Anywhere in the world that these quilts are donated I am sure the kitties feel the same. I just knew the love in the stitches would be felt by the kitties and I was right! I could see it all over their faces. They were calm and immediately settled onto the quilts with contentment.
God Bless you for all the work you put into these everybody!!

03-08-2004, 10:29 PM
Gosh Lisa... these pictures have me all teary eyed!!! I have a knot in my throat just from looking at how appreciative each and every one of those babies are!!! What wonderful work, ladies.... GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Thanks for sharing, Lisa!!!


Laura's Babies
03-08-2004, 10:36 PM
I have waited all day for these and I am so tickled over this. Sad part of it all is, I looked at every one of those babies and they look like any one of our babies. That one of the baby with Starburst is adorable and the baby looks so contented. You know what all this is.. MOTIVATION! SEW! SEW! SEW!

Thanks you CCL for posting those and keep posting... I loved it and want to see more!!

Laura's Babies
03-08-2004, 10:39 PM
He looks like a "Buttons" to me because he is cute as a button! (Starburst's new abay)

03-08-2004, 10:46 PM
Awwww! How sweet, and what a great idea! Next time I see an old quilt needing a home, I'll know what to do with it!

03-08-2004, 11:49 PM
It's so great to see the kitties get something special.
Sirrahbed and Laura - that was a wonderful thing to do!!!

I've donated 35 to the rescue shelter where I got Jazz and Scout. When I took the last bunch in I saw several in use and it made me so happy. I've got to get busy making more.

03-09-2004, 05:56 AM
:D :D :D :D

03-09-2004, 07:03 AM
Awww... they all looked so happy! Its nice to see all that hard work being appreciated by the kitties. Great job!

Laura's Babies
03-09-2004, 07:24 AM
Those cages are larger than I had thought and most of mine were only large enough for 1 kitty, I will make mine bigger the next time.

03-09-2004, 07:51 AM
Oh how content and happy all these kitties look. :D :D

Catcrazylady: your presence in that place and the help of the Pet Talkers make a huge difference:D

03-09-2004, 07:57 AM
It's the help of the pet talkers that made the big difference in these pictures!!! Plus all my PT buddies help keep me sane and motivate me enough to go back! It hurts my heart when I go in and it hurts my heart when I leave.

03-09-2004, 07:59 AM
It's so wonderful to see all these kitties enjoying their quilts, they love them. :) :) You have done a great job!!

03-09-2004, 08:01 AM
How marvelous to see all the love that went into those quilts at work, right in your shelter!!!! :) What a lovely gesture, ladies, and as you can tell, those cats and kittens sure appreciate it!!!!

03-09-2004, 09:12 AM
The Found Cats are glad that the Shelter Cats love thier new Comforters , as all Cats derserve something nice to sleep on! That is a heart warming thread. Found Cats salute those Generous Ladies! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW!

03-09-2004, 09:28 AM
Wow, what a blessing to be able to see some of these quilts actually in use!!! I did not expect any thanks but this is just so incredible. Thank you so much Lisa!!! I (we) are in awe of what you are doing there. I can only imagine how gut wrencing it is to go there and then leave. You have lots of PT support behind you and it is so rewarding to see fruit - like winning the trust of Evita, seeing Mike get healthy, having Merry and Christmas find a home, having people mourn Trevor's passing. They are NOT small things, They are things that would have gone un-noticed had you not been there.

OH that surrogate mommy Starburst! How adorable is that?? Does she still produce milk as well? How comforting to the kittens that come in to go into a cage with her to snuggle with and be groomed by!! awwwww!!!!

Lisa - do you ever go to the adoption events? I bet you would be a great go-between for these animals - explaining what they are like, etc. You could educate people and encouage them to see the positive traits in the ones that are often overlooked!! I know - not enough time for one person!!!

03-09-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Lisa - do you ever go to the adoption events? I bet you would be a great go-between for these animals - explaining what they are like, etc. You could educate people and encouage them to see the positive traits in the ones that are often overlooked!! I know - not enough time for one person!!!

I was thinking the same thing. She would do such a great job letting potential adopters know what the cat is really like. If Nancy, the lady who runs the rescue's adoption center, hadn't been there to put Jazz in my husband's arms and encourage us to give that totally frightened, wild looking kitty a try I would have missed out on the sweetest, smartest cat I've ever known.

03-09-2004, 11:56 AM
Well you guys are making blush!! How sweet!

I have two problems with being an adoption agent...1) I would NEVER think anyone was good enough and I'm sure I would find something wrong with every home! 2). The reason I know these cats so well is because I do spend time with them at the shelter and not in the store.
There is a third very selfish reason too. They have asked me about it and they would need me on Saturdays. All week I go the 25 miles one way to work and then come home. The thought of getting up and going back again on Saturday is just more than I can bear! There are a few reasons that I love the shelter work more. I come home throw on ragged clothes, pile the hair up and just go love kitties who could care less what I look like! The shelter is also about 2 miles from my house. If they ever start doing adoptions from the shelter I would be very interested in giving it a try. Doing it the way I'm doing it now is a great stress reliever for me. Even though it is sad to see them this way I just get to love them! I don't have to make any pressured decisions, nobody is pushing to get things done at a faster pace, and my clothes, make-up, and hair don't matter!!! No cranky bosses or paycheck to worry about. I just do it because I want too and I get all kinds of love in return!
I really hope I'm not being to selfish but this just seems like all I can handle right now.
Thanks for the compliments though. http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif It's not me you need to compliment. It's these wonderful kitties that survive every day waiting for their home and still remain loving. I only took their pictures and took some of that wonderful love they have to offer.
My babies don't like the fact that I'm going there. I keep coming home and reminding them of just how lucky and spoiled rotten they really are!!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

03-09-2004, 11:59 AM
Lisa, it sounds like you know your limits, and that in itself is a great accomplishment! You just keep doing the wonderful work you are doing, and know that whatever you decide at any time, you have my admiration!;)

03-09-2004, 12:15 PM
How adorable!! Ohhhh a Calico!!! *sighs*

03-09-2004, 01:12 PM
CCL - NO pressure here - honestly! What you are doing is more than enough and wonderful if it also helps YOU. Isn't that great that giving reaps more rewards?? I can see how being able to just go grubby, relax and love on kitties would be better than a tranquilizer!!

03-09-2004, 02:23 PM
CCL - I wasn't trying to pressure you either. I just think it's something that you would be very good at doing. Just the way you talk about them here has me ready to load up the car and make a road trip to KY. It's obvious how much you care about these guys.:)

How is keeping up the cat side of the website going?

03-09-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

This is Sassy and she is fixing Laura's quilt to her liking before she snuggles in
CCL, I think it's great what you and the other Pet Talkers are doing to make things better for these sweet shelter kitties.:)
Sassy is beautiful, she doesn't have to be in a shelter though.
You should contact www.siameserescue.org because they can get her out of the shelter and into a foster home.
You might also want to PM Rosethecopycat because she fosters for Siamese Rescue in Florida and she can tell you more info on how to get Sassy out of the shelter and into a forever home quicker.:)

03-09-2004, 08:03 PM
Those quilts are just great. Beautiful.
CCL what can I say that others haven't. You are doing so much for these kitties by being there for them when they need it. I know it must be very hard for you to leave each day. I don't think I would be able to do it.
I commend you for a job well done.

Seeing all those kitties enjoying their quilts was priceless.
Thank you for making my night.

03-09-2004, 08:47 PM
You ladies did such a wonderful thing sewing does beautiful quilts for the shelter kitties.
To bad I can't sew.:o

What is Starburst's story? How long has she been in the shelter?
I keep thinking about her and the baby kitten.
What a sweety!

03-10-2004, 05:47 AM
You guys!!! I didn't think you were pressuring me into becoming an adoption agent. I was just explaining why I didn't want to do it. One of these days though I just might give it a whirl http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif You never know what the future holds!
I'm sorry if I came off like I thought you all were pushing me. Didn't mean to sound that way.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

Auggie I'm not sure how long Starburst has been there. I'm guessing for some time in order for her to have taken care of so many babies. I will have to see what I can find out about her. She was so adorable in the cage with that baby. The little one fell asleep and Starburst wouldn't disturb him for anything! She literally tiptoed over him to get a drink! She balled herself up in a corner instead of stretching out because she didn't want to wake him. When he was up she was very loving to him. She is a born babysitter!

Vermontcat there are several Siamese in the shelter. Sassy has been there a while I think. The others are fairly new and they are trying to get them built up to go to the store. I think they will stress out in the store environment but it's not for me to say. I know there are Siamese rescue groups but I think they were contacted about these last few that came in and the shelter got no response. I guess everybody is full! How sad.