View Full Version : I feel like such a bad doggie mom :(

03-08-2004, 03:41 PM
well my mom figered since I dont have school today that I would have to clean the basement, so I am busy cleaning, and when I took out the piggie trash misty ran out of the yard, I dident worry about her because I take happy and misty out to the ally to play all the time. well I guess apperntly Ripley escaped too, because later I got a phone call from Soms(a family owned convience store down the block) asking me if I had a little black dog, I said yes, and he told me where Ripley was so I grabed a leash and went to pick him up, the guy was sitting outside the store holding Ripley for me. the Reason I feel so bad is I did not even notice he was gone, I was to busy working on finnishing the basment before my mom gets home to notice :( thank goodness for his ID tag, but I am going to tell my mom to get hime a new one, its so worn its barley readable anymore. er well actually he had more then one way of finding his way back home lol the lady in the store attched to Soms knows Ripley and she knows where he lives. anyone care to tell Ripley not to be so darned friendly! I mean it works to his advantage(when he takes off he runs to greet everyone he see's and so he is easily cought) the problem is meeting new people is the REASON he runs off! :eek: from what I have heard he appently runs right into peoples houses! :eek:

03-08-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh, Ripley is just too friendly! ^_^ I'm sorry he ran away though. Don't worry, you're not a bad doggie-mom! You'll just have to take care that he doesn't run out of the yard next time. :)

03-08-2004, 03:52 PM
Don't beat yourself up...you are a good doggie mommy becuase Ripley had his tags on and you could be contacted. And you have socialized him well enough that he is not leary of starngers and will allow someone to catch him and read his tags.

Unfortunatly sometimes dogs do get out, and we don't always notice right away. I was outside in the yard playing with my dogs one afternoon, and then left them out while I went in to do dishes. Pretty soon I got a phone call froma neighbor that she had Spot, and he was running with two other black dogs (well, she stopped him to get my number, but then let him loose again :rolleyes: ) Fortunatly, when I ran out to thte front yard, they had all come back! Just a quick trip to the corner to see what was going on, and they were home again!

Glad Ripley made it home safe!