View Full Version : Happy Gotcha Day Nova!!!

Aspen and Misty
03-07-2004, 05:02 PM
Tomrrow, March 8th is Nova's gotcha day! I still rember going to get the lil sweetie! I am so happy that she has come into my life, I couldn't ask for a better dog.

We deced to celebrate today because tomrrow we won't be home much to do anything. So we went shoppping and got TONS of stuff. The dogs have plenty of toys so we wen't more for treats :D

2 lbs of Mixture of dog treats
2 tennis balls
2 can of dog food
4 Large edible bones
1 can of liver paste for the kong
1 bag of Kong fillers
2 greenies
2 peanute butter bones
1 Compessed Bone

and as toys we got her

A bone you wet and put in the freezer and it freezes. I also got her a doggie seat belt.

I got the idea for her birthday cake from Kayann! (Kfmar) I just loved how she did hers and deced I would do something like it for Nova.

Here are all her presents (play find the kitty ;) )

Candle gets lit

Nova making sure everything is going ok

The cake

Nova eating her cake


Both dogs

Aspen and Misty
03-07-2004, 05:02 PM
Eating her birthday bone

Misty getting in on the fun by lickign the can clean :D

We also took a little drive so Nova could try out her Seat belt

Thats all for now! I'll post more tomrrow, we might go on a walk or something so I'll have pics then!

Ash :D

*Edited to add in

I have one question to ask...

What is a Birthday without Ice Cream?!?!?!?! :D

The bowls- Complelte with a nice Liver paste topping, and dog biscuit sprinkles!


Up close

Eating it

Nova's fav treat is Ice cream so she was REALLY happy to be eating that!


03-07-2004, 05:17 PM
Great Pictures Ash! Happy Gotcha Day Nova! Looks like everybody had a good time.

March 8 is my husbands birthday too!


03-07-2004, 06:06 PM
Oh, Nova is so pretty! ^_^ Happy 'Gotcha' Day Nova!!!! :D

Aspen and Misty
03-07-2004, 08:54 PM
**bump** :(

Thanx you two. :)


03-08-2004, 07:06 AM
I love the ice cream 'cakes.' :D I'll have to make one of those for Daphne's birthday! (it's in April). ^_^ Where'd you get the liver paste?

03-08-2004, 07:46 AM
Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Nova!!!:) Wow, what a fun, treated filled day you AND Misty had!:D And what a great cake! I'd love the recipe;) You look so cute all buckled up in your seat belt. Your Mommy sure did make your day a very special one:) Lots of hugs and kisses to you sweetheart!:)

03-08-2004, 09:13 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Nova! :) What yummy treats you had!! :D

03-08-2004, 09:39 AM
Two in one day (Nova & Nala)! What luck!!!

My goodness look at all that good stuff you got to eat! And that ice cream....*YUMMY*!!

I'm sure glad you had a great day & I hope you all have many more great days together:D

03-08-2004, 09:54 AM
Happy Birthday (Gotcha Day), Nova!!!! :D

03-08-2004, 10:14 AM
Happy belated Gotcha Day sweet Nova! Your Mom treated you to quite a lovely cake and ice cream! ;) That sure looks yummy, and looks like you sure enjoyed it. Hugs and kisses to you sweet girl!

Wonderful pictures!

Rio and Me
03-08-2004, 10:42 AM
Oh oh oh I got that exact same doggy seat belt,lol
that was the type my mum brought me back from her hols to america,lol
Happy Gotcha day
Ky and Rio

Aspen and Misty
03-08-2004, 03:20 PM
Thanx everyone! :D Nova says she has an up set tummy today but it was definitly worth it.

The liver paste is made for Kongs. Most Pet Shops (in USA) carry it. For Nova's birthday cake I got 2 lbs of her fav dog treats (they are in bins for 1.99 pen pound and you can mix and match, but getting so much you also will have dog treats left over as an exra gift) then I took a can of wet dog food and mixed it in. I bought the big bone and put a candle in the hole (Kfmar gave me that idea! )

Ashley :D

03-08-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
The liver paste is made for Kongs. Most Pet Shops (in USA) carry it.

Oh yeah, I've seen that before in the store. thanks!

Aspen and Misty
03-08-2004, 06:45 PM
Welcome! My dogs LOVE it!


03-08-2004, 08:51 PM
Happy Gotcha Day Nova! Hape you have a great day, sweetie! Enjoy all of your new stuff.:)

03-09-2004, 09:36 AM
Happy Gotcha day! Those second plates look almost good enough for us humans. What a lucky dog to have such a good home.