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03-07-2004, 12:34 PM
Thank you so much!! We received our gift on Friday and it caused quite a stir until I got home to open it.

When I set it in the chair, Molly went to town sniffing:

So I set it on the floor:

Once I got it open, Molly was back at it:


Three of them stole a toy when I was trying to put them to gether to take a picture:


And again, Molly gets into the action:

Molly has selected the blue squeeky thing with the nubs on it as HER toy and takes great exception to anyone trying to touch it. The treat ball was a hoot. I filled it an rolled it across the floor - Max thought it was wonderful as it dropped treats. When it stopped rolling, he sat next to it waiting for more treats. Muffin finally figured out that you had to push it. The kong football can only be played with when we are in the room. Muffin and Kirby both love it so much - they fight over it. The purple tug/toss toy is a real hit. Muffin grabs it and runs like crazy, with Kirby, Molly and Carly in hot pursuit. The scotch plaid bone is a bedtime toy. Muffin sleeps with it. And as you can see by the picture, the rope/tennis ball toy was a runaway hit too.

Oh and the treats!! All have been sampled and determined to be of excellent quality. The kids say "THANKS SO MUCH!!"

The t-shirt is soooo cute!! And a notepad and frame - wherever did you get that cute picture frame?


03-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Your doggies are soooooo cute! I like this picture...


03-07-2004, 02:21 PM
robinh- You need to post more pictures of your furkids! They are so adorable!

It looks like they enjoyed their gifts!:)

03-07-2004, 05:47 PM
Glad everyone liked everything!!! The pictures are really cute!!

Most of the doggie toys I got at our humane society. I try to buy as many toys as I can there since they are cheaper then the pet store and the money goes to a good cause. The human stuff (did you find the keychain?) I got a store just across the border in Michigan called The Doggie Boutique. They have a ton of stuff for dog lover's and a few things for the dogs too. It is run by two Wire haired terriers, and a fun place to visit :) Their website is www.doggie-boutique.com

Have fun everybody, but don't play too rough!!!

03-07-2004, 06:35 PM
No, I hadn't found it. So I went back and looked - it's so CUTE!!!! It's my Kirby. Thank you!!

03-07-2004, 09:04 PM
I was afraid it may get lost in all the peanuts!! Glad you found it!

03-07-2004, 10:15 PM
Looks like everyone had fun!

03-07-2004, 11:33 PM
Love the pictures. What a ton of stuff they got. That's enough toys to keep you awake for several nights !!!!

03-08-2004, 07:58 AM
Great pictures! :)