View Full Version : New story and question

Laura's Babies
03-07-2004, 11:25 AM
This is Midnight, a neighbors kitty. This neighbor is a pain in the a$$ and nobody around here likes her much. One time, after coming home from work, she told me she found a kitten on my doorstep. Said she kept hearing a kitten crying and followed the sound to my doorstep. She liked the kitty so she took her home and kept her. At the time, all I had was Chester, remember that. Well, this kitty continued to show up on my doorstep every day, crying to be let in so I let her in and in no time, her and Chester were friends and playmates. Midnight would come and stay for days with us before the neighbor would come get her but Midnight would run and hide when she heard her at the door and would fight her to get away from her so she could stay here. The woman was NOT nice to the poor kitty, yelling at her and slapping her for fighting her to get away. That continues for several times that I am home. Then this lady tells me they are moving and I beg her to let me have Midnight and she get another kitty that don't know me, my house and Chester and she refuses. Again, we had to do a house search to find the kitty when she came to take her to their new home. We found her and she took the poor thing howling and fighting, out of my house. It tore my heart out of me. Later, the lady shows up at my door saying the kitty had got away and wanting to know if she came back here and she hadn't. So, I worried and kept checking the door and calling her to come and she finally did so I took her in again. She was here about 4 days before this lady showed up to get her and she had ran and hid when she heard her at the door. This time I really begged her to let me keep this kitty, told her I had already found a good place for her to stay while I was at work and that she already knew I loved the poor thing and would take nothing but the best of care of her, but she still refused. When I finally found Midnight and picked her up, she just caved in, in my arms, knowing this was IT! It was like she knew they were moving and she would not be back.... I was only days from going back to work and I worried the whole time I was gone that she would try to find her way back here and nobody be here to let her in and she starve to death or die of thirst since it was in the heat of the summer. I have shed so many tears over this poor baby that my kids thought I was crazy.

Well, where they moved, did not work out and they are back! Midnight is on my doorstep right now, crying to get in!!! Chester grieved so bad when she took her, that is why I got Amy. He wouldn't eat and walked around the house crying for days... Now she is back and here is my delima... I asked the neighbor if she has been tested and got her shots yet and she said she has. I asked her if she has been spayed yet and she said NO, that the vet told her that you can't spay them until they are a year old..... Said this vet said you have to let them come in heat at least once before you spay them.. Thinking back, this is the second time she has told me that and about 2 different vets.. We all know, that is a LIE... So, now, I am questioning her telling me that she has been tested and has had shots and I am going to tell her I have to see Midnights test papers and shot record. I have not let her in since I brought the girls home since Amy's one problem is all Amy needs to deal with in her life.

Now, the question is this.... IF she has been tested and has had all her shots, she still is a inside/outside cat. Would it be safe to let her in around my totally inside babies? She is a really sweet, affectionate girl with the silkist fury I have ever felt and she THINKS she belongs here. If I were financially able, I would sneak her on over to my vet and have her tested but right now, I can't and it will be awhile before I could... Have to take care of my OWN first! Would it be safe to let her in around my girls IF she has been tested and had her shots?

This look is asking me why I let that nasty lady take her off!


03-07-2004, 11:30 AM
You can bring her into a seperate room in your home. But frankly..why do you keep giving the cat back to her? She looks like a solid black cat....how could the nasty woman prove it is her cat? Just tell her you have no idea where Midnight went to....perhaps she was hit by a car...give the cat a new name...keep her indoors and if the woman says it is her cat tell her to prove it....unless it was microchipped or has distinctive marking there is no way to prove it.


03-07-2004, 12:26 PM
I agree don't give her back. Take her to your vet and just keep her in side. Poor kitty she loves you and your crew . Rename her and dab some white out on her to make her look different for a couple weeks.

03-07-2004, 12:43 PM
I wouldn't even question it!!! What can she do about it? What WOULD she do about it? Obviously she doesn't love it enough to spend any money or care on it ... so what is she going to do, hire an attorney to prove it is rightfully hers???? I think NOT!!! You don't have to let this woman into your home to look for the cat either .... just tell her you don't know where it is, and please leave you alone!!!!

This woman has me mad, as if you couldn't tell! :mad:

GOOD LUCK, and thanks for caring so much for this sweet girl!;)

edit: oh about the shots, etc. I would just keep her separated from your kitties until you can afford to have her re-tested (or tested for the first time) and up to date on her shots! ;)

03-07-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Denyce
You can bring her into a seperate room in your home. But frankly..why do you keep giving the cat back to her? She looks like a solid black cat....how could the nasty woman prove it is her cat? Just tell her you have no idea where Midnight went to....perhaps she was hit by a car...give the cat a new name...keep her indoors and if the woman says it is her cat tell her to prove it....unless it was microchipped or has distinctive marking there is no way to prove it.


Totally agree. Bring her in, keep her separate, take her to the vet, have her tested. Have them scan for a microchip or tatoo. If there isn't one, have her chipped and registered to you. Midnight is counting on you. If you feel that this will cause too many problems between you and this lady, adopt her out or foster her out to someone you know who will give her a wonderful home. Maybe even with the arrangement that you can have her back when this wacko neighbor moves off yet again.

03-07-2004, 01:24 PM
That is a good idea , to put her in a seperate room ,and then slowly let them be friends. it certainly worked at the Found Cat Hotel!

03-07-2004, 01:55 PM
Well I don't know that I have ever encouraged anyone to steal a cat but I certainly do in this case!!! If the cat keeps running to you and this lady waits days to even come look for her then she might believe that she could have been hit by a car or just run off since you haven't been home.
I'm not going to get into a very long and heartwrenching story but there was a kitty that kept coming to me and I turned him away too because I didn't want to cause any waves. The story had a very unhappy ending and he died. I still to this day see his face and hate myself for what I did. I like to think that he is why I try so hard to help as many as I can so he didn't come to me in vain. It has been years and I still can't forget him. I don't wish this on you or anybody! She is coming to you for a reason.
She surely will end up pregnant very soon and how will this woman treat kittens? You can stop a tragedy before it happens. We don't often get that chance.
The decision is yours and you know we will support you in whatever you do. Good Luck!!!

03-07-2004, 02:39 PM
It is as clear as the nose on your face. This cat obviously is being mistreated. You saw it for yourself. Why else would she run and hide from her so called owner and fight not to go with her. She keeps coming to you for love and comfort.
I agree with what the others have said.
I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you make.

Laura's Babies
03-09-2004, 08:49 AM
Taking Midnight in is out of the question with Amy and Giz now. At the time I asked her for her, I only had Chester. I would have taken her back then but now I can't.

I did talk to Amy's vet yesterday about letting her in just to play with all mine and they said since she is inside/outside, that I better not. They do not vacinate against feline aids unless it is in your neighborhood so my babies could be put at risk with a inside/outside cat coming and going, should a stray with that be dumped in the neighborhood.